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This is the recording of our first event about the Climate Crisis!

» We talked about
🔸 00:47 - The impact of the digital world: Francesco
🔹 43:25 - Consumerism and ways of change: Melissa
🔸 1:15:10 - A local example in Indonesia: Aji
Moderator: Ren

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🌳 What is Climate Crisis and why is it a Human problem?

Join our event on June 20 at 2pm UTC
» @ActivismHangouts

To learn about the Climate Crisis and its impact on the World and on People and the concept of Intersectionality

With some activists of Fridays For Future sudan and Extinction Rebellion Indonesia movements and environmental scientist Kurtis Baute

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🎧Listen to the recording!
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Live stream finished (1 hour)
Everything You Need To Know About Climate Change

Expanding on the topics we covered in our last live stream, Kurtis Baute just released a video on everything you need to know about climate change

Covering a lot of the crisis, from the basics and history to how to fight it and everything in between, we think everyone can learn a lot from it and you should definitely go watch it!
#WeAreNotWaiting: Empowering Diabetic Lives through Open Source

Living with type 1 Diabetes involves a constant struggle to manage blood sugar levels through insulin injections and constant monitoring.

Traditional commercial solutions often fall short, leaving individuals frustrated with limited options and flexibility in a hard to manage and slow paced system.

Out of this frustration, the #WeAreNotWaiting movement emerged, with individuals taking matters in their own hands and building alternative, DIY and open source solutions, like Nightscout, OpenAPS, xDrip, tidepool - basically creating an open source pancreas.

With a decade of innovations and a aim that is global, this movement has not only shown the way and empowered people to a better quality of life, but is also a perfect example of what the power open source can be.

Find out more | Watch Dana Lewis talk
The situation in Gaza is at the worse it has ever been.

Death, famine and disease are spreading among the population: both in people who are still in the north, and the more than 1.5 Million people - 70% of the population - displaced from their homes and densely confined in Rafah, with no place to go.

The ultimatum given by Israel, with a deadline for a land invasion of the last standing city in the strip, given the crimes against humanity portrayed in this war - with more than 30 Thousands civilian casualties - and the constant unlawful acts against Palestinians continuously carried out for decades, leaves no other words to define their acts as a Genocide.

All this while our governments continue to engage in military cooperation with Israel, seemingly unaffected by the ongoing atrocities, failing to hold them responsible and indirectly contributing to the situation.

We, administrators of Random Chatss, are extremely concerned about the looming potential for a catastrophic massacre, on top of the already happening humanitarian disaster and we urge you to help.

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2024/09/27 02:12:12
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