Forwarded from #∆dikDiary
Semoga ia bermanfaat untuk awak. Boleh kongsikan buat kenalan awak yang lain. 😊
Take care, stay safe, stay positive and stay qowiy (strong) okie! We all care for you 💕✨
#MentalHealthCare 🌼
Take care, stay safe, stay positive and stay qowiy (strong) okie! We all care for you 💕✨
#MentalHealthCare 🌼
Forwarded from #∆dikDiary
Hi. Nak tanya tanya. Macam mana situasi awak kat sana?
Anonymous Poll
Tak banjir tapi tempat lain yang dekat dah start ditenggelami air
In a safe zone
Forwarded from #∆dikDiary
#18 Do You Really Love Them?
The amount of your love won't be enough to make them love you back.
You can make them smile with your lovely messages. You can make them laugh with your silly jokes. But you cannot make them love you enough.
When it comes to feeling, make sure that you are being honest with them.
Don't make them feel loved if you are not meant it. Don't knock the door if you are not meant it. I fear many people can't realize this one thing that can affect someone's life.
Hurting someone uintentionally because of the fact that you are lying to your feeling is the worst mistake ever.
Don't misuse the 'I LOVE YOU' phrase.
Read it again. And above all, goodluck. I hope you meet the right person that will love and accept you unconditionally.
For those who are struggling in this phase of moving on, believe in me you are incredibly strong beb! :)
With love,
– adikdiary, 🤍
11'37PM 10022021
#18 Do You Really Love Them?
The amount of your love won't be enough to make them love you back.
You can make them smile with your lovely messages. You can make them laugh with your silly jokes. But you cannot make them love you enough.
When it comes to feeling, make sure that you are being honest with them.
Don't make them feel loved if you are not meant it. Don't knock the door if you are not meant it. I fear many people can't realize this one thing that can affect someone's life.
Hurting someone uintentionally because of the fact that you are lying to your feeling is the worst mistake ever.
Don't misuse the 'I LOVE YOU' phrase.
Read it again. And above all, goodluck. I hope you meet the right person that will love and accept you unconditionally.
For those who are struggling in this phase of moving on, believe in me you are incredibly strong beb! :)
With love,
– adikdiary, 🤍
11'37PM 10022021
I dont care how many subscribers would be loved to read this. But at least i hope i can spread positivity to someone. Even if it's only for two person. The small circle for me is better because they are loyal and they appreciate my writing.
And here is a gentle reminder for you – to every loyal and beautiful heart.
You are loved and whatever you think and feel about yourself, you are always good and pretty just the way you are.
Keep your head up and let me know if you want to tell something, i'll be here to listen. Anything for you.
Goodnight. 🤍
– adikdiary
And here is a gentle reminder for you – to every loyal and beautiful heart.
You are loved and whatever you think and feel about yourself, you are always good and pretty just the way you are.
Keep your head up and let me know if you want to tell something, i'll be here to listen. Anything for you.
Goodnight. 🤍
– adikdiary
Hello there, 2.4k, my dearest pals. Thank you for subscribing to this channel, especially those who have stayed with me for such a long time only to read my work. To me, you guys meant a lot.
For your information, this channel has been running for two years and has become an integral part of my life, making me stronger and wiser than before.
Of course, managing three channels on my own is difficult. I'm in desperate need of some time to get back on track right now.
I apologise for ghosting and disappearing for such a long time, but inshaa Allah, I will return. I'll keep my word.
Thank you one more. Ily.
With love, adikdiary. 🌻
For your information, this channel has been running for two years and has become an integral part of my life, making me stronger and wiser than before.
Of course, managing three channels on my own is difficult. I'm in desperate need of some time to get back on track right now.
I apologise for ghosting and disappearing for such a long time, but inshaa Allah, I will return. I'll keep my word.
Thank you one more. Ily.
With love, adikdiary. 🌻
Forwarded from #∆dikDiary
Batch 03
Antara batch SPM yang terpaksa menempuh dugaan yang paling berat setakat ini. Bermula dengan krisis jerebu ketika di tingkatan 4 kemudian disusuli wabak corona yang kini mengubah kehidupan manusia sebanyak 360° lalu diuji pula dengan banjir yang menenggelami tempat tinggal mereka.
Satu demi satu ujian daripada Ilahi dihadapi dengan tabah dan kini ujian yang menentukan tahap pelajaran dan arah tuju mereka hanya tinggal kurang seminggu sahaja lagi. Sudah pasti pelbagai reaksi dan perasaan menghantui jiwa pejuang-pejuang ini.
Di sini saya ingin meluahkan sedikit pesanan ikhlas agar pejuang-pejuang ini tidak lemah semangat dan putus harapan.
Saya percaya pasti raaaamai batch 03 yang ada dalam ni dan oleh kerana itu saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk berkongsi tentang hal yang perlu mereka cakna dan perbaiki.
Pertama, jagalah kesihatan kalian dengan baik. Pada saat akhir begini saya mohon usah terlampau berkorban sehingga mengabaikan kesihatan diri. Jagalah pemakanan dan tidur dengan secukupnya. Bab sakit jangan dibuat main kerana percayalah ia mampu menghancurkan 'segalanya' ketika kita menghadapi peperiksaan nanti. Maka jagalah diri kalian baik-baik.
Kedua, banyakkan berdoa, memohon hajat kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya, setiap yang kita lakukan pasti akan berbalik kepada-Nya jua. Maka, jadikanlah Dia sumber kekuatan kita yang paling utama dan sandarkanlah niat kita dalam menuntut ilmu hanya kerana Dia.
Inshaa Allah sekiranya nawaitu kita tepat, pasti segalanya akan dipermudahkan.
Ketiga, belajarlah selagi masa dan hayat kita masih ada. Jangan dipaksa jika tidak mampu. Buatlah sekadar yang mampu dan yang penting sekali ialah NAWAITU. Jagalah nawaitu kita dengan sebaik-baiknya. Belajar bukan untuk meraih keputusan yang cemerlang sahaja. Belajar bukan untuk mendapat kerjaya yang hebat sahaja. Belajar juga bukan untuk mendapat pujian dan kebanggaan ibu bapa semata-mata. Tetapi belajarlah untuk mengharap keredhaan Allah dan menegakkan panji agama.
Dengan izin Allah Maha Mujeeb , saya doakan kalian semua berjaya! Bi taufiq wannajah!
Aamiin ya rabbal alamin. ❤️✨
With love, adikdiary.
I hope you understand. That if they want you. Then they will show it. No one is going to want something let it slip away. That's not how the human heart works. –x
You won't stop feeling hopeless until you first get out of your box.
You have to do something. Not just sit there doing nothing.
I believe that one day you will survive from it.
You can cope with it if you start making your move from now on.
Let's do this together okey.
You have to do something. Not just sit there doing nothing.
I believe that one day you will survive from it.
You can cope with it if you start making your move from now on.
Let's do this together okey.
#∆kuYangTulis ✍🏻
Do let me know. Im going to do something about it. ☺️
Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you're here or not.
But I'm incredibly proud of all of you, especially those of you who have been with me for many years.
I consider myself fortunate to have been able to include you in my tale.
Please accept my apologies for how I'm feeling.
I won't make any decisions because I know some of you still require this channel.
I'll make every effort to return to my previous position.
I hope you're all doing well. I hope you discover true pleasure and peace along the path.
Furthermore, thank you for being there for me, even though I know nothing about you.
Regards, adikdiary ;)
I consider myself fortunate to have been able to include you in my tale.
Please accept my apologies for how I'm feeling.
I won't make any decisions because I know some of you still require this channel.
I'll make every effort to return to my previous position.
I hope you're all doing well. I hope you discover true pleasure and peace along the path.
Furthermore, thank you for being there for me, even though I know nothing about you.
Regards, adikdiary ;)