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In US Army Lieutenant Colonel Herman Bernard West III and US Army (Ret) Lieutenant Colonel Allen Bernard West the legacy of US Army World War II veteran Corporal Herman West Sr. lives on…to support and defend the Constitution. Doggone, Dad and Mom cheated me in height.

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Cancel culture struck closer to home this week when students tore down posters announcing my speech on American values for Young America's Foundation at SUNY Buffalo.

I will not be intimidated or coerced by woke little fascist racist children. Several generations of my Family have served this Nation in combat dating back to my Dad in World War II. We took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and that includes the first amendment. Tolerance is not a one way street and toughness is not defined by ripping down posters. That’s the action of ignorance and cowardice. I am a proud Black conservative American Man, looking forward to being at SUNY Buffalo.

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Yesterday Texas Governor Greg Abbott made a huge announcement on his plan to deal with the Biden administration ending Title 42 restrictions on illegal immigrants. He is going to bus them to Washington, DC.

So my question is simple: who pays for this "stuck on stupid" idea? Busses? Gas? Food? Is this what the budget surplus will be used for, instead of property tax relief for Texans?

You don’t stop an invasion by transporting the invading entity. Article 4, section 7 of the Texas State constitution directs the Governor of Texas to “repel invasions," not bus them.

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Congratulations to my nephew, US Army Lieutenant Colonel Herman Bernard West III! It’s official and public as of today, thst he has been selected for command of an Artillery Battalion.

It was twenty years ago on June 6, 2002, when then Cadet West watched me take command of an Artillery Battalion in the 4th Infantry Division. After the ceremony Bernie said he would be an Artilleryman also.

This is the legacy of US Army Corporal Herman “Buck” West Sr., a World War II veteran. Dad and Mom are smiling from Heaven. And I am beaming with pride at a second generation Redleg Battalion Commander in the West Family.

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Today, our grandson, Jaxton Bernard, turns one year old and his dad, my son-in-law JD, started US Army basic training at Ft Jackson, SC. Jaxton’s officially an Army brat and carries the heritage of a dad, granddad, and great-granddad who are American soldiers!

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Wishing all the dads out there a very Happy Father's Day! Also on this day we celebrate Juneteenth. May God bless you all!

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Happy #IndependenceDay! As I do every year, I encourage you as a family to gather together and read the Declaration of Independence.

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I gotta tell y’all, I am really impressed with my Hi-Point Model 4595, fifty rounds close to 20 yards. I can hear the progressive socialist leftists screaming it looks scary…ahh, it’s the target that’s meant to scare da violent criminals and felons leftists are releasing. #2a #secondamendment #2ndamendment #2ndamendmentrights

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I told my Grandson, Jaxton, that Joe Biden was going to cut off funding for school lunch programs that didn’t teach him he was a girl. Jaxton was not happy as his Spartan war face depicts. He response was ‘this is America’…

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There are so many threats and dangers to our children today, sadly, there are some emanating from their schools. We can no longer disavow the matter, there is certainly a war against our children, led by the progressive socialist left. The sexualization of our children must end...and that means no more of this drag queen story hour and exposure nonsense. As well as ending the gender dysphoria advancement ending in dangerous therapies and surgical procedures being forced upon our children, instead of a quality education. Is there no wonder homeschooling is exploding.

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A frank discussion of the US border crisis with Homeland Security expert & former ICE Special Supervisory Agent Victor Avila. See the FULL interview at

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Happy #IndependenceDay! See to join with me in reading the Declaration of Independence today!

ICYMI: Discussing Antifa, BLM, & Jane's Revenge with noted journalist Andy Ngo:

Howdy y’all from Lake Highlands Shooting Center! It’s Sunday, and I am just doing what Barry Soetoro said: "clinging to my gun and my religion." Figured I’d get fifty rounds down range at 10 yards with my carry pistol, Glock 43X MOS. Doggone, I hate it when I miss a head shot. Hey fascist leftist socialists, what part of ‘Shall not be Infringed’ do y’all not understand?”

My little Ranger, Levi Allen, is no longer under the blue lights. His bilirubin levels have dropped. He has gained 40 grams of weight in the past 24 hrs & is breathing well, HR strong. It’s very emotional when he squeezes PaPop’s finger. Thanks everyone for your prayers.

How it started vs. how it's going: Someone is headed #home on Tuesday! Thanks to all for your prayers!

2025/03/23 00:50:10
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