The first essay from Spindrift, our upcoming theory 'zine which will launch at @BookfairLDN
Anarchism's Least Wanted: Organizing In conservative Regions by @Anarchitect918
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Anarchism's Least Wanted: Organizing In conservative Regions by @Anarchitect918
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Organise Magazine
Anarchism's Least Wanted: Organizing In conservative Regions | Spindrift - Organise Magazine
This essay is dedicated to all those who say to us “Why bother? It’s hopeless. Just move away to a more progressive state.”
The second piece from Spindrift, Anarchism in the Mainstream, by Zosia Brom takes a look at their experiences with mutual aid during covid and onwards...
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Organise Magazine
Anarchism in the Mainstream| Spindrift - Organise Magazine
... who can blame people for not immediately linking a basic human practice that anarchists call mutual aid with this particular politics, given how universal it is?
The Zapatista's have issues a communication calling for "International Meetings of Rebellions and Resistances" across the end of 2024 and 2025.
Organise Magazine
Zapatista Call for International Meetings | International - Organise Magazine
The Assembly of Collectives of Zapatista Autonomous Governments (ACEGAZ), the Zapatista communities and the EZLN call on all people, groups, collectives, organizations, movements and indigenous peoples who have signed the so-called Declaration for Life, to…
Bristol Anarchist Bookfair (@bristolanarcho) have announced a Mini Bookfair on the 24th at Exchange ;)
Organise Magazine
Bristol Anarchist Bookfair | Announcements - Organise Magazine
“And this is just the beginning… Join us for A Mini Anarchist Bookfair on 24th November! We are pleased to be back at The Exchange with loads of books, zines, art, vegan food, a kids space and fun. See you there!” And with that Bristol Anarchist Bookfair…
The third theory piece from the pages of Spindrift "British Anarchism in Decline/Renewal (delete as appropriate)" by Dr Jon Bigger discusses the waxing and waning of Anarchism in Blighty.
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Organise Magazine
British Anarchism in Decline/Renewal (delete as appropriate) | Spindrift - Organise Magazine
Its very easy to feel as though anarchism is in decline. What we hardly ever discuss is what success looks like. Maybe it’s a bit too neo-liberal to form a focus group and discuss how we measure success. A decade ago, I left London and moved to a small town…
Gustavo Gutiérrez: 'Father of Liberation Theology Dead' at Age 96, here organiser Adam Johannes reflects on his life and work.
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Organise Magazine
Gustavo Gutiérrez: 'Father of Liberation Theology Dead' at Age 96 | Memoria - Organise Magazine
Gustavo Gutiérrez, Radical priest, towering prophet, has left us. His Liberation Theology, a slap in the face of church complacency, drew the wrath of the Vatican and Washington alike. Heaven is not a distant dream, but a battle fought here, for justice.…
Following the attack on the defence plant near Ankara, the Turkish government resumed it's assault upon Rojava and elsewhere.
Working with our correspondants on the ground we've started to compile dispatches and infos here:
Working with our correspondants on the ground we've started to compile dispatches and infos here:
Organise Magazine
Rojava Dispatches | International - Organise Magazine
On Wednesday 23 October, as President Recep Tayyip Erdogan landed in Russia to attend the BRICS summit, there was a deadly attack on the Turkish aerospace and a defence company TUSAS facility near Ankara by two militants from The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).[1]…
The fourth theory piece from the pages of Spindrift "Anarchism and the Labour Struggle Today" by Elisha Moon Williams discusses the role of anarchists and grass roots organising in the work place.
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Organise Magazine
Anarchism and the Labor Struggle Today | Spindrift - Organise Magazine
When I first started my journey as an anarchist, I was incredibly privileged in both my environment and upbringing. I had grown up in a very upper-middle class suburb, neither knowing economic struggle nor of want when it came to my basic needs. I was, at…
"Unions Versus Menegement" written by Joseph Edwards, here collected and transcribed by Mutt. this work is an important extract of the Caribbean labor movement in the 1970's.
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Organise Magazine
Union Versus Menegement - Joseph Edwards | Theory and Analysis - Organise Magazine
The reason why I think trade-union representation should do these things is because basically a union is a political organization, and in truth and in fact Africans and other Black people in these times cannot afford the luxury of any special organization…
"... the communities came together to offer help and assistance to those affected by the tragic events of this week, often bypassing and exceeding the help provided by the government: a pattern common in such situations."
Organise Magazine
Valencia floods: People power vs governmental disaster | Current Events - Organise Magazine
The Valencian regional government, led by the right-wing president Carlos Mazón, failed to provide an effective or prompt response.
Ali Khalid Abdullah was a New Afrikan, Muslim & Anarchist. He was arrested in 1990 and inside prison he helped educate and organise his fellow prisoners. Here a short biography by Mutt.
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The final piece from Spindrift 2024, "It all goes or it all stays the same" by Iggy (@drawn_daggers on Twitter) disects the state of our society, it's genocide and apathic daily rhythm, and calls for a social war.
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Organise Magazine
It All Goes or It All Stays The Same | Spindrift - Organise Magazine
It is difficult to get a full view of a monster from up close. The connection between the claws and teeth and hooves and tail are obscured by the sheer immensity of the thing. All we can observe are the discrete violences waged by the various pieces that…
What does Trump's Presidency Mean for Rojava?
An anonomous comrade who has lived in AANES for a number of years, gives us their analysis of the balance of power with Turkey under a second Trump presidency.
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An anonomous comrade who has lived in AANES for a number of years, gives us their analysis of the balance of power with Turkey under a second Trump presidency.
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Organise Magazine
What does Trump's Presidency Mean for Rojava? | Opinion - Organise Magazine
An anonomous comrade who has lived in The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) for a number of years, gives us their analysis of the balance of power with Turkey under a second Trump presidency. We Hope it provides a useful overview or…
On August 2, 2024 large, angry crowd in black uniforms marched in the capital of the Dominican Republic. chanting "If Dominicans can't study, neither should Haitians!". There was no opposition to the march.
The Dominican Situation:
The Dominican Situation:
Organise Magazine
The Dominican Situation | International - Organise Magazine
At 1 PM on August 2, 2024, a fairly large, angry crowd in black uniforms belonging to an ultraconservative organization known as the Old Dominican Order (Antigua Orden Dominicana, AOD) marched in the capital of the Dominican Republic. Having instigated outrage…
Spindrift 2024 is now available proper both digitally and in print.
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Cover art by Kermit
Contains texts by Elisha Moon, Zosia Brom, Sonja Lavelle, Peter O'Maille, Jon Bigger, and Iggy.
Pay what you feel over the cost of manufacture (£2.50). Shipped via Royal Mail, tracked internationally.
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Cover art by Kermit
Contains texts by Elisha Moon, Zosia Brom, Sonja Lavelle, Peter O'Maille, Jon Bigger, and Iggy.
Pay what you feel over the cost of manufacture (£2.50). Shipped via Royal Mail, tracked internationally.
Spindrift 2024
Spindrift is a project of Organise Magazine This annual zine focuses on contempory theory and analaysis with a specific view to the "health" of the Anarch
"We Are Not Afraid Of Ruin!"
Here we share the recent statement by compas Têkoşîna Anarşîst (Ursername TA_Anarsist on Twitter ) regarding emergent events in and around Aleppo.
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Here we share the recent statement by compas Têkoşîna Anarşîst (Ursername TA_Anarsist on Twitter ) regarding emergent events in and around Aleppo.
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Organise Magazine
"We are not afraid of ruins!" - Têkoşîna Anarşîst | Statement - Organise Magazine
More than five years ago SDF brought the caliphate of ISIS to an end. Now, with the new offensive of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, we risk a rebirth of their atrocities. HTS has united many jihadist groups with ex-fighters of the caliphate in their ranks. Recently…
Clifford Harper, the Anarchist illustrator whose work has decorated a thousand books, zines, posters and bedroom walls has issued a limited run poster to help cover health expenses.
If you have the spare cash and love his artwork...
Solidarity with CH!
If you have the spare cash and love his artwork...
Solidarity with CH!
Here is the international appeal for solidarity with Sidiq is an anarchist from Indonesia, illegalist and an individualist, who was arrested on possession charges.