Forwarded from Arsip Ashie Art
Buat yang mau jadi kinci/model icons drop 2-4 foto senada (HD) send as file + nama lengkap kamu. Btw ga semua di pake ya cuman beberapa yang menurut aku cocok buat icons.
[For all BA mutuals or someone I have mutual with, you can forward the message to your BA channel. there will be a return later 🤍 ]
Haii all! @AshieArt lagi nyari mutual baruu 🤩. Just contact @AshieFw_bot if you want be my mutuals yaa! Tysm♡♡
Haii all! @AshieArt lagi nyari mutual baruu 🤩. Just contact @AshieFw_bot if you want be my mutuals yaa! Tysm♡♡