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Telegram Web
A really worth reading short article by Thomas Drake, a senior employee of the NSA and one of the first whistleblowers to be charged with the Espionage Act.
Drake was threatened with a very long prison sentence as a result of the Espionage Act charges and also entered into a plea deal.

In the article, he describes how secrecy and spying have exploded in the wake of 9/11, endangering democracy. Under the guise of "security", while in reality the spying programme is anything but secure and more targeted surveillance could have prevented terrorist attacks. The programme has cost trillions of dollars. Instead of taking the NSA whistleblower's warnings seriously, the government has launched a multi-year, multi-million dollar criminal investigation into the whistleblower. As Drake writes, "as part of a vicious campaign against whistleblowers that started under President George W. Bush and is coming to full fruition under President Obama."

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Assange Support Berlin (Channel)
Chip Gibbons: Warum der Assange Fall zeigt, dass der Espionageact umgeschrieben werden muss: https://www.thenation.com/article/world/espionage-reform-press-freedom-whistleblowers/
Eine sehr interessante Passage daraus:

"And, under the letter of the law, a member of the public who reads the journalist’s reporting and discusses it also breaks the law. While the last scenario may sound far-fetched, statements made in federal court show that federal prosecutors clearly believe that anyone who even shares a New York Times article reporting on national defense information has broken the Espionage Act."
Assange Support Berlin (Channel)
Chip Gibbons: Warum der Assange Fall zeigt, dass der Espionageact umgeschrieben werden muss: https://www.thenation.com/article/world/espionage-reform-press-freedom-whistleblowers/
Auch sehr spannend:

"In a recent court filing, the government conceded that the vast majority of those convicted under the Espionage Act for giving information to the media did not have the intent to harm our country. Instead, they acted out of “misguided altruism.”

The Espionage Act must be amended to require the government to prove that those who disclose state secrets acted with the intent to injure the United States. If such a reform were enacted, by the government’s own admission it would have been unable to indict whistleblowers like Ellsberg, Manning, Edward Snowden, or Daniel Hale."

1. Wer ist hier wohl "misguided"?? Tut wirklich weh diese krasse Verdrehtheit! Aber so ist es leider. Und solche Menschen wollen alle anderen regieren.

2. Das ist das worauf man sich positiv konzentrieren sollte, denke ich. Es braucht dringend eine Reform!
Hier ist der Vorschlag zur Änderung von Chip Gibbons:
Ich habe einen Film gefunden, der sehr gut zu dem Thema passt.
John Kiriakou und Thomas Drake sind ja zwei der bekannten Whistleblower, die auch unter dem espionage act angeklagt wurden.
Und Jesselyn Radack hat einige mit dem Gesetz angeklagte Whistleblower vertreten und ist quasi selbst zur Whistleblowerin geworden. Sie hat auch immer gewarnt dass der Einsatz dieses Gesetzes gegen die Whistleblower quasi ein "back door Fight against journalism ist".

Dokumentarfilm (mit teils nachgestellten Szenen) „silencend“:

Über und mit den beiden Whistleblowern John Kirakou und Thomas Drake.

About the film:
"What happened to the man who exposed waterboarding? And what are the consequences of making public such illegal intelligence-gathering techniques by the U.S. government? In this revealing documentary, three prominent whistle-blowers explain how everything changed radically after 9/11. John Kiriakou (former CIA), Thomas Drake (former NSA) and Jesselyn Radack (lawyer and former ethics consultant to the American Department of Justice) talk candidly to filmmaker James Spione about their “leaks”":


Leider habe ich noch nicht herausgefunden wo man den Film gucken kann.

Er ist bei Amazon zu sehen, allerdings wie es scheint nur in den USA: https://www.amazon.com/Silenced-Thomas-Drake/dp/B0141IMKDQ

Hat jemand hier eine Ahnung?
WikiLeaks trägt zur Aufklärung über das Video Collateral Murder bei.
Die Übersetzung (Can Dündar suchte zusätzlich die Opfer auf.
(Can Dündar) suchte die Opfer auf und hielt dies in seinem Film fest, dieser neuste Film wird im RBB am 31.07.2024 erst ausgestrahlt, trägt ebenfalls zur Aufklärung bei.
Im Bild einer der Soldaten der US Armee, kämpft mit den Tränen. 8 seiner Kameraden hatten sich später das Leben genommen. Der Film von Can Dündar geht wirklich unter die Haut.
Übrigens noch etwas anderes, für alle, die nicht den Newsletter der Assange Campaign haben, aber gerne mitmachen würden: Gestern kam diese Mail von Gabriel Shopton:

As a family, we’re also realistic that ahead lies a challenging period of adjustment after what has been a deeply traumatising experience. It might be a while before he feels ready to speak publicly. But I wanted him to know how many of you are thinking about him and care about him. We're organising a welcome home card, and we'd like you to be a part of it. Will you share a quick message with Julian, welcoming him home?



For so long, the prison would screen his letters, with many getting lost along the way. Now we will make sure all o these messages reach Julian. Now is your chance to say thank you, to say welcome home, to say what's in your heart.
📽 Mi, 24. Juli 📽


in Berlin

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*** Freiheit für #Assange: Wir erinnern
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Kampf um Wahrheit
Julian Assange und die dunklen Geheimnisse des Krieges
RBB 31.07. 22:30 - 23:25 Uhr
2024/10/09 03:17:30
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