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Roleplayer, ( Juni 28, 2022 )

Number : -
Subject : Appointment of position
Attachment : 3

After going through the performance evaluation stage to Mrs. Neo Bëatrice Gladierná, with this letter Mrs. Neo was officially appointed from the position of Inti to Lead Inti.

Congratulations to Mrs. Neo, I hope you can carry out your duties according to the Lead Inti responsibilities. Thankyou for your attention, I hope this decision is the best decision for the Bikers Area.

Sincerely, Gleirette VosB.
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Roleplayer, ( Juni 28, 2022 )

Number : -
Subject : Appointment of position
Attachment : 4

After going through the performance evaluation stage to Mrs. Megan Medisson, with this letter Mrs. Megan was officially appointed from the position of Team sfs to Inti.

Congratulations to Mrs. Megan, I hope you can carry out your duties according to the Inti responsibilities. Thankyou for your attention, I hope this decision is the best decision for the Bikers Area.

Sincerely, Gleirette VosB.
selamat kepada gavtian, ajen, mecca, neo dan juga megan
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Hello ladies and gentlemen who love motorbikes, @BIKERSAREA is holding a hiring admin. we are looking for admin for division [ co. own, core, mpps, sfs, pfp, editing and content ], please follow the existing rules and use the attributes we have provided. If you have worked on the rules and used attributes, please submit the format
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seleksi hirmin di bikers itu ga susah, tapi mboh kenapa ada aja calmin yang cuman kepo gimana seleksi di bikers, tanpa ngikutin tahap² yang udahh di kasih.
All things under the control of @bikersarea, @papibikers @mamibikers remains permanently owned by Raden Akhtar Martahusein as the main founder including logo, slogan, concept, wording, and others related to the Bikers.

If you see a channel that's similar or related to Bikers Area, Papi Bikers & Mami Bikers, please contact @papibikersbot or @sexysiner thank u in advance.
mungkin ini jadi salam perpisahan dari gue, kinda lebay tp gpp kali ini doang gue begini. gausah nanyain kapan bikers comeback lagi ya, keputusan gue udh bulat kali ini bikers ga akan balik dan cuma jadi memories untuk kedepannya.

gue sangat amat berterimakasih teruntuk kalian yg udah nyepetin buat join dan membuat lembaran cerita bareng bikers entah itu sebagai adm maupun member, makasi udh nemenin lika liku ni sq dari awal berdiri, vakum sampe pada akhirnya ada dititik sekarang, makasih juga ni buat yang masih setia nungguin ni sq comeback wkwk.

sorry karna gue gabisa menuhin kemauan kalian yang pengen ni sq balik, bkn gamau tapi mungkin sekarang masanya udh ga sama kaya dulu dimana dulu gue cuma seorang pengangguran gabut yang ga punya kegiatan sama sekali dan beda halnya dimasa sekarang semua udh berubah dan perubahan itu terbilang cepet buat gue, bukan cuma gue tapi beberapa adm lain yang mungkin kalian kenal juga udh pada punya kesibukan nya masing masing maka dari itu gue gabisa megang dan kontrol bikers. kalo ditanya kangen apa kgk? jelas gue kangen, kangen bgt malah tapi balik lagi setiap orang ada masanya dan setiap masa ada orangnya sama halnya dengan bikers so jangan berharap lagi sama bikers its just fantasy.

and lastly gue pengen ngucapin terimakasih juga sama bikers karna sudah jadi salah satu hal yang paling berkesan dikehidupan gue. jeruk, saddam, kiel, udin, gafald, ripan, tian, sei, gista, lavisa, amor, jihan, erika, shabil, eve, genav, eren, mikasa, chelsea, mahes, ganja, megan, uzumaki dan buat yang lainnya sorry ga gue sebutin krna gue sedikit lupa jg, thanks yaa be happy and don't get sick there guys, love u.

In the dimly lit streets, the sound of roaring engines broke the silence, marking the resurgence of Bikers Area as a legendary force. It had been a long road for this iconic motorcycle community, once hailed for its unwavering spirit and love for the open road. After a period of quiet reflection, the call of the asphalt beckoned, and Bikers Area answered.

Under the charismatic leadership of their Padre Fondatore, they embarked on a journey to reclaim their place in the world of two-wheeled adventures. With the wind in their hair and the scent of freedom in the air, they roared through the city, reminding everyone of their indomitable spirit.The legend of Bikers Area was reborn, stronger than ever. Their brotherhood, their love for the ride, and their commitment to unity were evident in every twist of the throttle. As they conquered each curve in the road, they also conquered the hearts of those who witnessed their resurgence.

The story of Bikers Area was no longer a memory of the past; it was a living legend, an embodiment of the enduring spirit of the open road. The world once again knew their name and the force they represented. Bikers Area had returned, and this time, they were determined to etch their legend even deeper into the asphalt of history.
Greetings! Ladies and gentlemen. is currently seeking individuals with competence, commitment, and compatibility to join our team. Before proceeding, please ensure that you have carefully read and agreed to our rules. Once you're done, select the division that aligns with your interests and talents, complete the provided form, and send it to our assistant bot.
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2025/03/06 03:06:26
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