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🐀 Toggle here! I’m the co-founder of the Zooier Than Thou podcast, and I’ve been entrusted with the future of this channel about Zoophilia, Zoosexuality, and Bestiality. I’ve been trying to figure out how to best use these channels, and I don’t know if I’ve totally sorted it out, but I know for certain I don’t feel this merely being a promotional channel for our podcast is particularly helpful for anyone.

What I’d like is to have content related to zoophilia research, animal behavior and welfare, and other news and information that zoos might find interesting. I’d also like this to be a resource for people either curious about zoosexuality or trying to sort out their own feelings. This will not be a pornography channel, but it will have a zoopositive slant, so I hope it proves relevant and engaging.

The problem is that I’m no content curator, and I could certainly use some help finding things that you’d like to see. If you’d like to submit suggestions on articles or media you find that would be interesting to zoos, feel free to reach out to [email protected], subject: Zoo Telegram Submission, and we’ll take a look and consider it!

More current content is preferred, but there’s always room for old standbys that are useful to have at arm’s length.

Thanks, everyone! I hope we’re able to serve you well!
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While this won’t be a ZooTT promotion channel, there are a couple of projects I’ve personally been involved in that I do feel are directly of interest to viewers of this channel, so I hope you’ll forgive me for starting with these!
🎙Taboo Science - Philias: Zoophilia and the Hidden Community That's Into Animals

Get ready to learn about the underground and frequently misunderstood world of zoophilia. With the help of paraphilia researcher Alexandra Zidenberg and hosts of the zoophile podcast Zooier Than Thou, we'll unravel what it really means to be attracted to animals. We'll learn what it is that attracts "zoos" to non-human animals, explore the hot-button issue of animal consent, wrestle with the ethics of bestiality, understand the incredible diversity within the zoophile community itself, and hear about the immense challenges zoophiles face in a society that's quick to judge what they don't understand. Tune in for an ultra-taboo episode that will challenge what you thought you knew about the world.
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🎙Zooier Than Thou - Tackling Taboos - A Guide to Zoo Research

Credibility, Motivation, and Trust: Dr. Alexandra Zidenberg and Dr. Birgit Stetina discuss their experiences researching the zoophile community, while Aqua breaks down the key ingredients to a successful research partnership with an elusive hidden population. Plus, we examine FurScience's history contending with zoophilia in the furry fandom.
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⚠️Take Dr. Zidenberg’s Current Survey!

Examining the Mental Health, Social Supports, and Attitudes of Zoophiles

The purpose of this study is to learn more about the experiences and attitudes of people who are attracted to animals. To participate, you must be a minimum of 18 years of age, you must identify as someone who is attracted to animals, and you must read and write English well enough to participate. The entire study will take approximately 40 to 60 minutes.
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⚠️Dr. Stetina’s survey is also still open! Feel free to participate!


Within the framework of a research project at the Sigmund-Freud-PrivatUniversity Vienna, the research group Human-Animal Relationship of the Department of Clinical Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology is conducting a survey of people with zoosexual orientation. In the course of the survey various psychological aspects such as empathy, self-compassion, self-esteem as well as sexual identity are examined. Furthermore, this study aims to evaluate existing classifications of zoophilia.
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📕The voice of choice: A scoping review of choice-based animal welfare studies

Applied Animal Behaviour Science
Volume 275, June 2024, 106270

Choice is considered a critical component of captive animal welfare.
• We conducted a scoping review of experimental studies of choice and welfare.
• Most choice studies were conducted with mammals, in zoos, and on enclosure manipulations.
• Most studies showed a positive effect from a choice condition, but more research is needed.
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2024/07/01 19:38:08
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