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Power and Success – everyone wants it. Very few know what it means. Even less have it.

Let’s clarify first what

» Controlling others or yourself (often labelled as power over others, it’s really just a compensation for one’s own sense of powerlessness)
» Having status symbols (money, cars, degrees, followers, or whatever other external success marker…)
» Collecting praise, recognition or approval.
» Following (or breaking) the rules and norms.

There is a large group of people chasing these definitions of Power and Money, some get it. Though they neither have power nor success. Another group of people resent these expressions because they perceive them as corrupted, evil, cynical or abusive. They reject power and success. Both are mistaken, because those definitions are dead wrong.


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“It’s selfish to do what you want.”
“How can you be so egoic.”
“Look at the world, everyone just does what they want.”
“Let go of your will and you will be free.”
“Not everyone can do what they want.“

This or something similar echoes through the vastness of our society. The spiritual gurus teach the abandonment of will. Totalitarian governments order solidarity and the abandonment of individuality. For the good of the climate, health or security.

It is easy to believe that one’s own will is wrong, out of place, the cause of all these problems – and should be abandoned or eradicated as the arch enemy. For the great ominous good.

Will is not the reason for our problems – it is the avoidance and demonization of will! The chaos we experience in the world is not the result of too much will, but of too little will.


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Breaking the Shackles of Personal Development: Superconscious Transformation | Chris Duncan (#189)

Chris Duncan is not only a successful entrepreneur and bestseller author but also a coach and leadership authority and the dynamic force behind Conscious Education Company – where he together with his wife and team are empowering humans to change their lives and create what they love.

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡Transformation through Perception
💡The Essence of True Freedom
💡Tapping into Super Consciousness

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Be As You Are 💫❤️


⚡️Free your voice: Creative View Points | The Flow Speaking Training on 6th Dec 🎤 Looking forward!😍⚡️
The last Empowerment Training you’ll ever need. Big words - backed by testimonies.

Throwback: After a decade of exploring human potential (besides an investment banking career), i started my coaching practice 4 years ago and soon doubled down on what is the ultimate empowerment: The Creative Process.

It’s the most successful process in human history. All the great arts, creations, inventions are its outcome. And you can learn and apply it too. To not only wake up to your own Genius and firmly stand in your heart, but to also create what you love. Independent on what you think is possible, belief about yourself or what your circumstances are.

📍When: 8 evenings from 11th January to 4th February
📍Time: Each day from 6:30-9:30 pm CET (9:30am-12:30pm PST // 12:30-3:30pm EST)
📍Price: Free (instead of regular 1’000 CHF) if you sign up before the Dec 25th

» More context & registration here «
The Art of Questioning & Negotiation: Effective Communication to create Win-Wins | Barry Sagotsky (#192)

Barry Sagotsky is a senior leadership and organization development consultant, and business consultant with more than 40 years of experience. He works at the intersection of strategy formulation and implementation, executive development, high performance teamwork and process.

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡The Art of Communication
💡Power of Questions
💡Negotiation as a Relationship Builder

Youtube 🎙 Spotify 🎙 Apple

Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
My dear fellow human beings - Merry Christmas & fulfilled festive days for you & your families!!! 🎅🪅🎄

Thank you for your support, the enriching exchanges & your valuable feedback this year!!! 😀😍

And I look forward to the upcoming shared experiences, discoveries & adventures! For even more liveliness, wonder and surprises!!!

Because this is our life😀❤️

Sincerely, Simon

PS: Someone had to die this Christmas... 🐺🪅🐴
"Love your enemies".

That's what they say.

Your biggest enemy? Probably you 😉

So love him / her = yourself.

But what does 'love' mean?

Accepting you as you are. Unconditionally. Your whole package. With all your quirks, dramas and imperfections, but also with all your gifts, talents and qualities. That doesn't mean you have to find yourself 'good' or romanticize it. Unconditional means there are no conditions. Even if you hate yourself, that's okay. You are just the way you are. Shadow and Light. And that's exactly right. Your only job: to aknowledge yourself in your entirety. The truth - sets free.

What is the ego? The hell? The devil?

Just your perception. And its core: resistance to you. Which you then project onto the world.

So "love your enemy" 😉❤️

Then you become whole.

What good news, right? 😃
My wife and I love to invite you to Journey with us into the Heart of the Amazon!! 🌳

Where limiting structures fall and open up a space for the expression of your true being. An immersion into cultures which are so connected to their creative spirits and the mystical world is real.

Far away from modern civilization, you will

🌳 Immerse yourself in untouched and pristine Amazonian Rainforest, swim in its flowing rivers, consecrate ourselves in sacred waterfalls and connect with 600 year ancient Kapok trees.

🌳 Live and become family with native indigenous tribes with an intact wisdom lineage tracing back 100s of years, deeply rooted in a life centred cosmovision.

🌳 Participate in dream interpretation and heart opening ceremonies, learn from their ancient traditions and experience their mystical way of experiencing life.

🌳 Let go of what is holding you back in life, also in an (optional) Ayahuasca ceremony led by the wisdom keepers of the Sápara nation, a unique opportunity to re encounter with your true essence in a pristine & traditional setting.

🌳Have the rare opportunity to learn from indigenous leadership and be touched & inspired by their vision for all of earth.

🌳Make a real difference financially and spiritually to the wellbeing and preservation of indigenous culture and this precious but threatened ecosystem.

Journey Details:
📍From May 23 to Jun 5, 2024 with start & end in Quito, Ecuador
📍13 nights and 14 days
📍More details here

We - an intimate group of 14 - will become family by going together through an inner and outer deeply transformative journey mainly guided by the wise people of the forest and the forest itself.🦜🐒

Are you ready to experience a deep relaxation of your nervous system as never before?

Then prepare to leave civilization behind to deepen your soul connection and renew your body & mind. Let's embark on a life-changing Amazonian adventure in Ecuador!

Any questions let us know!

With love 😘,
Brendi & Simon
Beliefs are the map.

The map is not the territory.

You are the territory.

“The ability to observe without judgment is the highest form of intelligence.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti

This gaze is probably not entirely non-judgmental, you definitely feel observed. 😉 🐺

But seriously – freedom is beyond your own point of view. We have one, but we are not it. Prison is the identification with your own view point. In truth, it is only one (view) point of countless others on the one canvas. The canvas is who we are.

Freedom means being able to fully comprehend the view points of others – without necessarily having to agree with them. And to recognize that everyone has (more or less good) reasons that support their point of view. Everyone makes ‘sense’ in relative terms.

Once we realize this, view points are no longer personal, the struggle for the right one is over. And we can realize that we all have something in common – the canvas – the ground of being. Consciousness that perceives itself through a multitude of unique view points. This realization is coming home to ourselves. Inherently connected – whole.

And free to celebrate your View Point!

Do you want to explore your View Point and step beyond?

Crafting Songs that Resonate: The Role of Storytelling | Paul Reisler (#195)

Paul Reisler started making up songs at the age of five and is a composer, songwriter, recording artist, performer and teacher. He is the founder and artistic director of Kid Pan Alley, co-founder of Trapezoid, as well as his current bands, Paul Reisler & A Thousand Questions featuring Howard Levy, and Three Good Reasons. Over the past 45 years, he has performed in over 3,000 concerts, recorded close to three-dozen albums, co-written Aesop’s Fables for Orchestra and Narrator, as well as the script and songs for two musicals–The Talented Clementine and Bouncin’.

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡Music as a Fluent Language
💡Synergy of Lyrics and Melody
💡Creative Process as Exploration

Youtube 🎙 Spotify 🎙 Apple

Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
Hi dear listeners! Happy new year 🔥😃

As of now all English episodes will be released on my new English Youtube Channel: I'ld love you to check it out and subscribe. Plenty of amazing episodes to be uncovered!!

Thank you so much for all your support last year - to an amazing 2024 🔥❤️

Love 😘,
2024/09/30 03:08:38
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