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Who Are You, Truly? Unveiling the Depths of Self-Inquiry | Mark Flashen (#198)

Mark and I met in the Amazon rainforest last year. He is a strategy and management consultant & coach based in NY and initiator of ‘The Schole’ – an inquiry into the nature of being.

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡 Nature of Self-Inquiry
💡 The Self and Language
💡 Perception, Reality, and Existence

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Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
Intention is at the core of your life’s experience. It gives rise to any form. The word implies it’s a function of tension, and specifically: tension seeking resolution – from imbalance to balance. By following the path of least resistance. Tension creates. And being in-tension is being in form. That does not equate to stress, drama, conflict, which we easily associate with tension. It simply means whatever you choose = intend becomes sooner or later your experience of reality. And your experience now, is a reflection of your (past) intentions.

The question is therefore not to give up intentions – as some teachings propose – but to become aware of your (unconscious) intentions. And then choose your intentions wisely. Because your life’s experience is a direct function of it.

You can willfully intend what you think you want – usually it’s stuff and ‘having’ more. Which reflects normal = distorted priorities: Have > do > be.

“I want x, that’s why I do y, and as a result I can become z.”

It is the expression of a completely wrong understanding of self – because it implies that your actions can change, improve or complete who you are. That’s the illusion, which gets perpetuated through that order of priorities.

Or you can intend to let your deeper nature – your true being – ‘take over’. Which aligns your priorities with your nature: Be > have > do.

» Let's explore how to do that!
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Far, far away from the noise, stress, obligations and demands of our everyday society...

there is a very different place - unknown to the Western mind - that just naturally mirrors back to you the truth of your being:

w h o l e - m i r a c u l o u s - m y s t i c a l - a d v e n t u r o u s

Join us to bathe in the serenity and bliss of raw and pristine nature - in one of the last intact ecosystems on Earth.

It's time to go back to your roots. 🦜🐒

» Let yourself be reawakened! «

...The truth: Life is an undeserved, precious gift that I am given. That each one of us is given.

Many people, and so did I too, believe that they have to collect good deeds, do something special to redeem themselves, become pure, successful, loved or collect other ‘brownie points’ to fulfill their purpose – to earn their right to exist. Otherwise their existence failed.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

That each one of us got, totally undeserved and unconditional. Nobody knows where that gift came from. Nor will anyone ever know. You are not obligated to do, be or achieve anything in life. Fundamentally there is only freedom. You don’t have to fulfill any purpose, requirements, conditions, divine ideals, be special or whatsoever. Those are just man made concepts – wrong assumptions.


» Full article here «
This quote expresses the archetype of human suffering.

What is suffering? Living in distortion, instead of reality.

At the core of that self perpetuating distortion, is the belief that you can improve yourself. That your actions somehow can change, heal, transform, impact, complete, transcend who you are. That's the distortion. That's the illusion. That's the source of suffering. No matter what you do, you can't change, improve, enlighten, transform who you are. Because that's who you are already, always were and will be.

You can definitely improve your actions, skills, and create better outcomes. But there is no way - zero - nada - niente - no possibility that your actions improve who you are.

You can only become more aware of who you are. And that's when you wake up from believing to be a human doing to realizing you are a human being.

And suffering stops.

And you smile at 'motivational' nonsense like above 😉
Macro Patterns of Behaviour: Alchemizing Your Dysfunctions | Arush Bakshi (#200)

Arush is a creative mental performance coach, which I met through working with William Whitecloud (a previous guest on this podcast.)

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡 Alchemy as Personal Transformation
💡 Creative Process and Expression
💡 Focus Creates Reality and Self-Awareness

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Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
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“You come from the future. The future is full of problems but without solutions. Now you are in the past. Here you will find answers.”

With these words, we were welcomed by Manari, the leader of the Sápara Nation, with whom we were guests for on our first journey into the Amazon rainforest.

And indeed, we found - unexpected - answers.

Wholeness, adventure, connectedness, deep wisdom.

The bliss of being opened in the most beautiful way imaginable.

Now, we love to invite you to join us into the Amazon rainforest - back to the roots of being.

To find the answers you are looking for. ❤️

📍» MORE INFOS « 🐒🦜
Redefining Marketing: Can AI and Human Insight Coexist? | Stan Berteloot (#202)

Stan is a multicultural marketing and communications executive with over 20 years of experience.

Join us on a conversation about the intersection of marketing, artificial intelligence and human connection:

💡Effective Marketing and Audience Understanding
💡 Evolution of Marketing and Role of Technology
💡 AI's Impact on Marketing and Human Interaction

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Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
Unlocking the Universe: How Do Psyche and Singularity Converge? | Prof. Timothy Owen Desmond (#204)

Professor Timothy Owen Desmond is Professor of Philosophy at the College of Southern Maryland and the author of the book “Psyche and Singularity: Jungian Psychology and Holographic String Theory”, which is also the basis for your online course called “Immortality and the Unreality of Death: A Hero’s Journey through Philosophy, Psychology, and Physics.”

In today’s conversation it’s all about:

💡 The Unity of Mind and Matter.
💡 The Concept of the Psyche as a Gravitational Singularity.
💡 Individuation and the Collective Unconscious.

Youtube 🎙 Spotify 🎙 Apple

Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
Activating the Heart: Is Everything We Experience Truly an Act of Love? | Anna Brown (#206)

Anna, host of the “wonderfully nothing” YouTube channel is an unconventional and unorthodox teacher of non-duality, who jokingly points out the fallacy of going for eons to India and seeking liberation.

In today's conversation it's all about:

💡Unveiling the Essence of Love
💡Love and the Illusion of Separation
💡The Power of Unconditional Love
💡The Transformative Potential of Love

Youtube 🎙 Spotify 🎙 Apple

Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
Real choice is to be in prison or not.

Most people think of choice in terms of making their prison a little bit more beautiful: A bigger TV, another promotion, some fancy holidays, a few more followers online, a bit of praise from X (spouse, parents, government, boss...), bigger biceps / boobs, transcendence into 4-5-6-D... - which really is just painting the prison bars in other colors or closing one's eyes and pretending they are not there.

But ignorance is not bliss.

Real choice is to be out of prison. And live a life oriented by what you love - true to yourself. Beyond the prison bars of social expectations, your (limiting) beliefs, (governmental) propaganda or restrictive conventions. 

Very few people live life that way. BUT that doesn't mean that only few have that capacity. 

We all have it. It's essential part of our human nature. 

The only question is, if you dare to make that choice.

Unlocking your human creative spirit.

And claim your freedom. 😍
“Most people end up being conformists; they adapt to prison life. A few become reformers; they fight for better lighting, better ventilation. Hardly anyone becomes a rebel, a revolutionary who breaks down the prison walls. You can only be a revolutionary when you see the prison walls in the first place.” — Anthony de Mello
Who has true power?

It's easy to recognise who hasn't: Powerless people want power over others.

It's equally easy to recognise who has: Powerful people want others to be empowered.
Science of Intelligence: Why Humanity is Dumbing Down - Nature vs. Nurture | Dr. Mark Ashton (#212)

Mark is the founder of IQ Mindware and an applied cognitive neuroscientist with a Ph.D. from the joint program of Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh, who has also taught at the University of Cambridge. He specializes in developing brain training programs aimed at improving intelligence and resilience. He currently holds an associate position at the University of Essex Online and leads the Health, Resilience and Performance Laboratory, focusing on collaborative research into cognitive training interventions.

The key concepts of this mind-blowing conversation:

💡 The Multidimensionality of Intelligence
💡 Nurture vs. Nature - the Determinants of Intelligence
💡 The (limited) Concepts of Intelligence
💡 The Importance of Balance between Flexibility & Structure

Youtube 🎙 Spotify 🎙 Apple

Be As You Are 💫❤️


🎁 My gift to you 🎁

Initiate your language flow through intuitive speaking and train empathy and mental flexibility at the same time! 🔥

Take part now for free 🎤🤩
2024/06/29 04:00:44
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