Telegram Web
Lots of repurposed videos going around with fake headlines.

This one: "graphene oxide reacts to 5G!"

Here's a link showing this video to actually be over 2 years old, it wasn't a 5G phone, and it's not graphene oxide, it's probably magnetite. -

Be careful - fake news is everywhere in conspiracy theory land.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
I'm currenty checking out this "Disclosure" interview done by Jason Shurka with a guy named "Ray". Of course "Ray" isn't his real name and his face and voice have been altered and blacked out. Anonymous sources, great.

Ray claims to be apart of worldwide group called "The Light System" who is fighting the Cabal, apparently. Ray claims to have taken flights on alien craft and met ETs, he claims he can levitate, also says he witnessed a meeting with "TLS" members and a president, among many other claims.

I haven't listened to an interview that sounds totally horseshit like this for a while, and no evidence was provided for any of these claims, of course.

Oh, and while the video is free, of course there are big "subscribe and donate! Give us money!" buttons right under the video.

Not sure what Shurka's deal is. He asked NO hard questions of this guy. Shurka might just he gullible as shit. Hopefully he's not knowingly bullshitting his audience.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
Phil Godlewski was asked a question about Jason Shurka and "The Light System" during his live stream last night and Phil claimed that he has met people from this organization before.

I shit you not. Phil's bullshit knows no bounds.

Video clip incoming.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
Media is too big
Here is Phil Godlewski being asked a question about the supposed "The Light System" organization that Jason Shurka has been, allegedly, doing interviews with a "TLS member".

Allegedly, supposedly, can't use those words enough here.

Godlewski actually claims to "know about that organization" and claims to have "spoken to some of their members".

He seems to even get flustered in the middle of his response. His B.S. is so far out there maybe it even takes him aback.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
So if you starting hearing narratives about this "insider" supposedly "Disclosing" information about "The Light System" working to fight the Cabal with aliens - you know where these narratives are coming from and who's inflating them.

So far: Originating from Jason Shurka and his "Ray" anonymous source + Phil Godlewski amplifying with his own brand of bullshit.
Forwarded from Jordan Sather
And of course, "The Galactic Federation" narratives have been making their rounds again by various "truth/Disclosure" influencers in recent weeks and months.

When one flavor of bullshit stops selling, they just make another one.

The "truth movement" or "Disclosure movement" (or whatever you want to call it) is getting absolutely WRECKED by charlatans and the fantasy stories they concoct.

I will keep reporting on it so you can guard yourself against their mind games. We have no time to waste being gullible and letting these con-artists thrive.
The Truth About UFOs, Fake Space Whistleblowers, & Earth's Pole Shift w/ Clif High (Ep. 08)

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Phil Godlewski uses Q Drops in an effort to paint people with 3 stars in their names as Deep State.

Meanwhile, multiple Q posts invoke the three stars.

And wait, didn't Phil tell his followers, on more than one occasion, that he was behind the Q posts? Mr. "Top Anon"??

Phil Godlewski is one of the worst grifters on Telegram. And dumbest.
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
When you see accounts gaining followers at an unprecedented rate , one has to wonder if they participate in “paid for followers”

I’d be willing to bet a lot of these shills accounts do this .
Such as Phil Godlewski - who was at about 380K followers a day or two ago, and now is magically up to 446K again.

He also claimed he got 500,000 viewers on his livestream last night.

Bots, much?
Forwarded from The Authority (The Authority ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Johnheretohelp brings up the “Dirty Trick Squad” and he lists the names in that squad.

Pay attention — Rod Rosenstein, Joseph Rosati and Alan Boroshok…

The timeline doesn’t match.

“When Rod started falling out of favor as the DAG…they felt that their protection was leaving so Boroshok and Rosati both divorced their wives”

A little later he says “Boroshok divorced his wife the same time as Rosati…”

RR served as the DAG from April of 2017 – May of 2019.

Boroshok divorced on 9/11/13

4 years before RR even became the DAG 🚩

The claim that Boroshok and Rosati were divorced at the same time.. 🛑✋🏼

Boroshok divorced 9/11/13

Rosati divorced on 6/26/17

It’s actually 1384 days apart 😂

Is Johnheretohelp or is Johnheretolarp?

Lin .. how is he credible when I’m able to find holes in this almost immediately upon reviewing it??

Let me guess.. Imperfect 😂😂😂

This whole story is retarded.


Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.
👆Many aspects of the story that the "JohnHeretoHelp" fella claims do not add up.

Meanwhile, Lin Wood doubles and triples down on this guy, and Stew Peters features JohnHeretoHelp on his show.

Disinformation network?
"Are you being sucked dry by bad spiritual parasites? SEND ME MONEY to learn how to deal with it!"
Scott McKay's calls for violence and harassment are NOT HELPFUL.
"NESARA GESARA" flashed across the ticker on RSBN during Trump's rally over the weekend.

This lead the all the clickbaiters across social media to claim NESARA is real.

I guess some don't realize that anyone who donates to RSBN can leave them their name to scroll across the ticker. Someone wrote their name as "NESARA GESARA".

The intern at RSBN probably had no idea what he was typing, and this doesn't mean NESARA is "real" at all.

Regardless, people are going to cling onto their hopium, even if it's clearly fake news.
Michael Jaco, a former Navy SEAL turned internet clickbaiter who claims such things as NESARA being real and that he was once a secret space program super soldier who trained on Venus, is now trashing General Flynn. His co-host for this show is Patrick Bergy, of "ShadowGate" fame.

They really aren't sending their best 🤡s for the job, are they?
2024/10/04 19:18:51
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