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Socialistic Principles DPSP

Art. 38 : State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people (Added by 44th CAA 1978)
Art. 39 : Certain principles of policy to be followed by the state.
Art. 39 (b) and (c) are exceptions to Art. 14 and 19.
Art. 39 A :Equal justice and free legal aid. (Added by 42nd CAA 1976)
Art. 41 : Right to work, education and public assistance in certain cases.
Art. 42 : Provision for just and humane conditions of working and maternity relief.
Art. 43 : Living wage for workers. (Living wage includes
education, health and insurance etc.)

Art. 43A : Participation of workers in management of industries. (Added by 42nd CAA 1976)
Art. 47 : Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition, standard of living and improve public health.
Hibernation: It is a winter dormancy state in warm-blooded mammals characterized by reduced metabolism and lowered body temperature in response to cold and scarce food.
Eg: Bears, bats, and certain rodents.

Aestivation: It is summer dormancy prompted by high temperatures and dry conditions. Animals during estivation seek shelter in cool places like underground burrows, crevices, or cocoons.
Eg: Desert tortoises, West African lungfish, snails and earthworms.

Brumation: It is winter dormancy state observed in cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians, particularly in temperate regions, in response to cold temperatures.
Eg : snakes, turtles, and lizards.
🍀Jute - Golden fibre
Kharif crop.
Doesn't produce toxic gases while burning
100% biodegradable
India is the largest producer (WB>Odisha)
but Bangladesh is the largest exporter.
Coffee - Coffee board is a statutory body.
HQ - Banglore.
Kharif crop.
Standing water crop
Slopping agriculture or contour farming.
(Example of plantation crop)
India is the 7th largest producer but
largest producer of Robusta coffee
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🔆Buddhist Terminology

Pratyeka Buddhas: Beings who have attained enlightenment without guidance but have not taught it to the world.
Arhat: Who have achieved Nirvana.
Bodhisattva: Abeing about to become Buddha shows charity and helper of man.
Sramanas/Bhikshu: Buddhist monks.
Upasakas: Lay followers.
Mahaparinirvana: Final blowing out, death.
Arya-Atthangikamagga: Noble eight-fold path.
Ashtamahasthanas: Eight holy places.
Tathagata: One of the titles of Buddha.
Prajna Parimita : Female deity of perfection and insight associated with Mahayana.
Anatta: Soullessness.
Samnera: Buddhist monks before being introduced into sangha as full-fledged member.
Paramita: 10 percepts (vows) observed by monks.
Pratimoksa: Rules of 150 articles (a part of Vinay Pitaka).
Skandhakas: Monastic rules.
Poshadha: Fortnightly meeting in Sanghas.
Siddha: Perfected being in Vajrayana.
Sakra: Gold identical with Indra used by the monks.
Sangha: Buddhist order.
Vassa: Retreat during rainy season by the monks.
Sangharam: Resting place for monks.
Vihara: Buddhist monastery.
Pravajya: Initial ordination for old and experienced monks.
Sramanas: Buddhist monks, in general.
Upajjhaya: Spiritual leader.
Sanketas: Four noble truths.
Upasotha/Roya: Days of fast on full moon, new moon and two quarter moon days in a month.
Chaitya: Temples of Buddhists.


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📍Asian otter

IUCN status : Vulnerable

#species in news


🔆Nilgiri tahr:-

The Nilgiri tahr is the only mountain ungulate in southern India amongst the 12 species present in India.
It is also the state animal of Tamil Nadu.
Habitat: open montane grassland habitat of the South Western Ghats montane rain forests eco-region.
Distribution: It is endemic to the Nilgiri Hills and the southern portion of the Western Ghats in the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Eravikulam National Park is home to the largest population of this Tahr.
It has become locally extinct in around 14% of its traditional shola forest-grassland habitat.
Unique feature: The Adult males of Nilgiri Tahr species develop a light grey area or “saddle” on their backs and are hence called “Saddlebacks”

Cultural significance:-

The species is locally known as Varaiaadu.
There are multiple references to the Nilgiri Tahr in Tamil Sangam literature dating back to 2,000 years.
The late Mesolithic (10,000-4,000 BC) paintings highlight the significance of the Tahr in folklore, culture, and life.

Population decrease:

The Nilgiri tahr, which used to be found along the entire stretch of the Western Ghats.
It is presently found only in small fragmented pockets.
A large part of its population has been wiped out from its historical range.


Habitat loss
Climate Change
Invasive plants such as wattles, pines, and eucalyptus.

Conservation Status:-

IUCN: Endangered
Wildlife (Protection) Act of India, 1972: Schedule I
India rank in press freedom index
Prelims Trick ( Mnemonic ) to remember

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Vaishali Air 23 [ CSE 2022 ] Notes

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🔆ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement

The 4th Joint Committee meeting for the review of AITIGA (ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement) was held in Putrajaya, Malaysia from 7-9 May 2024.

📍ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement:

It is a trade deal between the ten member states of ASEAN and India. It was signed at the 7th ASEAN Economic Ministers-India Consultations in Bangkok, Thailand in 2009.
The agreement, which came into effect in 2010, is sometimes referred to as the ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement.
It covers trade in physical goods and products; it does not apply to trade in services. ASEAN and India signed a separate ASEAN-India Trade in Services Agreement in 2014.


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2024/09/30 05:08:38
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