People's Diplomacy is Reborn
Moscow, January 25 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
On January 17, the memorial and cultural-educational project "Bridges of Civilizations" was presented in the white hall of the Union of Journalists of Moscow on Nikitsky Boulevard.
This working meeting, chaired by Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin, President of the IAPF and Advisor to the DPRK ISG, is part of the comprehensive measures to revive programs to support public diplomacy, suspended due to the raider seizure of the Soviet Peace Fund.
The event was attended by leaders of Russian and international peacekeeping organizations from different countries, including activists of our Solidarity Group from the USA, Canada and Tajikistan.
During the discussion, it was also once again emphasized that the IAFM fully supports the constructive initiatives of the DPRK ISG and plans to create a branch in China on the basis of the Chinese Executive Committee of our organization.
Moscow, January 25 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
On January 17, the memorial and cultural-educational project "Bridges of Civilizations" was presented in the white hall of the Union of Journalists of Moscow on Nikitsky Boulevard.
This working meeting, chaired by Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin, President of the IAPF and Advisor to the DPRK ISG, is part of the comprehensive measures to revive programs to support public diplomacy, suspended due to the raider seizure of the Soviet Peace Fund.
The event was attended by leaders of Russian and international peacekeeping organizations from different countries, including activists of our Solidarity Group from the USA, Canada and Tajikistan.
During the discussion, it was also once again emphasized that the IAFM fully supports the constructive initiatives of the DPRK ISG and plans to create a branch in China on the basis of the Chinese Executive Committee of our organization.
Friendly Advice to Danish Authorities
January 28 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
In connection with the recent tensions between the US and Denmark, members of the hostile NATO bloc, due to Trump's attempts to impose the annexation of Greenland, Vladimir Khrustalev (2nd Military Expert of the Scientific Department of the DPRK ISG) published the following comment.
January 28 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV)
In connection with the recent tensions between the US and Denmark, members of the hostile NATO bloc, due to Trump's attempts to impose the annexation of Greenland, Vladimir Khrustalev (2nd Military Expert of the Scientific Department of the DPRK ISG) published the following comment.
DPRK ISG Information Bureau
Friendly Advice to Danish Authorities January 28 (DPRK ISG Information Bureau - RSTV) In connection with the recent tensions between the US and Denmark, members of the hostile NATO bloc, due to Trump's attempts to…
"Many people on the Internet are wondering what Copenhagen should do with Trump's rhetoric and how to reliably keep the US from doing something like that.
I'll give you some advice, for free. I'm a kind person.
First, put some of your missiles with nuclear charges on high alert and target them at US bases and the capitals of their allies for a possible attack within a radius of 1,300 km.
Second, conduct a demonstration of strength and determination. For example, exercises with the launch of ballistic missiles at a distance to US targets in the region. Missile launches directly over an island ally of the US should also be carried out. England will do!
Third, use rhetoric in the style of "risk your health, Donald."
Fourth, to increase persuasiveness, you can test an intercontinental ballistic missile. Test it successfully, of course.
Fifth, conduct a test of a thermonuclear charge of hundreds of kilotons. To remove all questions.
Sixthly, directly inform that if no one gets it, then the Danish authorities can test a thermonuclear charge of several megatons in the Atlantic.
The DPRK managed to calm Trump down in 2017. Why isn't that an option for Denmark?"
I'll give you some advice, for free. I'm a kind person.
First, put some of your missiles with nuclear charges on high alert and target them at US bases and the capitals of their allies for a possible attack within a radius of 1,300 km.
Second, conduct a demonstration of strength and determination. For example, exercises with the launch of ballistic missiles at a distance to US targets in the region. Missile launches directly over an island ally of the US should also be carried out. England will do!
Third, use rhetoric in the style of "risk your health, Donald."
Fourth, to increase persuasiveness, you can test an intercontinental ballistic missile. Test it successfully, of course.
Fifth, conduct a test of a thermonuclear charge of hundreds of kilotons. To remove all questions.
Sixthly, directly inform that if no one gets it, then the Danish authorities can test a thermonuclear charge of several megatons in the Atlantic.
The DPRK managed to calm Trump down in 2017. Why isn't that an option for Denmark?"
[생중계|livestream] 2025.1.29 조선중앙방송위원회 / DPRK Central Television and Radio Broadcast
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on January 29, 2025 —
❗️ 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제8기 제30차 비서국 확대회의는 강철같은 규률의 반석우에 투쟁하는 당,전진하는 당의 영원한 생명력이 있다는 철리를 다시금 각인시키였으며 인민대중제일주의를 존재방식으로,당풍으로 하는 우리 당의 본태와 성격을 더욱 뚜렷이 하고 전투적위력을 백방으로 강화해나가는데서 중대한 의의를 가지는 정치적계기로 된다.
The 30th Enlarged Meeting of the Secretariat of the Eighth WPK Central Committee highlighted once again the immutable truth that the eternal vitality of the struggling and advancing Party lies on the iron discipline. And it serves as a political occasion of great significance in further clarifying the original features and character of the WPK which maintains the people-first principle as its mode of existence and its trait and in increasing its militant might in every way.
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on January 29, 2025 —
❗️ 조선로동당 중앙위원회 제8기 제30차 비서국 확대회의는 강철같은 규률의 반석우에 투쟁하는 당,전진하는 당의 영원한 생명력이 있다는 철리를 다시금 각인시키였으며 인민대중제일주의를 존재방식으로,당풍으로 하는 우리 당의 본태와 성격을 더욱 뚜렷이 하고 전투적위력을 백방으로 강화해나가는데서 중대한 의의를 가지는 정치적계기로 된다.
The 30th Enlarged Meeting of the Secretariat of the Eighth WPK Central Committee highlighted once again the immutable truth that the eternal vitality of the struggling and advancing Party lies on the iron discipline. And it serves as a political occasion of great significance in further clarifying the original features and character of the WPK which maintains the people-first principle as its mode of existence and its trait and in increasing its militant might in every way.
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
VK Видео
[생중계 | трансляция] 2025.1.29-30 조선중앙방송위원회 / Центральное телерадиовещание КНДР [0-00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) / Корейское центральное радиовещание / 朝鲜中央广播电台 /「朝鮮中央放送」/ Koreanischer Zentralsender [3-00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK) / Голос Кореи (ГОК) / 朝鲜之声 / 朝鮮の声 / Stimme…
On the Occasion of Sergey Baburin's Birthday
On January 31, the Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) Comrade Alexander Andreevich Mostov and the Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK Comrade Viktor Alekseevich Petrov sent a congratulatory telegram to the President of the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF), Chairman of the Russian All-People's Union (ROS), Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG Comrade Sergey Nikolaevich Baburin.
On January 31, the Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) Comrade Alexander Andreevich Mostov and the Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK Comrade Viktor Alekseevich Petrov sent a congratulatory telegram to the President of the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF), Chairman of the Russian All-People's Union (ROS), Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG Comrade Sergey Nikolaevich Baburin.
DPRK ISG Information Bureau
On the Occasion of Sergey Baburin's Birthday On January 31, the Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG) Comrade Alexander Andreevich Mostov and the Chairman of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural…
Below is the full text of the telegram.
Dear Comrade Baburin!
On behalf of the Coordination Committee and all executive committees of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
It is a great honor for our organization to have in our ranks such an outstanding politician and people's diplomat, who tirelessly wages a selfless struggle for the bright future of the Russian people, for the freedom and independence of all the peoples of the world.
We are deeply convinced that through joint efforts we will be able to achieve even greater success in strengthening international solidarity in the face of American imperialism – the common enemy of all progressive humanity.
We take this opportunity to once again express our full support for the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF) and convey comradely greetings from our Chinese activists.
We are with you!
Dear Comrade Baburin!
On behalf of the Coordination Committee and all executive committees of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
It is a great honor for our organization to have in our ranks such an outstanding politician and people's diplomat, who tirelessly wages a selfless struggle for the bright future of the Russian people, for the freedom and independence of all the peoples of the world.
We are deeply convinced that through joint efforts we will be able to achieve even greater success in strengthening international solidarity in the face of American imperialism – the common enemy of all progressive humanity.
We take this opportunity to once again express our full support for the International Association of Peace Foundations (IAPF) and convey comradely greetings from our Chinese activists.
We are with you!
DPRK ISG Information Bureau
The DPRK ISG are forming an International Preparatory Committee for the celebration of the Day of the Shining Star. The Committee will include heads of executive committees and heads of regional organizations.
The following is a list of members of the International Preparatory Committee.
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee:
🇷🇺 Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG)
Press Secretary of the Preparatory Committee:
🇨🇳 Vera (Deputy Director of the 3rd Information Department of the DPRK ISG, Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG)
Honorary Members of the Preparatory Committee:
🇷🇺 Sergey Baburin (President of the International Association of Peace Foundations, Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG), 🇷🇺 Sergey Ryzhik, 🇷🇺 Laura Escamilla Vega, 🇺🇸 Haz Al-Din (Chairman of the American Communist Party), 🇷🇺 Stas Vasiliev (Director of the 3rd Information Department of the DPRK ISG), 🇺🇸 Don Courter (Administrator of TheRevolutionReport), 🇹🇯 Murodbek Yuldoshev (Acting duties of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Tajikistan), 🇷🇺 Ilya Kleymenov (Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Communists of Russia).
Members of the Preparatory Committee:
-- 🇨🇳 Luan Xinglong (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Chinese Group of Solidarity with the DPRK.
[Central Russia]
-- 🇷🇺 Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of theCoordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Russian Society of Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK),
-- 🇷🇺 Ivan Kozlov (Regional Secretary of the DPRK ISG in the Central Federal District),
-- 🇷🇺 Georgy Dmitriev (Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Friendship Club with the DPRK in Sergiev Posad),
-- 🇷🇺 Alexandra Mikhailova (Head of the Friendship and Cultural Cooperation Club with the DPRK in Vladivostok),
-- 🇷🇺 Filipp Kolosov (Head of the Taganrog branch of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK as part of the DPRK ISG).
[Altai (as part of the Russian Federation)]
-- 🇷🇺 Daria Kadkina (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea in the Altai Repubic).
[North American Region]
-- 🇺🇸 Christopher Helali (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Regional Secretary in the USA),
-- 🇨🇦 Nicholas Reed (Regional Secretary in Canada).
-- 🇧🇾 Klim Belsky (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the DPRK Solidarity Group (Republic of Belarus).
-- 🇹🇯 Gulshan Karimova (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Tajik Solidarity Group with the DPRK).
-- 🇦🇲 Karen Shakhnikian (Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, 1st Secretary of the Armenian Komsomol Organization, Head of the Armenian Solidarity Group with the DPRK).
-- 🇩🇪 Johannes Wittmund (Member of the Coordination Committee, Head of the European Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the German Regional Committee),
-- 🇭🇺 Peter Gal (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Hungarian Regional Committee).
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee:
🇷🇺 Alexander Mostov (Chairman of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG)
Press Secretary of the Preparatory Committee:
🇨🇳 Vera (Deputy Director of the 3rd Information Department of the DPRK ISG, Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG)
Honorary Members of the Preparatory Committee:
🇷🇺 Sergey Baburin (President of the International Association of Peace Foundations, Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG), 🇷🇺 Sergey Ryzhik, 🇷🇺 Laura Escamilla Vega, 🇺🇸 Haz Al-Din (Chairman of the American Communist Party), 🇷🇺 Stas Vasiliev (Director of the 3rd Information Department of the DPRK ISG), 🇺🇸 Don Courter (Administrator of TheRevolutionReport), 🇹🇯 Murodbek Yuldoshev (Acting duties of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Tajikistan), 🇷🇺 Ilya Kleymenov (Advisor to the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Communists of Russia).
Members of the Preparatory Committee:
-- 🇨🇳 Luan Xinglong (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Chinese Group of Solidarity with the DPRK.
[Central Russia]
-- 🇷🇺 Viktor Petrov (Deputy Chairman of theCoordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Chairman of the Russian Society of Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK),
-- 🇷🇺 Ivan Kozlov (Regional Secretary of the DPRK ISG in the Central Federal District),
-- 🇷🇺 Georgy Dmitriev (Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Friendship Club with the DPRK in Sergiev Posad),
-- 🇷🇺 Alexandra Mikhailova (Head of the Friendship and Cultural Cooperation Club with the DPRK in Vladivostok),
-- 🇷🇺 Filipp Kolosov (Head of the Taganrog branch of the Russian Society for Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the DPRK as part of the DPRK ISG).
[Altai (as part of the Russian Federation)]
-- 🇷🇺 Daria Kadkina (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea in the Altai Repubic).
[North American Region]
-- 🇺🇸 Christopher Helali (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Regional Secretary in the USA),
-- 🇨🇦 Nicholas Reed (Regional Secretary in Canada).
-- 🇧🇾 Klim Belsky (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the DPRK Solidarity Group (Republic of Belarus).
-- 🇹🇯 Gulshan Karimova (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Tajik Solidarity Group with the DPRK).
-- 🇦🇲 Karen Shakhnikian (Candidate for Membership in the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, 1st Secretary of the Armenian Komsomol Organization, Head of the Armenian Solidarity Group with the DPRK).
-- 🇩🇪 Johannes Wittmund (Member of the Coordination Committee, Head of the European Executive Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the German Regional Committee),
-- 🇭🇺 Peter Gal (Member of the Coordination Committee of the DPRK ISG, Head of the Hungarian Regional Committee).
[생중계|livestream] 2025.2.9 조선중앙방송위원회 / DPRK Central Television and Radio Broadcast
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 9, 2025 —
❗️ 경애하는 김정은동지께서 조선인민군창건절에 즈음하여 국방성을 축하방문하시였다
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National Defence on Day of KPA Founding
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 9, 2025 —
❗️ 경애하는 김정은동지께서 조선인민군창건절에 즈음하여 국방성을 축하방문하시였다
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National Defence on Day of KPA Founding
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
VK Видео
[생중계 | трансляция] 2025.2.10 조선중앙방송위원회 / Центральное телерадиовещание КНДР [0-00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) / Корейское центральное радиовещание / 朝鲜中央广播电台 /「朝鮮中央放送」/ Koreanischer Zentralsender [3-00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK) / Голос Кореи (ГОК) / 朝鲜之声 / 朝鮮の声 / Stimme…
On February 12 at 19:30 there will be a screening of the documentaries "Defectors from the DPRK: Victims or Liars?" and "Under the Shadow. Mansky: from Putin's Director to Traitor" with comments from the co-authors.
We invite absolutely everyone!
Address: Nesvizhsky Pereulok, Building 4, Apartment 4
Contact person: Ivan Kozlov (Regional Secretary of the Russian Executive Committee)
We invite absolutely everyone!
Address: Nesvizhsky Pereulok, Building 4, Apartment 4
Contact person: Ivan Kozlov (Regional Secretary of the Russian Executive Committee)
[생중계|livestream] 2025.2.15 조선중앙방송위원회 / DPRK Central Television and Radio Broadcast
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 15, 2025 —
❗️ 락원군바다가양식사업소건설착공식 성대히 진행
Groundbreaking Ceremony of Rakwon County Offshore Farm Held with Splendor
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 15, 2025 —
❗️ 락원군바다가양식사업소건설착공식 성대히 진행
Groundbreaking Ceremony of Rakwon County Offshore Farm Held with Splendor
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
VK Видео
[생중계 | трансляция] 2025.2.15 조선중앙방송위원회 / Центральное телерадиовещание КНДР [0-00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) / Корейское центральное радиовещание / 朝鲜中央广播电台 /「朝鮮中央放送」/ Koreanischer Zentralsender [3-00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK) / Голос Кореи (ГОК) / 朝鲜之声 / 朝鮮の声 / Stimme…
[생중계|livestream] 2025.2.16 조선중앙방송위원회 / DPRK Central Television and Radio Broadcast
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 16, 2025 —
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 16, 2025 —
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
VK Видео
[생중계 | трансляция] 2025.2.16 조선중앙방송위원회 / Центральное телерадиовещание КНДР [0-00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) / Корейское центральное радиовещание / 朝鲜中央广播电台 /「朝鮮中央放送」/ Koreanischer Zentralsender [3-00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK) / Голос Кореи (ГОК) / 朝鲜之声 / 朝鮮の声 / Stimme…
Forwarded from СТАС БОМБИТ
[생중계|livestream] 2025.2.28 조선중앙방송위원회 / DPRK Central Television and Radio Broadcast
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 28, 2025 —
❗️ 전략순항미싸일발사훈련 진행
Strategic Cruise Missile Launching Drill Conducted
❗️ 경애하는 김정은동지께서 완공된 평양종합병원을 돌아보시였다
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Completed Pyongyang General Hospital
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
— Korean Central Television (KCTV), Korean Central Broadcasting (KCBS) and Voice of Korea (VOK) on February 28, 2025 —
❗️ 전략순항미싸일발사훈련 진행
Strategic Cruise Missile Launching Drill Conducted
❗️ 경애하는 김정은동지께서 완공된 평양종합병원을 돌아보시였다
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Completed Pyongyang General Hospital
조선민주주의인민공화국 국제적련대성 그루빠는 붉은별TV를 통해 조선반도와 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최근 소식들을 공정한 원칙에 기초하여 전하고 있습니다.
Bulgeunbyeol TV (Red Star TV) is an information project of the DPRK International Solidarity Group (DPRK ISG), which disseminates true information about the lates events in the world and on the Korean Peninsula.
© 중계저작권은 해당 법인이 소유하고 있습니다.
The copyright for the broadcast content belong to the respective copyright holders.
Rebroadcast schedule according to Pyongyang time:
[00:00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
[03:00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK)
[09:00] 조선중앙텔레비죤 / Korean Central Television (KCTV HD)
[17:00] 17시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Daily News Block (KCTV HD)
[20:00] 20시보도 (조선중앙TV) / Evening News Block (KCTV HD)
[22:30] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS)
VK Видео
[생중계 | трансляция] 2025.2.28 조선중앙방송위원회 / Центральное телерадиовещание КНДР [0-00] 조선중앙방송 / Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) / Корейское центральное радиовещание / 朝鲜中央广播电台 /「朝鮮中央放送」/ Koreanischer Zentralsender [3-00] 조선의 소리 / Voice of Korea (VOK) / Голос Кореи (ГОК) / 朝鲜之声 / 朝鮮の声 / Stimme…