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Ulfaa'uu koo akkamiin dafee beekuu danda'a?
Dubartiin takka ulfaa'uu ishii mallattoolee yeroo ulfaa mudachuu danda'aniin dabalata manumatti meeshaa 'pregnancy test' jedhamu qarshii baay'ee salphaa ta'een bitattee of ilaaluu ni dandeessi. Haalli itti ilaalamu baay'ee salphaadha. Kunis :-
1. Meeshaa 'pregnancy test' jedhamu dukkaana qorichaatii (faarmaasidhaa) bitachuu
2. Fincaan qodaa qulqullina qabutti fincaa'uu
3. Fiixee meeshaa 'pregnancy test' jedhamu kanaa, gara tokkoon irraa buqqisuu
4. Iddoo irraa buqqifne kanaan hanga iddoo murtaa'aa (yeroo baay'ee tuqaa) fincaan keessa cuuphuu
5. Daqiiqaa 5-10 fincaan keessa tursiisuu.
6. San booda keessaa baasanii ilaaluu
A. Sararri tokko qofti yoo muldhate ulfi hin jiru jechuudha
B. Sararri lama yoo muldhate ulfi ni jira jechuudha.
Yeroo baay'ee bu'aan kun, laguun guyyaa itti dhufuu qabu yoo dabarse osoo ilaalanii ni gorfama. Haa ta'u malee, walqunnamtiin saalaa raawwatamee guyyaa 10 booda yoo of shakkan ilaaluun ni danda'ama.


🩺✍️Make Your Health a Priority in Life
Health is Wealth✍️🩺
Dhiiga arjoomuuf faayidaa isaa
Namni giddu galeessi tokko tilmaamaan dhiiga liitira 5 of keessaa qaba.
Addunyaa kanarraa sekondii tokkotti namni tokko yaaliif dhiiga isa barbaachisa. Ta'us Namootni dhiiga barbaadan kun dhiigicha argachuu dhabuun lubbuun namoota danuu du'aan lafa kanarraa ni fudhatamti.

1. Fedhii guutuu qabaachuu
2. Umurii waggaa 18-65
3. Ulfaatina Kg 45 oli
4. Dhukkuboota dhiigaan daddarbuu danda'an irraa bilisa kan ta'e.
5. Dhukkuboota buleeyyii kan hinqabne. / free from chronic diseases/
6. Erga Dhiiga Arjoomanii ji'a sadii kan guutan ta'uu qabu.


1. Hirmaataa tajaajila namoomaa nama taasisa.
2. Gammachuu Sammuu olaanaa namaaf laata
3. Qorannoon tokko tokko fayyaa ofiitiif faayidaa akka qabu ibsu. (Namoonni dhiiga arjooman kan hinarjoomneen yeroo madaalaman Carraan balaa tasaa onneef saaxilamuu gadaanaa dha.)
4. Lubbuu Qarshiin tilmaamamuu hin dandeenye du'arraa oolcha.
Kanaaf namoota gargaarsa keenya barbaadaniif dhiiga haa arjoomun
Fayyaa hin dhabinaa
©️Dr Naafyaad Geetuu Dhugaasaa

Dr Ija Banaa hordofaa.
#Gurbaan sahaaba ergamaa rabbitirraa tahe tokko sababa jaartiin isaa sagalee guyyuu isarrattti ol fudhattuuf umar binu khaxxaabittin himadha ja’ee gama isaa dhufe.
Hulaa umar dura oggaa dhaabbatee niin dhadhawa ja’uu kunoo jaartin umar isarratti sagalee ol fudhachu jirti.!!
Gurbaan na qofaa miti ja’e osoo olin seenin isumaa garagale umar binu khaxxaab hulaa banee yeroo isa arku ;akka waan gama kiyya dhufte fakkaatta ja’een.
Ee jaartii tiyyaan sitti himadha ja’e dhufeetin wahuma na bira jiru si biratti arkee garagale ja’en.!!
Umar ; na baadhatte,huccuu tiyya miccite,joollee tiyya guddifte,mana kiyya qulqulleeysite ka rabbiin isii hin ajajin,kana hundaahu qaalii kiyya godhuf baadhatte,yoo isiin sagalee ol fudhatte isii hin baadhadhuu ja’een?!!

Dhaamsa (3)Nama bultii qabuuf
1ffaa ;Obsa
2ffaa ;Obsa
3ffaa ;Obsa qabaadhu.!!
Ustaz shariif abdumalik
BBC News, Afaan Oromoo
Dhiiga Arjoomuu: Ilaalchoonni dhiiga arjoomuurratti jiran maal fa'aadha?
14 Waxabajjii 2019

Namoonni fayyaa yoo qabaatan dhiiga arjoomuu ni danda'u jedha Dhabbanni Fayyaa Addunyaa.
Akkeekachiisoonni muraasni kan namoonni dhimma kanarratti akka ilaalchaa garagaraa akka qabaatan kan godhu ni jiru.
Kunneen muraasa isaaniiti.
Namoonni foonii hin sooranne dhiiga hin arjooman
Ilaalachi kun waa'ee albuuda Ayiraniirratti kan xiyyeeffatu- kunis immoo qabiiyyee dhiigaa keessaa isa murteessadha. Yaaddoon namootaa immoo gosoonni nyaata kuduraafi muduraa hammi qabiyyee Ayiranii isaanii xiqqaadha kan jedhudha.
Ta'us garuu nyaata madalawaa gahaa yoo nyaatan hamma aayiranii gahaan qaama keessaan keessa ni jiraata.
Faayidaan 'MRI' maali?
Doktorri fayyaa dhukkubsattoota 17 summeessuun himatame
Dhiigni keessan hanqinna Ayiranii qaba taanan nageenyummaa keessaniif dhiiga arjoomuu hin dandeettan. Biyyoonni hedduun qorannoo heemoogiloobiinii erga gaggeessanii booda namoonni hanqinna dhiigaa qaban dhiiga arjoomuu hin danda'an.
Tumaan qaamaa akka hin arjoomne dhorka
Dhorkamiinsi tokkoolle hin jiru, ta'us garuu turtiin tuumaa hojjachiifachuu yookiin doktaar ilkaanii bira deemanii ilaallamuuniifi dhiiga arjoomu giddutti.

Ibsa waa'ee suuraa,
Dhiiga arjoomuun duratti yoom akka tumaa hojjachiifatan beeka
Dhabbanni Fayyaa Addunyaa namni tumaa erga hojjichiifatee ji'a jahaa, kutaa qaama erga waraannatee sa'aatii 12fi yaala ilkaanii erga godhatee sa'aatii 24 booda kan dhiiga arjoomuu danda'u jedha.
Yoo si dhukkubbe, ulfa, daa'ima ykn maanguddoo taatee arjoomuu hin dandeettu
Inni kun dhugaadha. Namoonni vaayirasiin HIV/AIDS qaama isaanii keessatti argamu, dhukkubsataan dhibee tiruu, fanxoo, daranyoo sombaafi dhukkusatoonni dhibee daddarboo qaban arjoomuu hin danda'an.
Dhiiga arjoomuuf dhibee kamurraa erga fayyitanii yoo xiqqaate torbee lama turuu qabdu.
Qoricha farra baakteeriyaa fudhachaa turtan yoo ta'e immoo qoricha fudhatanii xumurtanii torbee tokko guutuu qabdu.
Mormiin ogeeyyii fayyaa attamiin eegale, eessa gahe?
Akkaataan qoricha booda dhiiga arjoomaan biyyaa biyyatti garaagarummaa qaba.
Haati ulfa taate, kan hoosiistu yookiin yeroo dhihoo deette yookiin ulfa baasitte hamma hammi aayiranii qaamaa ishee sirratutti yeroo muraasa eeguu qabdi.
Laguun garuu dhiiga arjoomuu nama hin dhorku.
Dhiiga arjoomuuf umuriin gad aanaan wagga 16. Kunis immoo hayyamummaa daa'ima dhiiga arjoomuu seera biyyootarratti hundaa'a.
Ga'eessotaaf fiixeen umurii jirachuu baatus biyyoonni hedduun garuu umurii 60-70 keessa ta'uu qaba jechuun seera qabu.
Namoota yeroo jalqabaaf arjoomuuf garuu haal dureewwan heddu jiru keessatiyyuu biyyoota haalli jireenya isaanii gad aanaa ta'e.
Barmaatilee "rakkoo fidan"
Jireenyi mataasaan rakkoodhaan kan guutamedha. Rakkooleen kunneen dhiiga arjoomurraa isiin dhorkuu danda'u.
Akka Dhabbanni Fayyaa Addunyaa jedhutti, amaloonni akka waahila saal-qunnamatii heddu qabachuun wal qunnamtiidhaaf qarshii kaffalluun yookiin fudhachuun yookiin dhirroonni dhiira waliin wal qunnamtii saalaa gochuun dhiigaa arjoomuurraa nama dhoorkuu danda'u jedha.
Biyyoonni hedduun namoota haalota kanneen keessatti hirmaatan arjoomuurraa ni dhorku. Ta'us garuu mirga isaanii sarbuudha jedhamee waan ilaallamuuf arjoomuu ni danda'u ta'a.
Dhiigni keessan hin dhumatu

Namoota umurii giddu galeessa keessatti dhiiga liitira 5'ttu qaama isaanii keessatti argama. Kunis ulfaatinna qaama isaaniirratti hundaa'a. Dhiigni arjoomamuu giddu galeessan ml 500n.
Namoonni umurii giddu galeessa fayyaa qaban eega dhiiga arjoomanii booda sa'aatii 24-48 keessatti dhangala'aa dhaban san deebi'anii ni argattu.
Walumaa galatti, yoo...
Fayyaa qabdan
Ulfaatinni keessan yoo xiqqaate kg 50fi kg 160 gad taatan
Umurii 18-66 taatan (biyyaa biyyatti garaagarummaa qabaatus)
Haadha ulfaa yookiin hoosiifittu hin taane
Vaayirasiin HIV/AIDS yoo hin qabaanne
Akkam jirtan kabajamtoota fi jaalatamtoota hordoftoota kiyya.
Arra seena takkaan isiniif hima
@ dhimmii gurba dardaraa kan waggaa 20 fi intala ilmaan sadii qabdu wal jaalate. Gurbaan kun hojii isaa nagayaa eegsiisaadhaa isillee akkasuma isheen amma abbaa mana hin qabdu baayyee bareeddi kanuma gurbaan kun ishee jaalate hariiroo wajjiin jalqabee isheen garu dhukkuba HIV aids dhaan hubamte qoricha fudhachaa jirtii waa’ee kana gurbaa kanaf waan himte hin qabdu. Boodarra gurbaan yeroo of qoratu akka dhukkuba kanaan qabamee of arke achumaan lubbuu isaa balleeyse.
Kanaf gorsii kiyya osoo hariiroo ykn ga’eela keeysa hin gallee wal qorachuun gaariidhaan jedha.
Remove negativity from your mind, and replace it with positivity. Your life will become more happier as a result.
"Can a pregnant mother fast during Ramadan? "

Is there a problem that comes with fasting during Ramadan while you are pregnant or breastfeeding?

Answer: First of all, a mother is supposed to eat better foods and liquids during pregnancy and breastfeeding. She needs a balanced diet unlike other age groups.

In addition, especially in the first 3 months (with frequent nausea and vomiting) and at the end of the month, she may need to eat more than 5 times a day in 24 hours, especially during the first three months (repeated nausea and nausea) and at the last month, because appetite decreases quickly.

According to this, the following things are mentioned to be completed to fast.
1/ Eating properly on suhur (lots of liquid and protein)

2/ Understanding that if there is nausea and vomiting that happens in the first 3 months of pregnancy, it will get worse by fasting.

3/ If you have diabetes and take medicine for it, you should be careful during fasting.

4/ Anemia, diarrhea, hypertension and other illnesses other than pregnancy or breastfeeding

5/ Making sure the weight she gained during pregnancy is appropriate.

6/ It is advisable that the country where you are fasting is not more than 12 hours a day.

7/ It is advised that the weather in the area is not too hot.

8/ Eating foods that give protein, good energy and water rather than salty foods.

9/ Not stopping medicines given during pregnancy without consulting your doctor

10/ It is recommended not to fast after five months of pregnancy with twins or more.

11/ It is recommended if you have a birth history before the previous period is 9 months.

12/ It is not recommended to fast if you don't have the feeling of fasting at the moment.

If a woman who does this and completes the above, fasts Ramadan for one month at any age of pregnancy, many studies show that there is no problem with the uterus.

On the contrary, there is no study that fasting for one month in nine months causes harm. However, a pregnant mother should not fast if she can't do it for herself or if she feels tired and feels headache. If her desire to fast is a must, then she can fast one day.

By Dr. Seid Arage: uterus and uterus specialist doctor
Assistant Professor: Black Lion Hospital
Medical things that don't spoil Ramadan fasting 1, eye drops and ear drops drugs don't spoil fasting. 2, It is okay for asthma patients to take their medicine (Salbutamol puff) while fasting. 3, pulling teeth or filling teeth doesn't stop fasting. 4, Pills Under Tongue: To Treat Heart Disease (MI) ... Unless you take medicines that help other diseases, fasting will not be ruined. 5, If a fasting person gives his blood for blood test, his fasting will not break. 6, drugs that are given via vein (IV) or IM that are not food substitutes (reliefs, vaccines, antibiotics) and CT Scan (CT Scan) or MRI (intravenous contrast) do not ruin fasting. 7, remembering without knowing about sickness or any reason does not stop fasting. 8, Hijama (wagmat) spoils fasting or not, many ideas have been given among scholars (deen scholars) so as to be careful it is better to avoid doing wagmat during fasting hours. The stone of hijama (swagmet) is used for Phelbotomy that we use in modern medical methods. 9, A person with a tiger will not break even if he spills a lot of blood. A person who is fasting will not have a problem even if he bleeds a lot of blood by accident or other reason. But because of this, if he is tired of being sick, he can break his fast and eat. 10, If it doesn't cause any problems to her health, it is okay if a woman uses menstrual medication to fast Ramadan. If a woman uses menstrual medication does not cause problems to her health, fasting during Ramadan days, Laylatul Qedir, some activities on Hajj and Umrah, it will not be a problem. But since the drugs have side effects, it would be better if the woman doesn't put herself in trouble. It is acceptable if you fast using pills and practice abadas. 11, Medical devices, tests, medicines and contraceptives that are placed in the wombs or vagina do not spoil fasting. [ These medical statements regarding Ramadan fasting are Quran and Hadith and the four fasting are given and completed by the scholars of our time (religious scholars of religion). Share it and inform those who don't know Dr. Meksud Shemsu Telegram: t. me/HakimEthio #Ramadan_month_of_mercy #Ramadan_Mubarak
👉 What is Pityriasis versicolor?

Tongue is a skin disease that is common and caused by fungus.

👉 the signs
Language usually grows around the back, neck, chest and upper arm

Dark (hyperpigmented), blonde (hypopigmented) and sometimes lighter round or oval shaped bandits have small shells on these bandits.

When we stick the bandits with our fingers or make them fak fak the shells will peel off.

Not normal but can feel itchy at times

👉 what kind of people it happens to
Usually happens in adolescence and adult age groups.

👉 Situations that expose us to language.
- Natural exposure (genetic predisposition) which can cause it to occur in family members.
- living in a warmer environment
- weakening of the immune system
- እርግዝና
- if our skin is oily
- Using oils that are oily
- sweat a lot

👉 How to treat language?
After the bandit has been checked by a dermatologist, the doctor will give his treatment with shampoo or medicine that is applied according to his prescription.

After the treatment, the shells on the bandit disappear, which indicates the cure of the disease.

But it may take weeks/months to restore our skin color to normal where the bandit left

👉 Does language pass from person to person?
Language cannot be passed from person to person.

The types of fungus that cause diarrhea (also called Malassezia) live in harmony with our skin (normal flora) and when there are conditions that expose us to the disease, they turn into disease causes, this is why the disease happens again and again.

👉How can we prevent it?

If it happens to us frequently and especially if we live in a hot environment, it is possible to reduce the speed of time it is possible to consult with a dermatologist by taking the treatment a week or two weeks or once a month for a few months.

And also:-

Not to use oily oils

Wearing cotton clothes (especially the ones we wear inside)

Let's not wear clothes that stick to our body.

✔️ finally
Let's protect our skin from further damage by watching videos made outside of a dermatologist or by buying medicines without consulting a dermatologist!! ️

Dr. Yohannes Tadesse, Skin and Abalaser Treatment Specialist
When you need skin treatment and advice in Hossana city and its surroundings - 0929296463

Follow doctor's telegram page: t. me/HakimEthio
Dhimma Ispermii gumaachuu (Sperm Donation) irratti waan muraasa.

Biyya keenya keessatti namoota walfuudhan keessaa dhibbeentaa 20 ol dhala dhabuudhaan rakkatu. Sababa dhala dhabuu fidan keessaa 40% ol ammoo sababa dhiiraa (Abbaa warraatin) dhufa. Dhiirri wal-qunnamtii saalaa gochuu waan danda’eef yookan dhangala’aa qaama saalaa keessaa ba’u qofa waan qabaateef dhalchuu ni danda’a jechuu miti. Dhangala’aa isaa keessa seelii isparmii gahaa fi fayyaaleessa qabaachuu qaba. Yeroodhaa gara yerootti dandeettiin dhalchuu dhiirota biyya keenyaa hir’ataa dhufeera. Sababoonni muraasni kana fidan: Alkoolii humnaa ol fayyadamuu, qorichoota qaama hadoochan fayyadamuu, garmalee furdachuu, Tamboo fi qorichoota xuuxaman biroo xuuxuun muraasa.

Dhiirri bultii godhate tokko yoo Isparmii oomishuu hin dandeenye, baqaqsanii yaaluu salphaadhaan akka sanyiin kormaa isaa fudhatamu ta’a. Sanyiin kormaa (sperm) fudhatame hanqaaquu haadha warraa isaa waliin laboratory keessatti wal-arguun akka micireen uumamu taasifama. Yeroo tokko tokko garuu baqaqsanii yaaluun taasifamus, sanyiin kormaa dhabamuu danda’a. Dhiironni rakkoon kun isaan muudate carraan isaanii Isparmii dhiira biroo fayyadamuu ta’a. Sanyiin kormaa dhiira biraa irraa argame hanqaaquu haadha warraa isaa waliin walitti fiduun micireen uumamee gara gadameessa isheetti deebisuun ilmoo godhachuu danda’a. Kun kan ta’uu danda’u Isparmii dhiirri biraa gumaache yoo argate qofa. Biyyoota hedduu keessatti Isparmii gumaachuun qarshii argamsiisa. Gumaachuuf garuu fayyaa ta’uu fi ulaagaalee muraasa guutun dirqama. Warri gumaachuu yaaddan carraa gaarii!

(Barreeffamni kun kan barreeffame, har’a miidiyaa hawaasaa gubbaatti ajandaa guddaa kan ta’e dhimma Ispamiin Tigraayitti qarshii 10,00 bituu ilaalchisuun akka ta’e naaf hubadhaa 🙏)
2024/09/27 20:26:32
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