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የበጎ ፈቃደኝነት ጽንሰ ሀሳብ አዲስ በነበረብት እንዲሁም የሴቶችን ነባራዊ ችግር ወደ ፊት ማውጣት ከባድ በነበረበት ወቅት በ1953 ተመስርቶ የነበረውን ወጣት ሴቶች ክርስቲያናዊ ማህበር በኢትዮጵያን እንቅስቂሴ እ.ኤ.አ በ2000ዓ.ም ተረክበው ካስቀጠሉ ጥቂት ልበ ሙሉ ጠንካራ ሴቶች እንዷ የነበሩት ወ/ሮ እሌኒ መኩሪያ፤ ወጣት ሴቶች ክርስቲያናዊ ማህበር በሰፊው እንቅስቃሴ ያደርግ በነበረብት ወቅት የድርጅቱ ሰራተኛ በመሆን ያላቸውን እውቀት በማበርከት እንዲሁም የቦርድ አባል በመሆን ድርጅቱን የደገፉ አንጋፋና ድንቅ የወ.ሴ.ክ.ማ ቤተሰብ ነበሩ፡፡ ወ/ሮ እሌኔ መኩሪያ በኖሩበት የትውልድ ቅብብሎሽ ሁሉ ያላቸውን እውቀት በማስተላለፍ እና ጊዜያቸውን በመስጠት ወጣት ሴቶች ክርስቲያናዊ ማህበር ዛሬ የደረሰበት ቦታ እንዲደርስ ጉልህ ሚና አበርክተዋል፤ በዚህም ማህበራችን ሁሌም ሲያስባቸው ይኖራል፡፡ የወ.ሴ.ክ.ማ አባላት፣ ቦርድ፣ ዋና ስራ አስኪያጅ እንዲሁም መላው የወ.ሴ.ክ.ማ ሰራተኞች በወ/ሮ እሌኒ መኩሪያ ዜና እረፍት የተስማንን ከፍተኛ ሀዘን እየገለጽን ለቤተሰቦቻቸው እና ለወዳጅ ዘመዶቻቸው መጽናናትን እንመኛለን፡፡
Job Title: Call for consultancy Service

Company: Young Women's Christian Association YWCA Ethiopia

Job Type: Contractual

Description: Organizational Background

Young Women’s Christian Association in Ethiopia is an affiliate member to World YWCA; an international voluntary membership movement that connects women leading social and economic change in over 120 countries. YWCA in Ethiopia was initially founded in 1962 and reestablished in 2000 then re-registered as Ethiopian resident charity following proclamation 621/2009 with license number 0237 and again re-registered with revised CSO 1113/2019 proclamation under FDRE CSO agency.
YWCA in Ethiopia seeks to improve the status of women and girls and empower through intervening on its core intervention focus areas; advancing gender equality, influencing governance and planning, socioeconomic empowerment, sexual and reproductive health, access to education and young women leadership development.
As part of the YWVL project intervention that we are implementing with our partner Plan International Ethiopia YWCA Ethiopia intends to develop a standard organizational operation manual that can be easily accessed and provides guidance for employees to perform their functions correctly, reasonably and efficiently. In addition it helps to remind employees of how to do their job. The operational manual could be a kind of book holds the standard operating procedures that link program and other supportive staffs to reduce human errors and inform everyone correctly what they need to do, who they are responsible to and who they are responsible for. Therefore, YWCA Ethiopia invites potential resource person to undertake this assignment.
Deliverables include but not limited to the following: Standard organizational operation manual that;
. Outlines processes that are necessary to achieve the organizational goal
. Improve and standardize the process by documenting how to function and who is responsible for what in detail and
. Prepare and submit inception report
Required Competencies:
• The resource person should have relevant qualification with sufficient experience and skills in
operational manual developments in particular in CSO settings and other related consultancy activities
• The resource person should provide a portfolio of past work and CV.
• The resource person should clearly provide technical proposal and state in his/her financial proposal the amount of payment expected for the service delivery.
• Renewed business license along with TIN and VAT certificate.
All interested applicants should submit technical and detailed financial proposal along with copy of renewed licenses and apply for the call. Bids must be received by YWCA at the address specified here: 4 Kilo behind Tourist Hotel on 1st floor of Ikhlas building Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where American College of Technology is located; Phone: 0118880285 or +251111704533
YWCA is an equal opportunity employer! Women are encouraged to apply
Job Title: social media booster/promoter

Company: Young Women's Christian Association YWCA Ethiopia

Job Type: Remote

Description: Organizational Background

Young Women’s Christian Association in Ethiopia is an affiliate member to World YWCA; an international voluntary membership movement that connects women leading social and economic change in over 120 countries. YWCA in Ethiopia was initially founded in 1962 and reestablished in 2000 then re-registered as Ethiopian resident charity following proclamation 621/2009 with license number 0237 and again re-registered with revised CSO 1113/2019 proclamation under FDRE CSO agency.
YWCA in Ethiopia seeks to improve the status of women and girls and empower through intervening on its core intervention focus areas; advancing gender equality, influencing governance and planning, socioeconomic empowerment, sexual and reproductive health, access to education and young women leadership development.
YWCA Ethiopia seeks an experienced social media promoter or booster, who can boost our page through our social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
Required Competencies:
• The resource person should provide price per post or amount of payment expected for the service delivery.
• Renewed business license along with TIN and VAT certificate.

All interested applicants should submit packages of social media promotion fees (price per post) along with copy of renewed licenses and apply for the call within 10 consecutive working days. Bids must be received by YWCA Email address [email protected] for more information Phone: 0118880285 or +251111704533
YWCA is an equal opportunity employer! Women are encouraged to apply
Thank You Embassy of Finland, we are very grateful for the support!
YWCA Ethiopia signed an agreement with the Embassy of Finland in Ethiopia to implement a project entitled “Women and Girls with Disabilities inclusion project’’ in the Amhara region, North Shewa zone, Debre Birhan Town.
#Embassy of Finland in Ethiopia
YWCA Ethiopia has participated in the launching event of #16days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign with the theme ‘Orange the World: End Violence Against Women Now’.
# A High-level Policy Dialogue on GBV in Ethiopia.
#Let Peace Prevail! End GBV against Women and Children!
#UN Women Ethiopia
#UNFPA #16 Days of Activism
Happy Holidays!❤️
2025/02/18 12:29:34
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