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[ S T A R T - H E R E ]

Peasants, God Kings, Pharaohs, and High Priests... Feudal Authoritarian Technocracy in an amnesia-and-free-will-based Spiritual Battleground.

Disclosure is about uncovering (or recovering) knowledge of prior “world orders” that current elites actively suppress to their benefit. We strive to uncover tactics, strategies, and belief systems of current, recent, and historical “extra-judicial elites”. Tactics and belief systems that run counter to the common good and have remained “undisclosed” under the cloak of national security and may primarily be used for extremely lucrative criminal operations.

These are VERY complex and multifaceted topics to tackle. It can test one’s ability to maintain emotional balance while hard realizations about the true nature of the world come into focus. It’s likely to be challenging. You aren’t alone. Apply to join the
CHAT (15 new/wk). Ask someone in your life to work through this material with you. Start a small group. Something.


Agreements Together / ROE
Vision, Mission, and Purpose
Roles and Responsibilities

Charter at First 12 Founding Members
Re-Charter at 45 Members, adjust entry

Link Last Updated: 09 April 2022
Group Disclosure Research Chat
Active Researchers Only Please


15 slots per week. Link refreshes every Saturday. First come first served. Vetting. 4 week trial. Admins vote, 10 and under. Group votes, over 10 members. Blackball votes and vouchers needed once group reaches 45 active members.
+1 month inactivity purge.


Respond to the three following prompts (in the chat, within 24 hours of joining):

1) The top three disclosure subjects/topics you feel you have researched the most in depth to date
2) The top three or more disclosure topics you would like to add to the list and research as a group
3) I am (or am not) skilled and interested in helping with administration or leadership of this research group

4 week trial. Majority vote
ISO: Researchers, Leaders, Admins

Vetting | Specialties | Interests & Gaps

2024/09/29 18:34:31
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