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💟بعض التجميعات اللطيفة في اللغة الانجليزية

كلمة Rock معناها صخرة
لكن لما تقول لحد You are my rock هي مش بمعنى انت صخرتي لكن بمعنى انتَ سندي 🥺.

كلمة Big معناها كبير و كلمة Cheese معناها جبنة
لكن لما تقول عن حد He's big Cheese هذي بمعنى انه شخص وقور وله هيبه و احترام😎

كلمة light معناها خفيف و كلمة heart معناها قلب لما تقول عن حد
He s light-hearted
هذي بمعنى انه مرح و دمه خفيف.

كلمة Back معناها ظهر و كلمة bite معناها يعض و لما تقول Backbite دي بمعنى انك بتتكلم في سيرة حد مش موجود
🔆It's not okay to backbite people.

كلمة Cheese معناها جبنة
لكن لما تقول على حد Cheesy person دي بتكون بمعنى انه شخص ملزق وسخيف.

كلمة jump معناها ينط (يقفز)
لكن لما تقول على حد He's jumpy هذي بمعنى انه شخص عصبي.

كلمة Music معناها موسيقى و كلمة Ear معناها اذن
لكن لما تقول لحد خبر و يرد عليك ويقولك
It's music to my ears
#بمعنى انه خبر حلو و عجبه.😍

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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⚡️spin out ' يطيل '
#تعني : جعل اي لأطول فترة ممكنة
make something last as long as possible

🔆"they tried to spin out the debate through their speeches and interventions"
👈 لقد حاولوا اطاله النقاش من خلال خطاباتهم ومداخلاتهم

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️1. Watch out - Be careful or cautious. 'ااحترس"
#Example: Watch out for the slippery floor.
👈 احترس من الأرضية الزلقة.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✔️2. Watch over - To keep an eye on someone or something. "ينتبه"
🔆Can you watch over my kids while I go to the store?
هل يمكنك تنتبه أطفالي أثناء ذهابي إلى المتجر?
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

🟡3. Watch for - To look out for something or someone.
Example: We need to watch for any signs of danger.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️4. Watch up - To stay awake and alert. "يستيقظ "
Example: I need to watch up all night to finish this project.

✴️5. Watch off - To remove a watch from your wrist. "ازاله الساعه من اليد "
Example: I always watch off my watch before going to bed.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️6. Watch on - To continue watching something that has already started.
Example: Let s watch on the movie we started yesterday.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✔️7. Watch through - To see something until the end, without interruption or distraction.
Example: I watched through the entire game without taking a break.
🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✔️8. Watch down - To observe someone with suspicion or disapproval.
Example: The security guard watched down on the suspicious person in the parking lot.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️9. Watch back - To review something that has already happened, especially for mistakes or errors.
#تعني : لمراجعة شيء حدث بالفعل ، خاصة بالنسبة للأخطاء أو الزلات .

🔆 Let's watch back the video of our performance and see where we can improve.
👈دعونا مراجعه الفيديو تبع أدائنا ونرى أين يمكننا تحسينه.

🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁 🍁

✴️10.Watch up on- To catch up with news, information, etc., that one has missed recently.
#تعني : يلحق بالأخبار والمعلومات وما إلى ذلك.، التي فاتت مؤخرا
🔆I need to watch up on what happened in the news while I was away from home
👈أحتاج إلى مشاهدة ما حدث في الأخبار بينما كنت بعيدا عن المنزل

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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لأعطاء الشخص حرية الاختيار
✴️أنت أختار
👉You choose "يو تشوز"

✴️ الأمر متروك لك
👉It's up to you "إتس أب تو يو"

✴️يمكنك أن تفعل مايحلو لك
👉You can do as you like

"يو كان دو آز يو لايك"

✴️أنت قرر
👉Make up your mind
"ميك اب يور مايند"

✴️أنه قرارك
👉It's your decision
"إتس يور ديسچن"

✴️لا افكر إلا فيك
👉 I think only of you

أي ثينك أونلي أوف يو

✴️الله يحفظك
👉May God protect you "مِاي قَد برُوتيكْت يو"

✴️قلبي لك
👉My heart is yours. "ماي هَارت إز يورز"

✴️انا صريح
👉I am sincere. "أي ام سينسير "

🟡لا أفهم
👉I don't understand "أي دونت أندرستاند"

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#Past_continuous (I was doing)

💠 #القاعدة

Subject ( you / they / I ) + were + verb + ing + object
Subject (he/ she/ it) + was + verb + ing + object


👈مثلا كان علي يلعب كره التنس امس الساعة 10 بدا اللعب والساعه 11 ونص انتهى من اللعب
💠Ali was playing tennis at 10:30 yesterday
👈علي كان يلعب تنس الساعة 10 ونص امس كان يلعب الكره في منتصف الفعل ولم ينتهي

💠 #امثلة
1⃣This time last year I was living in Hong Kong.
👈هذا الوقت السنة السابقة انا كنت اعيش في هونج كونج
2⃣What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
👈ماذا كنت تعمل الساعة 10 الليلة الماضية
3⃣I waved to Helen, but she wasn’t looking.
👈انا لوحت لهيلين لكن هي لم تكن تراني

مع الافعال Know / want نكتب الفعل بالماضي البسيط لانكتبهم بالمضارع المستمر


💠 #مقارنة بين الماضي المستمر والماضي البسيط

💠 was doing (= في منتصف الحدث)
🔰We were walking home when I met
👈(كنا في مشيتنا للبيت عندما قابلنا دان )
🔰Kate was watching TV when we
👈كاتي كانت تشاهد التلفاز عندما نحن وصلنا

💠 I did (= حدث مكتمل )
🔰We walked home after the party last night. (= حدث منتهي )
👈نحن مشينا للبيت بعد الحفلة الليلة السابقة
🔰Kate watched TV a lot when she was ill last year.
👈كاتي شاهدت التلفاز كثيرا عندما هي كانت مريضة السنة الاوله.


💠 #الاستخدام
1⃣ للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمر لوقت معين في ماضي بمعني كان مستمر لوقت محدد في ماضي
👉I was doing my homework at 6 o clock yesterday.
👈اناكنت اعمل واجبي الساعة 6 امس

2⃣ لتعبير عن حدث أستمر لفترة في الماضي ( مع كلمة all بمعني طوال) بمعنى أستمر في ماضي ( غير معروف بدايته ونهايته مع all)
👉 I was reading a book all day yesterday.
👈انا كنت اقرا الكتاب طوال اليوم امس

3⃣ يستخدم القانون التالي للتعبير عن حدثين كانا مستمرين في نفس الوقت في ماضي.

While / as / just as / when + past continuous , past continuous .

Past continuous + while / as / just as / when + past continuous.

👉 While he was reading the book, l was watching TV.
👈بينما كان يقرا الكتاب انا كنت اشاهد التلفاز
👉 She was cooking lunch while her husband was reading the paper.
👈هي كانت تطبخ الغداء بينما زوجها كان يقرا الورقة

💠 لاحظ استخدام to be في ماضي المستمر

👉While I was at school, l worked to plan.
👈بينما انا كنت بالمدرسة انا عملت خطة

لا يمكن أن تقول
While I was being ......

💠يمكن أن تستخدم because لربط زمن الماضي المستمر وزمن الماضي البسيط
Past simple + because + past continuous.
يكون الحدث الطويل past continuous بعد because زمن past simple
I couldn t hear the phone because I was having a shower.
👈لم استطع سماع التلفون بسبب انني كنت اخذ دش

💠لكن نستخدم المضارع البسيط لقول ان شي حدث بعد شي اخر

👉I was walking along the road when I saw Dan. So I stopped, and we talked for a while.
👈انا كنت امشي على طول الطريق عندما رايت دان لذلك انا توقفت ومشيت لفترة
🔰When Karen arrived, we were having
dinner. (=نحن بدانا الاكل قبل ماتمشي )
👈عندما كارين غادرت نحن كنا نتناول العشاء
🔰When Karen arrived, we had dinner.
(= غادرت بعده تناولها العشاء)
👈عندما كارين غادرت نحن تناولنا العشاء
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احترافية اللغة الانجليزية من الصفر
#الدرس_الخامس #الماضي_المستمر #Past_continuous (I was doing) 💠 #القاعدة Subject ( you / they / I ) + were + verb + ing + object Subject (he/ she/ it) + was + verb + ing + object @E_langu 👈مثلا كان علي يلعب كره التنس امس الساعة 10…
#تابع #الدرس_الخامس
#الماضي_المستمر 2⃣
#past_continuous 2⃣
4⃣يستخدم هذه القانون للتعبير عن حدث كان مستمرآ في ماضي وقطع حدوثه حدث اخر في زمان الماضي البسيط .

في هذا الحالة يكون الحدث الطويل في الماضي المستمر والحدث القصير في زمن الماضي البسيط

💠While / as / just as + past continuous, past simple.

Past simple + while / as / just as + past continuous

💠 When + past simple , past continuous

Past continuous + when + past simple.

🔅 As I walking down the street, l met some old friends.
👈بينما انا كنت ماشي بالشارع قابلت بعض الاصدقاء القدامئ
🔆We were going back home when a beggar stopped us.
👈كنا خارج المنزل عندما فقير اوقفنا
Mattis phoned while we were having dinner.
👈ماتيس اتصلت بينما نحن كنا نتعشا
2⃣It was raining when I got up.
👈انها كانت تمطر عندما استيقظت
3⃣I saw you in the park yesterday.
You were sitting on the grass and reading a book.
👈انا رايتك في الحديقة امس انت كنت تجلس على العشب وتقرا الكتاب
4⃣I hurt my back while I was working in the garden.
👈انا جرحت ظهري بينما كنت اعمل في الحديقة


🛑 الفرق بين while & During

While + subject + was / were + v.ing past continuous.

While I was doing my homework, my mother was cooking dinner.
اذا لم يأتي فاعل نستخدم.

While + v.ing ...& Past simple

While walking in the street, I met my teacher.
👈بينما كنت امشي بالشارع قابلت استاذي
During + noun, past simple. = While + past cont

During my sleep, l heard a loud music.

🌺 I was injured during the football match.


🛑 لاحظ أن on تحل محل when عند حذف الفاعل .
When + ماضي بسيط + فاعل
= On + v.ing / now.

when + past simple, past simple.
≈On + v.ing / noun , past simple

💠 When he got up, he found that Rasha had gone away.

💠On getting up, he found that Rasha had gone away.
👈عندما هو استيقظ هو وجد رشا لقد ذهبت بعيدا.

🛑 #الكلمات_الدالة_على_الزمن
Yesterday ( evening / morning / afternoon ) / at 7 yesterday / at 10:30 last night / at 9 this morning / from five to seven yesterday / from morning to evening yesterday / at this time yesterday / last year at this www.tgoop.com/ throughout last night / all last ( week / month ) / all morning ( afternoon / evening ) yesterday


🛑 #المبني_للمجهول_في_هذا_الزمن

Were / was + being + p.p
Were / was + not + being + p.p
Were / was + subject + being + p.p

🌺 Somebody phoned me while the dinner was being cooked.

🌺 I borrowed Ali s car while mine was being repaired at the garage.


🛑 #حالات_النفي

💠Subject + wasn t / weren t + v+ing .

👉I wasn t reading when the night went out.
👈انا لم اكن اقرا عندما ذهب المساء

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1⃣ I regret doing something
2⃣I regret to say / to tell / to inform you

قد تتساءل أيش الفرق بين
I regret doing something

I regret to say / to tell / to inform you.

#أولا :
I regret doing something = I did it and now I am sorry about it.
يعني = اننا فعلنا شيء والان نحن نادمين على ذلك.


🎖I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it .
👈 أنا نادم على ماقلت .. أنا لم يكن على قول ذلك 🥺
🎖It began to get cold and he regrettdd not wearing his coat.
👈عندما تغير الجو هو ندم على عدم ارتدائه المعطف من البرد.

نلاحظ النفي انه regret not doing

🛑#ثانيا :

🔆I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you.
= I am sorry that I have to say

هذا التركيب نستخدمه عندما تريد ان تقول لشخص : أنا أسف لأني سأقول ...كذا وكذا ...
أو انا آسف لاني سأعلمك بكذا وكذا

🔆 (form a formal letter) We regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the job ☹️
👈(في الرسائل العامه) نحن نأسف على ان نعلمك أننا لآنستطيع عرض الوظيفة لك ☹️

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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1️⃣ CHAT sb UP 🗣
engage someone in conversation, typically in a flirtatious or friendly manner, with the intention of forming a connection or relationship

😘 "She successfully chatted him up at the coffee shop, and they've been dating ever since."
👗”At the party, he tried to chat her up by complimenting her outfit."

2️⃣ HIT ON sb 😏
flirt with someone or show romantic interest in
them, usually in a direct or assertive manner

🤦🏻‍♀️ “That guy was totally hitting on you. Didn’t you notice?”
😳 "She felt uncomfortable when a stranger started hitting on her at the party."

3️⃣ HOOK UP (WITH sb)🫦
engage in a casual sexual encounter or relationship with someone, often without commitment

🪝 "They hooked up at the party last night, but it didn't mean anything serious."
🛌 "She wasn’t looking for a relationship; she just wanted to hook up.”

4️⃣ ASK sb OUT 🎳
invite someone to go on a date or spend time together socially, often with romantic intentions

💌 "He finally asked her out to dinner, hoping she would say yes."
📅 "She's hoping he'll ask her out to the movies this weekend."

5️⃣ FALL FOR sb 😍
develop romantic feelings for someone; to become emotionally attached or infatuated with them

💖 "She never expected to fall for him, but his kindness won her over."
🌹 "He fell for her the moment he saw her smile."

6️⃣ GO OUT (WITH sb) 👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏻
to be in a romantic relationship or spend time socially with someone, often as a couple

💑 "They've been going out for a few months now,
enjoying each other's company."
🚗 "Do you want to go out with me this Friday?"

7️⃣ GROW APART (FROM sb) 🫱🏼 ……. 🫲🏻
gradually become distant or less close to someone

📉 "They used to be inseparable, but they've grown apart over the years."
🌱 “I can’t help but feel we’re growing apart and it saddens me.”

8️⃣ CHEAT ON sb (WITH sb else) 👿
be unfaithful to one's romantic partner by engaging in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone else

😡 "He promised never to cheat on her again, but she couldn't trust him anymore."
🤬 "Cheating on someone is never okay; it's a betrayal of trust."

end a romantic relationship or partnership

💔 "They decided to break up after realizing they wanted different things."
😢 "Breaking up with him was tough, but she knew it was the right decision."

🔟 GET BACK WITH sb ❤️‍🩹
reconcile or reunite with someone after a period of separation or breakup, typically in a romantic context

💞 “I “wanna get back with you. Will you take me back?”
🤗 "Getting back with her felt like a second chance at happiness."

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹

✴️Buckle down
👈يبذل قصارى جهده،

🔆 If I buckle down , I will be able to pass the physics test
👈إذا بذلت قصارى جهدي، فسوف أكون قادرًا على اجتياز اختبار الفيزياء

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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🔘Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss🔘

📌These titles indicate a person's gender and marital status:
🔸Mr. (pronounced "mister") = a man. Can be married or unmarried.
👈تقال للـ رجل. يمكن أن تكون متزوجة أو غير متزوجة.
🔸Mrs. (pronounced "missus") = a married woman
👈 #تقال :للمرأه المتزوجة

🔸Miss (pronounced "miss") = an unmarried woman
#تقال للمرأه غير المتزوجه

🔸Ms. (pronounced "mizz") = a woman who we are not sure if she is married or not.
#تقال : لل امرأة لسنا متأكدين مما إذا كانت متزوجة أم لا.

📌These titles are typically used with the last name:
🔸Bob Jones = Mr. Jones
🔸 Susan Smith (married) = Mrs. Smith
🔸 Kate Windsor (not married) = Miss Windsor
🔸 Linda McDonnell (marital status unknown) = Ms. McDonnell

🔹🔸🔷🔶 @E_LANGU 🔶🔷🔸🔹
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2024/11/13 03:49:42
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