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to keep someone posted
🇺🇿xabardor qilib turish

Meaning: keep someone informed of the latest developments or news.

"I'll keep you posted on his progress".
The doctors kept me posted about her condition”.


Dawdle (verb)

Meaning: to do something or go somewhere very slowly, taking more time than is necessary:

Stop dawdling! You'll be late for school!


be no angel

Meaning: to sometimes behave badly

Example: He's no angel but he can't be blamed for everything that has happened.


Embellish (verb)

make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features:
e.g Blue silk embellished with golden embroidery.
make (a statement or story) more interesting by adding extra details that are often untrue:
e.g Followers often embellish stories about their heroes.

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Actual speaking test-2022

Forwarded from Elbek Akbarovich
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Ba’zi shunga o’xshash qisqa videolar qilib ijtimoiy tarmoqlarga qo’yib bormoqchiman.

You Tube kanalimga “subscribe” (obuna bo’lish) uchun 👉

👉 @ElbekAkbarovich
Forwarded from Elbek Akbarovich
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Chet tillarini o’rganishda ona tilingizni ahamiyati qanday?

👉 @ElbekAkbarovich
2025/03/03 05:50:20
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