星架坡李家後人身份咁顯赫喺英國claim asylum都要兩年先claim到,鄭西朗自己話自己出名所以claim快過其他人。
況且鄭西朗claim到asylum之前根本冇人識佢,佢最出名未拍reels囉。然後啲手joke未瞓街,去supermarket 停車場執一蚊大餅囉!
況且鄭西朗claim到asylum之前根本冇人識佢,佢最出名未拍reels囉。然後啲手joke未瞓街,去supermarket 停車場執一蚊大餅囉!
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又講多少少,有啲人坐之前講到自己好把炮,話自已經鋪好晒路,以為自己好醒,打算最多坐一兩個月就出得返嚟。仲話要喺香港搵幾年錢,先去美國claim asylum (which this person obviously doesn't need or deserve; not to mention 人哋墨西哥邊境嗰啲都未爬到過去)。 上庭特登唔合作、串親對家,又唔知自己咩斤兩。除咗抵之外,我都唔知有咩好講。👋
何歡喜頻道 Hor Foon Hay Channel
又講多少少,有啲人坐之前講到自己好把炮,話自已經鋪好晒路,以為自己好醒,打算最多坐一兩個月就出得返嚟。仲話要喺香港搵幾年錢,先去美國claim asylum (which this person obviously doesn't need or deserve; not to mention 人哋墨西哥邊境嗰啲都未爬到過去)。 上庭特登唔合作、串親對家,又唔知自己咩斤兩。除咗抵之外,我都唔知有咩好講。👋
話說 #何歡喜 識咗容昌明都有十年咁上下,喺佢入冊之前佢心血來潮打畀我(懷疑啲狗揾佢放蛇換減刑),條友同我講咗以下呢堆嘢:
- 你search下我個名睇下我發生咩事
- 律師(法援)話最多坐兩三個月
- 出冊儲多兩錢要去美利堅claim asylum
- 英國揾唔到食所以要去美國
- 啲大陸人喺美國都係噉claim
- 美國有律師話我單case 好strong
- 你咁多年嚟都係噉打沉人
#何歡喜 #流亡卡比
- 你search下我個名睇下我發生咩事
- 律師(法援)話最多坐兩三個月
- 出冊儲多兩錢要去美利堅claim asylum
- 英國揾唔到食所以要去美國
- 啲大陸人喺美國都係噉claim
- 美國有律師話我單case 好strong
- 你咁多年嚟都係噉打沉人
#何歡喜 #流亡卡比
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All political entities are democratic; and not a single one country that currently exists is not authoritarian. But whether a particular person is a good fit for the greater good of their country, or the world, still matters. Ask the victims of ProLife policies. Ultimately, everyone just wanted to live a life free from intimidation.
I don't care about right or left, they're not so different when taken to the extremes.
I can't say about Kamala, but Trump? That means neverending fear to every non-white, non-male, non-elite, and non-rich member of the society.
Which ever so-called Hongkonger celebrating Trump's victory today, do you actually know anything about Trump other then his quasi anti-China attitude from years ago?
God bless America, and the victims of populist ideologies.
I'm Kirby, and I said these. You can comment on my character now.
I don't care about right or left, they're not so different when taken to the extremes.
I can't say about Kamala, but Trump? That means neverending fear to every non-white, non-male, non-elite, and non-rich member of the society.
Which ever so-called Hongkonger celebrating Trump's victory today, do you actually know anything about Trump other then his quasi anti-China attitude from years ago?
God bless America, and the victims of populist ideologies.
I'm Kirby, and I said these. You can comment on my character now.
#流亡卡比 :其實啲英國XGR組織而家喺度嘈英國搞ETA話有ETA接唔到放學係咪講緊接47人?
所以47人係人,我哋唔係人?就瞓街嘅時侯啲BNO XGR組織有冇幫我哋?所以啲「BNO受養人」同「僥倖難民」讀完法律打算點幫啲弱勢手足?
所以47人係人,我哋唔係人?就瞓街嘅時侯啲BNO XGR組織有冇幫我哋?所以啲「BNO受養人」同「僥倖難民」讀完法律打算點幫啲弱勢手足?
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啲在英社運老鼠組織最鐘意就係得閒無事搵黃媒叫春 最喜歡用自己讀緊某U法律系撻人 好似讀緊書就等於有資格出聲咁 但講到尾 最高學歷咪又係HKDSE 唔識開會唔識幫手足 淨係識幫BNOs