Forwarded from اقتباسات كتب و روايات
“النية الصافية " رِزق " فكل خيرٍ رجوته لغيرك سيسوق الله لك أعظم منه من حيث لا تشعر .”
- عاجلاً أم آجلاً ، علينا جميعاً أنْ نودّعَ ماضينا •
Sooner or later we all have to say goodbye to our past
"سيدور الزمن ، وستأخذ كل ما اعطيت."
"Time will pass, and you will take back everything you gave."
"Time will pass, and you will take back everything you gave."
"من الرجولة ان لا تقارن زوجتك بانثى اخرى."
“It is manly not to compare your wife to another female."
“It is manly not to compare your wife to another female."
- تذكر أن ابتسامةً بسيطةً قد تصنعُ يومَ أحدهم."
- remember that a simple smile can make someone's day."
- remember that a simple smile can make someone's day."
- إن أكبرَ الأخطاء هو أن لا تنتبهَ إلى خطيئةِ نفسك."
- The biggest mistake is not paying attention to your own mistake."
- The biggest mistake is not paying attention to your own mistake."
- كل شيءٍ ممكن، فقط آمن بنفسك."
- Everything is possible, just believe in yourself."
- Everything is possible, just believe in yourself."
- "السعادة لا تحتاج الى البشر بل الى رب البشر."
- "Happiness does not need humans, but to the Lord of human beings."
- "Happiness does not need humans, but to the Lord of human beings."