Telegram Web
This is what we are up against, in much of Europe you can go to jail just for being a member of groups like these.
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
The Camp of the Saints (1973) by Jean Raspail is a dystopian novel that explores the collapse of Western civilization under the pressure of Third World mass migration.

And in time it got worse. Soon you saw them on television, hordes of them, churning up, dying by the thousands, and nameless butchery became a feature, a continuous show, with its masters of ceremonies and its full-time hucksters.”

Audiobook: HERE
Forwarded from Hidden Truth
Media is too big
Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps

The untold story of Eisenhower's Rhine Meadows Death Camps - A Deliberate Policy of Extermination of the Surrendered German forces by the Allies in post war Germany (Rheinwiesenlager). Plus additional background information, and a memorial for the victims.

You want to know what else your Jew-written history books don’t teach you? How about the murder of 1.7 million Germans AFTER torture and forced “confessions” at the “Nuremberg Trials”, AFTER the war had already ended in Eisenhower’s death camps? Eisenhower changed the designation of the German soldiers from POW (prisoners of war) to DEF (disarmed enemy forces) which allowed him to escape violating the Geneva Convention treaties and protocols for how to treat prisoners of war and captured enemy forces. A treaty that the U.S., Germany, France, Britain and other’s signed in 1929. Once that was done, Eisenhower proceeded to starve, torture and murder over 1.7 million German soldiers in his Rhine Meadow death camps.
Japan getting things off the ground
The Germans and the British are the most alike in Europe.
Forwarded from Mark Collett
Jews can openly express their hatred for whites with no repercussions.
If whites were to express any form of criticism of Jews, they face deplatforming, potential loss of income and even jail.
The power structure is clear.
2024/07/01 07:06:42
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