الزمن يعلم الحكمة لمن يتأمل فيه.
Time teaches wisdom to those who reflect on it.
Time teaches wisdom to those who reflect on it.
الحكمة تكمن في البساطة، وليس في التعقيد.
Wisdom lies in simplicity, not complexity.
Wisdom lies in simplicity, not complexity.
النجاح بدون حكمة هو فشل مؤجل.
Success without wisdom is delayed failure.
Success without wisdom is delayed failure.
الحكمة تضيء الدرب المظلم للجهل.
Wisdom lights the dark path of ignorance.
Wisdom lights the dark path of ignorance.
الحكيم يسعى لفهم الآخرين قبل أن يطلب أن يُفهم.
The wise seek to understand others before asking to be understood.
The wise seek to understand others before asking to be understood.
التفاهم هو مفتاح العلاقات الناجحة بين البشر. Understanding is the key to successful relationships among people.
عندما نتعلم أن نفهم الآخرين، نكون قد قطعنا نصف الطريق نحو الحل.
When we learn to understand others, we are halfway to the solution.
When we learn to understand others, we are halfway to the solution.
التفاهم لا يعني دائمًا الموافقة، بل يعني احترام وجهات النظر المختلفة.
Understanding does not always mean agreement, but it means respecting different perspectives.
Understanding does not always mean agreement, but it means respecting different perspectives.
التفاهم يجعل الحوار أكثر سلاسة ويزيل العقبات.
Understanding makes dialogue smoother and removes obstacles.
Understanding makes dialogue smoother and removes obstacles.
الاستماع الجيد هو أساس التفاهم.
Good listening is the foundation of understanding.
Good listening is the foundation of understanding.
التفاهم يولد الثقة ويعزز الروابط بين الناس.
Understanding fosters trust and strengthens bonds between people.
Understanding fosters trust and strengthens bonds between people.
في التفاهم، نكتشف قوة الاختلاف والتنوع.
In understanding, we discover the strength of difference and diversity.
In understanding, we discover the strength of difference and diversity.
التفاهم هو جسر بين القلوب والعقول.
Understanding is a bridge between hearts and minds.
Understanding is a bridge between hearts and minds.
لا يمكنك أن تفهم الآخرين إذا كنت تقاطعهم باستمرار.
You cannot understand others if you constantly interrupt them.
You cannot understand others if you constantly interrupt them.
التفاهم يتطلب صبرًا وتواضعًا.
Understanding requires patience and humility.
Understanding requires patience and humility.
عندما نفهم الآخرين، نصبح أكثر حكمة وذكاء.
When we understand others, we become wiser and more intelligent.
When we understand others, we become wiser and more intelligent.
التفاهم يبني العلاقات ويحل النزاعات.
Understanding builds relationships and resolves conflicts.
Understanding builds relationships and resolves conflicts.
العلاقات القائمة على التفاهم تدوم أطول وتكون أقوى.
Relationships based on understanding last longer and are stronger.
Relationships based on understanding last longer and are stronger.
التفاهم يبدأ بالاستماع وينتهي بالتفاعل الإيجابي.
Understanding begins with listening and ends with positive interaction.
Understanding begins with listening and ends with positive interaction.