Forwarded from Media Guerilla Berlin
Leseempfehlung: Also für dieses Glanzstück hat Sonneborn einen großen Jounalistenpreis verdient.
"Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien"
Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien (II) Wo die Lüge hinfällt
Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien (III) Na, na, Nato!
"Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien"
Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien (II) Wo die Lüge hinfällt
Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien (III) Na, na, Nato!
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Martin Sonneborn (@MartinSonneborn) on X
Über Demokratie & Alles. Und über Rumänien
1 (überlanger) Einwurf meiner Europapolitischen Beraterin (in 3 Tweets)
“A man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them,
inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than…
1 (überlanger) Einwurf meiner Europapolitischen Beraterin (in 3 Tweets)
“A man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them,
inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than…
Forwarded from MDB
»Kernelement des Mechanismus ist die Zuspeicherung der Kontoverbindung in die Steuer-ID-Datenbank beim Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. Der rechtliche Rahmen dafür steht und die Zuspeicherung läuft mittlerweile. Über die Familienkasse wurden rund 13,9 Millionen Kontoverbindungen beim Bundeszentralamt für Steuern (BZSt) gespeichert. Bürger können seit dem 27. November Ihre IBAN über das BZST-Portal BOP sowie über "Elster" eigenständig zuspeichern.«
bei anhaltender inflation und immer weniger jobs bin ich gerne abhängig vom ehemaligen impfregime
rund 13,9 @mdbsmash
Das Bundeskabinett hat am Mittwoch die Eckpunkte eines Mechanismus zur direkten Auszahlung öffentlicher Mittel beschlossen.
bei anhaltender inflation und immer weniger jobs bin ich gerne abhängig vom ehemaligen impfregime
rund 13,9 @mdbsmash
Das Bundeskabinett hat am Mittwoch die Eckpunkte eines Mechanismus zur direkten Auszahlung öffentlicher Mittel beschlossen.
Das Bundeskabinett hat am Mittwoch die Eckpunkte eines Mechanismus zur direkten Auszahlung öffentli
Klimageld: Kabinett bringt Eckpunkte für Direktzahlungen auf den Weg
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Arbeiter wollen Scheinseuchenterror aufarbeiten, Akademiker nicht.
Ob das grandiose Versagen der Arbeiterparteien und Kleingruppen am geringen Anteil von Arbeitern in ihren Reihen liegt?
Ob das grandiose Versagen der Arbeiterparteien und Kleingruppen am geringen Anteil von Arbeitern in ihren Reihen liegt?
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Nur 17% der Akademiker wollen eine Aufarbeitung der Coronakrise.
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Wie hoch ist der Anteil der Akademiker, die sich Habeck in einem Triell der Kanzlerkandidaten mit Merz und Scholz wünschen?
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Meet the Most Dangerous Man in Gaza
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Na da werden sich die Syrerinnen aber freuen...
Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) hat seine Bereitschaft bekundet, in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft Syriens Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen. Die Lage vor Ort bleibt jedoch unvorhersehbar, wie IWF-Sprecherin Julie Kozack während einer Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag bestätigte.
Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) hat seine Bereitschaft bekundet, in Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gemeinschaft Syriens Wiederaufbau zu unterstützen. Die Lage vor Ort bleibt jedoch unvorhersehbar, wie IWF-Sprecherin Julie Kozack während einer Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag bestätigte.
IMF Poised to Aid Syria's Reconstruction
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is prepared to support Syria's reconstruction efforts in cooperation with the international community. However, the situation in Syria is currently unstable, and no significant contact has been made with Syrian authorities…
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Am 5. April 2023 reichte der belgische Frédéric Baldan in Lüttich Strafanzeige gegen Ursula von der Leyen ein. Die Anklagepunkte: Amtsmissbrauch, Vernichtung von Dokumenten sowie illegale Interessenvertretung und Korruption. Es geht um den Pfizer-EU-Deal und die Rolle der Kommissionspräsidentin. Der Korruptionsverdacht ist bis heute nicht ausgeräumt- im Gegenteil.
➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik
➡️ Abonnieren Sie @tkp_news - Blog für Science & Politik
Pfizer-Leyen-Deal: Rufe nach Aufarbeitung und Konsequenzen
Der Belgier Baldan, der Leyen zuerst aufgrund des Pfizer-Deals geklagt hat, hat nun ein Buch mit neuen Details vorgelegt. Er erhält auch politische Unterstützung. […]
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Habeck sitzt im Glashaus &wirft Steine „Desinformation, schamlosen Lügen, erfundene Beschuldigungen“
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Habeck sitzt im Glashaus &wirft Steine „Desinformation, schamlosen Lügen, erfundene Beschuldigungen“
Robert Habeck sitzt im Glashaus und wirft mit Hinkelsteinen: „Desinformation, schamlosen Lügen, erfundene Beschuldigungen“ | Florian Warweg | NachDenkSeiten-Podcast | 17.12.2024
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Man kann dem Kanzlerkandidaten der Grünen so einiges vorwerfen, fehlende Chuzpe…
Forwarded from Indian Libertarian Socialist Federation
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"The State was established for the precise purpose of imposing the rule of the landowners, the employers of industry, the warrior class, and the clergy upon the peasants on the land and the artisans in the city.
And the rich perfectly well know that if the machinery of the State ceased to protect them, their power over the laboring classes would be gone immediately.”
– Peter Kropotkin, Modern Science and Anarchism, 1903
And the rich perfectly well know that if the machinery of the State ceased to protect them, their power over the laboring classes would be gone immediately.”
– Peter Kropotkin, Modern Science and Anarchism, 1903
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Data Crimes: Deleting Covid Vaccine Deaths
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👉 Folge uns: @freie_linke_CH_NEWS
Data Crimes: Deleting Covid Vaccine Deaths
My second interview with Wouter Aukema, senior data patterns & forensics analyst, who has over 30 years of experience working with governments and corporations- is the most explosive yet.
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⚒ Libertäre Linke 🏴🚩
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Inlandsgeheimdienst aka Verfassungsschutz abschaffen!
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Getting Started with Privacy-Focused Phones: Key Considerations and Steps to Build a Secure, Surveillance-Free Device - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet - FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
Reclaim The Net
Getting Started with Privacy-Focused Phones: Key Considerations and Steps to Build a Secure, Surveillance-Free Device
Your phone is tattling to tech giants and turning your life into a digital goldmine. Here's how to start again from scratch with a surveillance-free device.
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Forwarded from Fiorella In Moscow
Media is too big
This essentially proves what Vanessa Beeley & I discussed in our last interview. Russia will normalize relations with the West, wash its hands off Syria, move its base to Libya, become totally dependent on Turkey, & have relations with the terrorist gov. No sugarcoating it’s bad.
Russia's involvement over the past 10 years has largely accomplished its mission of preventing the establishment of a terrorist enclave…the factions that previously fought against the Assad government have changed and that European countries and the US now want to establish ties with them, suggesting the mission has been accomplished and that they must not be terrorists.
This essentially proves what Vanessa Beeley & I discussed in our last interview. Russia will normalize relations with the West, wash its hands off Syria, move its base to Libya, become totally dependent on Turkey, & have relations with the terrorist gov. No sugarcoating it’s bad.
Russia's involvement over the past 10 years has largely accomplished its mission of preventing the establishment of a terrorist enclave…the factions that previously fought against the Assad government have changed and that European countries and the US now want to establish ties with them, suggesting the mission has been accomplished and that they must not be terrorists.
Forwarded from Fiorella In Moscow
Putin says that the terrorists Russia & Syria fought for years are gone & those there now have changed, proven by the West opening relations with them, so they must’ve changed...
1. Tongue & cheek response to US, 6D Chess
2. Betrayal
1.) Putin often speaks ironically to make a point. He could be saying Russia succeeded in what they did before Syria’s fall & the terrorists now must not be so bad because the West is open to them. It’d 6D Chess to trick Turkey and NATO to fight it out.
But I don’t think so.
2.) Based on Russia’s relationship with Israel & Turkey as its ally, based on how things went down in Syria’s where it’s been verified SAA was told to stand down by a specific general & statements from SAA who said many wanted to fight. It seems like Russia’s shifted…
Increased talks of ceasefire & cooperation with the US have also been dominant. Russia and Iran did this before when Trump was president which is why you saw everything happen under Biden but things were in place up before then. Russia would be unwise to trust in a NATO-Turkey alliance but they do have a very dependent relationship with Ankara in spite of how they’ve betrayed them…
Russia has a pragmatic government. Putin is basically diminishing the fact that the terrorists are dangerous I don’t think because he actually thinks they’re angels but because he’s making the point that the US are now working with them. However in saying Russia’s been successful he’s not being 100% honest as Syria fell and was flooded with HTS, AL QAEDA factions and people are dying and will die due to this. Now granted Russia and Syria fought terrorism for years together and were successful in that prior.
Putin’s not going to say this was a defeat for Russia. In fact it is and it isn’t because Russia’s walking away without much loss and has decided to refocus large portions of military bases to Libya to mitigate reliance on or replace its Syrian bases for its military logistics and objectives in the Mediterranean. This will increase the political leverage that Turkey has over Russia and leave Russia vulnerable to it on multiple fronts including the Black Sea Grain Corridor.
Turkey will also have control of these bases (Africa) and also of guarantees in Syria for the Russian base there. But ultimately this explains what happened behind closed doors regarding Assad. Let’s recall that Assad refusing to meet with Erdogan pissed off Russia. I see Russia and others moving toward normalization with the West via a deal. Much of the non-aligned axis views this as betrayal and as not trustworthy especially smaller, vulnerable nations in LATAM.
If this isn’t 6D chess (which is a concept that’s pure hopium) it puts into question what BRICS will be and how it will function. It also puts much of Russia’s reputation into question. But as Lavrov said before they don’t act in that way, on “perception,” they act on what they feel will ensure them security guarantees and their objectives. Again Russia doesn’t have an ideological, revolutionary government that many have placed on it. This bothers and contrasts with much of the non aligned axis that does and is now worried.
Right now Russia’s fighting a war. We can all agree it’s going through much. But again if the NATO axis can so easily unite against the entirety of the nonaligned axis and take them down one by one. Maybe it’s time they actually aligned and worked for a greater sense of survival. The West will never ever be a friend to Russia under what it is now. And I hope I’m wrong and Russia’s learned this lesson, a lesson many have still failed to learn.
Btw if you didn’t watch the video and hear what he says yourself.
1. Tongue & cheek response to US, 6D Chess
2. Betrayal
1.) Putin often speaks ironically to make a point. He could be saying Russia succeeded in what they did before Syria’s fall & the terrorists now must not be so bad because the West is open to them. It’d 6D Chess to trick Turkey and NATO to fight it out.
But I don’t think so.
2.) Based on Russia’s relationship with Israel & Turkey as its ally, based on how things went down in Syria’s where it’s been verified SAA was told to stand down by a specific general & statements from SAA who said many wanted to fight. It seems like Russia’s shifted…
Increased talks of ceasefire & cooperation with the US have also been dominant. Russia and Iran did this before when Trump was president which is why you saw everything happen under Biden but things were in place up before then. Russia would be unwise to trust in a NATO-Turkey alliance but they do have a very dependent relationship with Ankara in spite of how they’ve betrayed them…
Russia has a pragmatic government. Putin is basically diminishing the fact that the terrorists are dangerous I don’t think because he actually thinks they’re angels but because he’s making the point that the US are now working with them. However in saying Russia’s been successful he’s not being 100% honest as Syria fell and was flooded with HTS, AL QAEDA factions and people are dying and will die due to this. Now granted Russia and Syria fought terrorism for years together and were successful in that prior.
Putin’s not going to say this was a defeat for Russia. In fact it is and it isn’t because Russia’s walking away without much loss and has decided to refocus large portions of military bases to Libya to mitigate reliance on or replace its Syrian bases for its military logistics and objectives in the Mediterranean. This will increase the political leverage that Turkey has over Russia and leave Russia vulnerable to it on multiple fronts including the Black Sea Grain Corridor.
Turkey will also have control of these bases (Africa) and also of guarantees in Syria for the Russian base there. But ultimately this explains what happened behind closed doors regarding Assad. Let’s recall that Assad refusing to meet with Erdogan pissed off Russia. I see Russia and others moving toward normalization with the West via a deal. Much of the non-aligned axis views this as betrayal and as not trustworthy especially smaller, vulnerable nations in LATAM.
If this isn’t 6D chess (which is a concept that’s pure hopium) it puts into question what BRICS will be and how it will function. It also puts much of Russia’s reputation into question. But as Lavrov said before they don’t act in that way, on “perception,” they act on what they feel will ensure them security guarantees and their objectives. Again Russia doesn’t have an ideological, revolutionary government that many have placed on it. This bothers and contrasts with much of the non aligned axis that does and is now worried.
Right now Russia’s fighting a war. We can all agree it’s going through much. But again if the NATO axis can so easily unite against the entirety of the nonaligned axis and take them down one by one. Maybe it’s time they actually aligned and worked for a greater sense of survival. The West will never ever be a friend to Russia under what it is now. And I hope I’m wrong and Russia’s learned this lesson, a lesson many have still failed to learn.
Btw if you didn’t watch the video and hear what he says yourself.
X (formerly Twitter)
Fiorella Isabel (@FiorellaIsabelM) on X
Putin says that the terrorists Russia & Syria fought for years are gone & those there now have changed, proven by the West opening relations with them, so they must’ve changed...
1. Tongue & cheek response to US, 6D Chess
2. Betrayal
1. Tongue & cheek response to US, 6D Chess
2. Betrayal