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Today in Leeds city centre, Hongkongers, undeterred by repression, bravely stood together to honour those who lost their lives during the 2019 protests.

With bouquets of flowers and candlelight, we expressed our deepest respect for the departed souls. Participants took turns reading aloud the stories of the protesters who sacrificed themselves during the movement, moving many to tears as they mourned these losses and condemned the cruelty of the oppressive regime.

Many parents brought their children to the event, explaining that once there were brave people in Hong Kong who gave their lives to resist the regime's atrocities. It is hoped that the spirit of Hongkongers' resistance will be passed down to future generations, even in a foreign land.

Five years have passed, but we will never surrender! Only by liberating Hong Kong can we bring solace to the fallen.

For media enquiry, please contact:
[email protected]


#leeds #yorkshire #uk #standwithhongkong #standwithhk #liberatehongkong #revolutionofourtimes #hongkongersinleeds

#英國戰線 #海外戰線 #光復香港時代革命 #列斯香港人 #在英港人 #列斯手足連線
列斯手足連線 - 🔅公海頻道🔅 pinned «今日喺列斯市中心,港人無懼打壓,勇敢企出嚟悼念眾逝去嘅英魂。 一束鮮花、一盞燭光,我哋為眾英魂獻上最深切嘅敬意。由參加者將眾義士喺運動其間犧牲嘅事蹟一一朗讀出嚟,唔少人感觸落淚,為佢哋嘅付出悲痛不已,感嘆殺人政權無情。 更難得嘅係,有唔少家長都帶同小朋友出席,為佢哋解釋香港曾經有一班人勇敢付出,甚至犧牲生命去抵抗政權嘅暴行。希望港人嘅抗爭精神,能夠喺異地透過我哋嘅下一代傳承落去。 五年過去,我哋初心不滅!只有光復香港,先能夠慰藉逝去嘅英魂。 Today in Leeds city centre, Hongkongers…»



日期:1/10 (星期二)
地點:St Peters square, Manchester


The 1st of October holds no meaning of National Day for us Hongkongers. Instead, it represents how we’ve been forced to praise and glorify the Chinese Communist Party, and how China has stripped away all of Hong Kong’s rights and autonomy, subjecting us to re-colonisation.

Hong Kong’s democracy and freedom should not be something that requires the Chinese Communist Party’s approval. Likewise, the identity of the Hong Kong people should not be determined by the Communist Party’s twisted narrative of bloodline, genetics, or “inalienability”. It should be defined by the shared ideals, values, and visions we, as Hongkongers, embrace deep within our souls.

Regardless of whether you agree with these ideals or not, and whether or not you have a flag, anyone who identifies as a Hongkonger or wishes to show solidarity with Hong Kong is welcome to join the gathering. A truly democratic and free environment should allow people with differing opinions to come together and engage in discussion.

Date: 1st October (Tuesday)
Time: 5:45 PM
Location: St Peter's Square, Manchester

To all Hongkongers, whether you can join or not, remember that our choices and battles have always been in our hands alone.

See you on the day.
2025/02/20 23:04:12
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