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Binance (Twitter)

Binance is everywhere our community is, including Brazil's Carnival!

We kicked off with a special Gala, lots of samba, and the announcement of the country's first Crypto-Carnival street party.

Stay tuned for more updates!
Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#BGB 持币社群春日迎新,持币有礼限时活动!

仅需几步,即可获得 2 #BGB 限时空投🪂

截止时间2025年3月8日 18:00(UTC+8)

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget【合约新币】交易 $KAITO 合约,畅享 30,000 USDT空投!

截止时间2025-02-28 18:00 (UTC+8)

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget ETH 理财宝限时活动

🎉 活动一 新用户专享:ETH 7天定期达 50%APR!
🎉 活动二 限时高息定期理财:ETH 14天定期达10%APR! (全员可享)

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Bitget 设立风险保护基金及 100% 平台储备金,全面抵御网络安全威胁,确保您的资金安全无忧

🛡️ 资产保护承诺
若您的账户信息泄漏或资产被盗,您可通过 Bitget 保护基金申请索赔,保障您的权益

立即认购! 新手专享: https://www.bitget.com/earning/savings?secondBizLine=SavingsFixed&productId=1277054397477965824&anonymous=1

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget 每日早报|朝鲜黑客再盗超50万 $ETH ,中国等五国客户不符FTX赔付资格(2.22)

🔵$BTC 一度逼近十万美金后迅速下挫跌至9.5万一线,市场普跌
🔵FTX 首轮债权人赔付虽已于18日正式启动,但债权人代表 Sunil 于 X 表示,俄罗斯、中国、埃及、尼日利亚、乌克兰五个地区的用户暂时无法参与索赔分配。
🔵Top50 除 $BGB $TIA 外均翻红;新币 $KAITO 表现抢眼,开盘后一度拉升至翻倍
🔵Andre Cronje 力推 Sonic 生态(原 Fantom Layer1)强势破圈,生态内 $SHADOW$S 同期财富效应抢眼,链上 TVL 月增幅超 500%。

Binance (Twitter)

We believe in making a difference!
Binance (Twitter)

ⓘ This user suggests touching grass before checking charts again.
Binance (Twitter)

Supply metrics matter.

Max Supply, Total Supply, Circulating Supply - know the difference.

Stay informed, and make smart investments!
Bitget中文 (Twitter)

为何 #Bitget 在Bybit安全事件发生时第一时间挺身而出 @BybitOfficial🔥

Bitget CEO @GracyBitget 在与 @wublockchain12 的space探讨中详细阐述了背后原因

Binance (Twitter)

Master the Greeks in Options Trading

Dive into the world of Delta, Gamma, Theta, and Vega to make informed decisions and manage your risk effectively.

Read more 👉🏼 https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/options-trading-what-are-the-greeks?ref=AZTKZ9XS&utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial
Binance (Twitter)

Get ready to ride the wave of emerging market opportunities.

Learn how identify potential periods of altcoin strength early, diversify your portfolio, and buy altcoins on #Binance.

Don't miss out on the next big crypto trend!

Find out more 👉🏼 https://www.binance.com/en/blog/fiat/altcoin-season-key-indicators-and-trading-tips-624789326447520863?hl=en&ref=AZTKZ9XS&utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial
Binance (Twitter)

Crypto fashionistas in #Binance swag.
Binance (Twitter)

What keeps you busy when you're not staring at charts?
2025/02/23 01:39:44
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