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📍 Venue: Haile Grand Addis Ababa

🗓 Date: February 21-22, 2025

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Uncommon unilateral congenital knee dislocation: A case report

Adugnaw Bogale Worku, Molla Asnake Kebede, Hashime Meketa Negatie, Alemayehu Beharu Tekle, Alemayehu Dagne Abate, Solyana Haileselassie Admassie


To send your papers use @HakimAds

"ሳይነስ አለብኝ?!"
በሀገራችን በአብዛኛዉ የማህበረሰብ ክፍል ዘንድ ሳይነስ እንደበሽታ ይቆጠራል። ነገር ግን ሳይነሶች (the paranasal sinuses) በተፈጥሮ በሁሉም ሰዉ የሚገኙ ከአፍንጫ ጎን እና ጎን፣ ከአፍንጫ ጀርባ እንዲሁም ከአፍንጫ ከፍ ብለው የሚገኙ በቁጥር 4 ጥንድ የሆኑ በአየር የተሞሉ አጥንቶች ናቸው።

የዉስጥ ግድግዳቸዉ በስጋ የተሸፈነ ሲሆን የሚሞላቸዉ አየር እና የሚያመርቱት ፈሳሽ ወደ ሳይነሶች የሚገባው እና የሚወጣው ከአፍንጫ ጋር በሚገናኙበት ጠባብ ቀዳዳዎች አማካኝነት ነው። አብዛኛዉን ጊዜ አፍንጫን የሚያጠቃ በሽታ (በተለይ የመቆጣት እና የኢንፌክሽን ከሆነ) አብሮ  ሳይነሶችንም የማጥቃት ባህሪ አለው።

አፍንጫ እና ሳይነሶች በምን  በምን አይነት በሽታ ሊጠቁ ይችላሉ (ዋና ዋናዎቹ)?

-ከአፈጣጠር ችግር ከሚመጡ ችግሮች (ምሳሌ፤ በተፈጥሮ የኋለኛዉ የአፍንጫ ክፍተት ጠባብ መሆን ወይም ሙሉ በሙሉ ዝግ መሆን (choanal atresia)

-በኢንፌክሽን ሊጠቁ ይችላሉ። ይህም በቫይረስ፣ በባክቴርያ ወይም በፈንገስ ሊሆን ይችላል።

-ምክንያቱ ብዙ የሆነ የረጅም ጊዜ የመቆጣት ችግር (chronic rhinosinusitis)

-በአለርጂ ሊጠቁ ይችላሉ።
-በአደጋ ጉዳት ሊደርስባቸዉ ይችላል።

-ካንሰር በሆኑ ወይንም ካንሰር ባልሆኑ እጢዎች ሊጠቁ ይችላሉ።

ከእነዚህ ዉስጥ በተለምዶ ሳይነስ አለብኝ እየተባለ በማህበረሰባችን ዘንድ የሚጠቀሱት በአለርጂ የሚመጣን፣ በኢንፌክሽን የሚመጣን እና የረጅም ጊዜ የመቆጣት ችግርን (chronic rhinosinusitis) ነው።

ምልክቶቹ ምንድን ናቸዉ?

ምልክቶቹ እንደየምክንያቱ የሚለያዩ ሲሆን ህክምናዉም እንደዛዉ እንደየምክንያቱ ይለያያል።

ለምሳሌ፦ የአፍንጫ እና የሳይነስ ኢንፌክሽን በሚኖርበት ጊዜ እንደ አፍንጫ ማፈን፣ ወፈር ያለ የአፍንጫ ፈሳሽ፣ ሽታ አለማሽተት ፣ ፊት ክብድ ማለት ወዘተ…።

እነዚህ ምልክቶች ሳይሻሻሉ 3 ወር እና ከዛ በላይ ሲቆዩ ደግም የረጂም ጊዜ የመቆጣት ችግር (chronic rhinosinusitis) አለ ይባላል።

የአፍንጫ እና የሳይነስ አለርጅ ዋና ዋና ምልክቶች ደግሞ በአብዛኛዉ ጊዜ ቋሚ ያልሆነ አፍንጫ ማፈን፣ ዉሃ የመሰለ የአፍንጫ ፈሳሽ፣ አይን እና አፍንጫ ማሳከክ ሲሆኑ ብዙ ጊዜ ከሰው ሰው የሚለያይ አባባሽ/አስነሽ ምክንያቶች  ይኖራሉ።

አፍንጫ/ሳይነስ ዉስጥ የሚወጡ ካንሰር ወይንም ካንሰር ያልሆኑ እጢዎች ብዙ ጊዜ ይሄ ነው ተብሎ የሚገለጥ ምልክት የላቸዉም። ምልክታችዉ እንደየተነሱበት ቦታ እና እንደደረጃዉ የሚለያይ ይሆናል። በአብዛኛዉ ጊዜ ግን አፍንጫ ማፈን እንደዋና ምልክት ይታያል። ከዚህ በተጨማሪም ደም የቀላቀለ የአፍንጫ ፈሳሽ፣ የአይን እንባ ሳያቋርጥ መፍሰስ፣ በአንድ በኩል ብቻ ማሽተት አለመቻል ምልክቶች ሊሆኑ ይችላሉ።

የአፍንጫ እና ሳይነስ አለርጂ: በዋነኝነት አባባሽ ምክንያቶችንን ማስወገድ ከተቻለ ለማስወገድ መቻል። ከዚህ በተጨማሪ ግን በሚዋጡ ወይንም አፍንጫ ዉስጥ በሚደረጉ የተለያዩ መድሃኒቶች ያሉትን ምልክቶች መቆጣጠር ይቻላል።

ምክንያቱ ብዙ የሆነ የረዝም ጊዜ የመቆጣት ችግር (chronic rhinosinusitis) በሚኖርበት ጊዜ ሁለት አይነት የህክምና አማራጮች አሉ።

-የመጀመሪያው የመድኃኒት ህክምና ሲሆን አፍንጫን በጨዉ እና ዉሃ ማጠብ (saline irrigation) , መቆጣትን የሚቀንሱ መድሃኒቶችን መጠቀም(አፍንጫ ዉስጥ የሚደረጉ) እና አልፎ አልፎ ጸረ ባክቴርያ (antibiotics) መጠቀምን ያካትታል።

-ሁለተኛዉ አማራጭ በኢንዶስኮፕ የታገዘ የሳይነስ ቀዶ ህክምና (endoscopic sinus surgery) ሲሆን ይህ አማራጭ የመጀመርያው አማራጭ አልሰራ ሲል ወይም አይሰራም ተብሎ ሲገመት የሚሰጥ ህክምና ነው።
ከአፈጣጠር ችግር የሚመጡ ችግሮች፣ካንሰር የሆኑ ያልሆኑ እጢዎች፣ ከአደጋ ጋር የሚመጡ ችግሮች በአብዛኛዉ ጊዜ ቀዶ ህክምና የሚፈልጉ ናቸዉ።

Dr Asaye Nibret: ENT Surgeon

Oasis ENT center at kebena Square in front of OLA gas station EPHA building

📞 0940681111 | 0940691111

🦷 Saving Teeth, Changing Mindsets: A Landmark in Ethiopian Endodontics 🦷

How often do we rush to extract when we could save?
How many truly master the art of preserving natural teeth?

For years, Ethiopian dentistry has leaned toward extractions—first for prosthetics, now for implants. But what about saving natural teeth? Every lost tooth changes a patient’s life—chewing, speech, confidence, and long-term oral health all suffer. Yet, research proves that tooth preservation should come first whenever possible.

That’s why I’m honored to have been part of the first-ever Advanced Endodontics Hands-On Workshop in Ethiopia, alongside the renowned Endodontist Dr. Renato Gullà. This milestone event wasn’t just about techniques—it was about reshaping the way we approach Endodontics.

But this is just the beginning. We need more workshops like this—more trainings, more awareness, and a shift toward conservative treatments before invasive solutions. Endodontics isn’t just about doing root canals—it’s about giving dentists the skills, knowledge, and confidence to prioritize saving teeth whenever possible.

A huge thank you to Dr. Gullà, Seyadent Training Center, and all the passionate participants. Let’s make tooth preservation the standard in Ethiopian dentistry!

Dr. Kulani Milkesa

538.1 KB
Effectiveness of pre anesthesia clinic consultation on anxiety reduction among adult surgical patients: A prospective cohort study

Mathilda worku', Mebratu Kebede**, Abdurazak Naser² and Belay Zawdie

To send your papers use @HakimAds

Join us for the webinar of the EMA's 61st AMC IHE pre-conference series!

Webinar Title: Current practices in Bridging Holy Water Healing with Biomedical Practice in Ethiopia: Embedding Equity Principles in Global Mental Health

🗓 Date: February 12,2025
🕑 Time: 5:00AM-12:30 PM
🤝 Organized in collaboration with Ethiopian Psychiatric Association.

🎙 Presenter:
Dr.Yonas Baheretibeb
Consultant Psychiatrist
Associate Professor of Psychiatry at AAU Department of Psychiatry
Area of Interest Culture,Religion and Psychiatry

Dr.Engida Girma
General Secretary, Ethiopian Psychiatric Association; assistant Professor of Psychiatry, AAU

📜 1.5 CEU Certificate will be awarded for your participation.

🔗 Register here:

Don't miss this golden opportunity to expand your knowledge, connect with experts, and earn valuable CEU credits. Register now to secure your spot! 🚀
#EMAWEBINAR #MedicalConference #CEUCredits
Things I wish I knew before I started my preclinical years

የሆነ ልጅ አለ tiktok ላይ he is probably in his preclinical years and most of his videos are him venting about medical school and how he regrets choosing it. Honestly, I really admire his confidence. I just wish I could tell him that to go easy on himself and remind him that we all have been there in his shoes. We all have been in a point where we thought all those አጤሬራs we wrote were pointless, and those long study nights felt like they meant nothing and I can relate to everything he is saying in his videos.

እና ይሄን ስፅፈው መካሪ ልሁን ብዬ ሳይሆን I just wanted to remind him and his friends that they are doing great and they will figure out things along the way. I'm not writing this to put fear in anyone’s mind, especially if you are just starting your freshman year. It's just a compilation of things I wish I had known before starting my preclinical years and lessons I learned along the way. Let's dive into it shall we?

1. Medical school is like a dementor in the muggles world and the dementor don't mind eating anyone. But unlike the dementors from Harry potter there are both good and bad ones here. I wish the good one will find your way so that you will be able to find your feet in the right path and be focused. You have to ignore the noises and every "you don't belong here" thoughts. On the days those voices are louder, and you feel like you don’t belong, that’s when the bad one has taken hold but trust me don't let it win over you. Because the longer you stay in the wrong path, the farther it'll take you away from your intended destination so get out now before it's too late.

2. Medical school is about consistency. The knowledge isnt innate you have to learn it too. The first month of preclinical year was incredibly challenging. As I always say it's a year of ደረቅ ሽምደዳ። I still remember how I was struggling to grasp the material in my anatomy and biochemistry class. I remember our first lecture was on cells and the lecturer covered molecular genetics and DNA replication. I was completely overwhelmed because I couldn’t keep up with what he was saying that I had to go over everything repeatedly. I went to the library and tried to go through the slides, but it felt more like I was watching than actually reading. If you had asked me at the time, I would have doubted if I retained anything about cell cycle when I put back my pc in my bag. There were so many days I questioned my intelligence. እውነት ግን እኔ ጎበዝ ነበርኩ ብዬ ብዙ ጊዜ ጠይቅያለሁ። If you haven’t studied in medicine, you can’t understand it. Gone are the days when you could read for a few minutes or hours and still excel in high school.

3. Time is never enough in medical school and I wasn't great at managing it. I remember how I struggled the first few months because I would always start studying just a week before the exam and spend much hours trying to memorize everything in the textbook. The basic science curriculum is structured in such a way that they don't expect you to have the luxury of time and wants you to study topics each day. So everyday must count. You should read sth everyday.

4. It's very important to participate in extracurricular activities to build your skills. Do something besides hitting the books. እና ደግሞ try to have a hobby it's a good idea to step away from the grind sometimes and escape that stressful environment.

5. You can't do medical school alone. Medicine is not designed to be a solo journey. You need to find your own support system and stick to them be it friends, family... Don’t skip that birthday, family reunion, wedding lunch or important event just to study. You won’t remember those study days or your exam scores later.

6. And it's totally okay if you don't do well on your exam. Don't be too hard on yourself or start thinking "Maybe this is not for me". You need to always to focus only on your effort. The next one will be great. You can never control the outcome.

7. There is more but I will save it for next time.

Until again we meet 💛💛

Dr. Haymanot Girma, Intern at SPHMMC

Dr Shibruu Duulaa jedhamu. Hospitaala Waliigalaa Bishooftuuti, Ispeeshaalistii kunuunsa ulfaafi wal'aansa Gadameessaati. "Waggaa Afur dura Haadha waraako waaqaa gadiiti du'a irraa naaf hambistani.

Ammas marsaa lammaaffaaf tajaajila barbaachisaa hunda nuuf kennuun daa'imma nagaa arganneerra. Ogeessa akkasiitiif galatatu malaaf" jechuun gaabii kan itti uwwise Daagimaawii Ayyansaati. Tajaajila fayyaa aantummaafi quuqama irratti hundaa'ee, dirqama ogummaatiin dabaalame.

Lesanework Moges

Tigray Medical Association's 2024 life time award winner: Dr. Girmay Hagos

Request: Double lumen central line 3.0fr

2025/03/08 20:48:56

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