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Finally, I am organizing a Speaking marathon for the first time

Marathon details below:

Fee: 145.000 sum for 30-day Marathon with 4 live lessons on Zoom + One Mock Speaking test during this period.

☑️intermediate or higher level of English.
☑️ attend 4 live lessons on Zoom.
☑️has enough spare time to study 2 hours which includes: sending the recording of full speaking test DAILY + studying 2 lessons per day from Collocation in Use book.
☑️has stable internet connection + unlimited internet traffic

Start date is May 2
👥Seats are limited
✍️First lesson is free, if you like it you can pay it after that, If you would like to join this group, direct message me @AhmadQodirov. I may respond in 2-3 days, so please remain patient
Many people wrote to my bot requesting next Listening and Reading marathons. I improve them each time I organize it. Do you want to know what is the new thing? Are you ready to rock with Ahmad Qodirov
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Yahooo, bring it on
I am in
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3..2..1💥Listening and Reading marathons by Ahmad Qodirov. Click on this link to read how they are organized. This time, I am adding 8 to 12 practice sessions on Zoom.

Time of Zoom lessons: 10:00 AM.

Price is only 200,000 sum, the best you get per quality. (Listening, Reading marathons + at least 8 live practice lessons).

👥Max 20 people are taken for these marathons.

❗️Start Date: May 20. Contact @AhmadQodirov

Source: IELTS Marathons
#Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons on May 20
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons on May 20
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons
New #Feedback on Listening and Reading marathons. It is a blessing that our marathons help not only to improve language skills, but their personality and mindset. Contact @AhmadQodirov to join the marathons
IELTS Marathons pinned «Tomorrow is the last day to apply this. Invest in your education 😊»
Today I want to write about something important to me. Although some people keep asking my next online course and marathons via my bot or writing directly, I cannot simply open another course. If I put quantity of teaching over quality, the latter suffers. If put money in the first place, I would not have so many successful students. In fact, I always to try to teach better in my next course, or organize marathons better than previous time. This is whys sometimes I feel bad thinking about my first IELTS class or marathons because in comparison to what I currently do they lack professionalism, care for learners and so on. I may think the same of my current teaching after 2 years when I became much more experienced teacher with even higher band score. The key lesson I've learnt that it is fine to fail or make mistakes as long as you are eager to fix them, get better as a person and professional. Secondly, even though I don't tell this publicly, I consider myself as responsible teacher when it comes to organizing marathons and teaching online/offline lessons. I have taken part in marathons and courses myself, I am really thankful for the knowledge I got from them, yet almost all of them missed some key elements. So I have applied some principles in my teaching to provide much more effective online classes/marathons simply because I care more about my students progress than sheer amount of money. So what are they:

☑️I do my best to check students progress in private chat once a week
☑️I organise voice chat once a week to talk, answer their questions and guide them
☑️I keep an attendance list and work with passive learners, push them to be consistent in their efforts
☑️I also give advice for other skills even though they applied in one skill marathon
☑️I am ready to help with my experience until they pass the test after the marathons finish (this may not include essay assessment)
☑️help with registration, or choice of university, life problems.
☑️help develop good habits as Life is not only about IELTS.

Based on my experience in other marathons, teacher usually share video lessons in private channel, rarely work individually with students' progress or simply does not have time to do. I did the same thing in my marathons I organized in the past, but not anymore.

Finally, I am a teacher by profession. I never gave guarantee in my teaching, I prefer to speak with results. PERIOD.
Forwarded from General English | Dilmurod's blog (Ahmadjon Qodirov)
New marathons, improved version with my teaching content and new mini-practice video lessons where I answered some of the most challenging question types in both listening and reading.

Fee: 330.000 sum. only 170.000 sum if you join before June 15. Read this article for detailed information

☑️an independent learner who set a clear target score in IELTS.
☑️High level of English as my lessons are only in English.
☑️Responsible learner who can share spent 3-4 hours to improve English and share study reports in private group
☑️Unlimited internet to download materials, lessons.

Start date is June 17

✍️if you are interested, I may share a sample of my lesson, if you like it you can pay it after that @AhmadQodirov. I may respond in 1-2 days due to a lot of work, so please remain patient
#testimonial on my marathons. Thanks a lot E’zoza for feedback
#testimonial on my marathons. Thanks a lot Gulchehra
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Yeah teacher,
Would be great
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2025/02/06 20:39:36
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