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Sample Band 8.5 Essay

Despite the fact that millions of people in the world go hungry every day, a surprisingly large amount of food gets wasted daily in certain parts of the world. In my opinion, the main reason for this is that people in the first-world countries tend to only buy food that is aesthetically pleasing, and fortunately, there are some ways to tackle this issue.
It is shockingly sad to know that large amounts of perfectly edible food in the form of fresh produce get sent to landfills, and the main reason for this is that these foods do not meet the standards of perfection set for fruits and vegetables by consumers and grocery stores. For example, veggies and fruit that are misshapen or have a few spots on them are still good enough to eat, yet they are often left on shelves to rot in favour of something that looks less damaged. In addition, a lot of customers confuse the 'best by' and 'use by' dates, thinking that foods that have passed their 'best by' dates are no longer fit to eat. Another major reason for food wastage is that people often overestimate the amount of produce they require on a weekly or monthly basis, and most of it ends up getting thrown out instead of being used.
There are many ways to reduce the amount of food being wasted, and I think one of the best ideas is to increase people's awareness of just how much good food is disposed of, only because of our superficial biases as to how food should look. Raising the awareness of the staggering number of people that go hungry in third-world countries would make it harder to throw away an apple just because it is a little bruised. Also, teaching people how to better plan their monthly food requirements would help them not to overspend on food that they do not need; it would be great for the environment and their budget. The role of the government in this endeavour is indispensable as such task would be too great for any smaller organisation.
To conclude, the wasting food is a serious issue that merits increased awareness from both people and the leaders of the world. It is unacceptable to discard any food when there are so many people who are starving, and hopefully our joint effort can help improve the current situation.
Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

- What is your full name?

- Do you study or work?

- Do you prefer to do your work in the morning or evening? Why?

- What do you do in your free time in the evening?

- Who do you prefer to spend your free time with?

- Do you think spending leisure time at weekends should be different from weekdays?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe one of your neighbours who you think is interesting. You should say

- who he/she is

- how long you have known him/her

- what relationship you have with him/her

- and explain why you think he/she is interesting.

Part 3 (Discussion)

- Do you think people these days know their neighbours?

- Do you think in urban areas people usually don't know their neighbours as well as people in rural areas?

- What does national identity mean to you?

- Is wearing some specific clothes or eating some types of food related to national identity?

- Why do you think some people cannot benefit from belonging to a nation?
Media is too big
#IELTS Speaking Part2 tips در پارت دوم اسپیگینگ چطور بهتر عمل کنیم ؟ دیدن این کلیپ میتونه نکات خوبی را به شما آموزش بده
Speaking test, Part 1 (Interview) questions

1. Did you learn geography as a child?

Yes, this was one of the subjects that we all had to study in primary school, but I chose not to continue with it in high school. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

2. Would you visit a country just because of its geographical location?

No, I know that a lot of people do take this into consideration, but I have a greater interest in the history and culture of the places I visit. I tend not to visit any sort of natural landmarks and choose historically significant sites instead.

3. Did you solve puzzles as a child?

Yes, this was something that my dad thought was fun to do as a family. He would often bring home different sets of puzzles, especially ones that involved fitting shapes together in a clever sort of way.

4. What kind, word or number puzzles?

Like I said before, my father encouraged us to fiddle around with many different types of puzzles, but I always enjoyed the ones that involved numbers.

5. Do you think elderly people should be encouraged to solve puzzles?

Yes, I am a firm believer that our minds need mental exercise just as much as our body needs physical activity. From my own experience, the elderly members of our family who still do things like solving crosswords or Sudoku are better at staying sharp.

6. Do you solve number puzzles while commuting?

Heavens no! I wish I had the time to do things like that. When I am on the road, I am almost always late, and mentally trying to prepare myself for a tough day at work or if I am on my way home, I am trying to figure out what to make for dinner that will satisfy my picky kids.
Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

- What is your full name?

- Are you studying or do you have a job?

- Do you feel your job is boring?

- What do you do in your free time in the evenings?

- Do you often get up early in the morning during the week?

- Would you be inclined to help if someone asked for your assistance in the morning?

- Do you get up early at weekends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know. You should say

- what you lent

- when it happened

- why he/she asked to borrow the item

- and explain how you felt about this.

Follow up question: Would you let him/her borrow this item again in the future?

Part 3 (Discussion)

- What do you think of people who are posting about their personal life on social media?

- How do you feel about sharing research documents online?

- Do you think children should share their things with each other?

- Why aren't they willing to share their things, such as toys?

- What do you think parents should do to teach their children about sharing?

- Do you think parents should model sharing for their children to help them understand?
Forwarded from IELTS Strategies/Listening🎧 (IELTS Trainer(Bahar Hajili))
دوستان عزیز حداقل تا یک یا دوهفته فعالیت نخواهم داشت چون امتحان های ترم اولم از این هفته شروع میشه و تا دو هفته درگیر پروژه و مقاله نویسی و درس خواندن برای پنج تا امتحانم خواهم بود.لطفا در کانال بمانید از اوایل بهمن دوباره جدی و مصمم شروع میکنیم.
گویا از ابتدای اسفند برگزاری آزمون ایلتس در ایران به صورت متوقف و یا دایمی متوقف میشه ، البته خراب کردن برنامه ریزی های انسانها و مداخله کردن در رسیدن به اهدافشون اتفاق جدیدی نیست. تمام امتحان های کمبریج هم چند سالی میشه که در ایران لغو شدند و داوطلب آزمونهای (تی کی تی ، سی ای ایی و یا سی پی ایی )باید شال و کلاه کنه و عازم کشور دیگه ای بشه ، اتفاقی که برای خود من افتاد .

در عکس دوم جدید ترین قیمت آزمون در ترکیه را مشاهده میکنید. داوطلبان در ایران بیش از دو ساله که بالای شش میلیون پول آزمون میدهند و تازه در امسال با احتساب لیر دو هزار و دویست تومان از ابتدای دو هزار و بیست و سه به این قیمت رسیده. (شما در نظر بگیر چه بیزینسی در ایران راه افتاده و درآمد سرشار سنترها و پول اضافه ای که به ناحق گرفته میشه چقدر گزافه )
ضرر مالی به کنار ، این همه استرس و فشار روحی که به شخص وارد میشه را چه کسی پاسخ گو خواهد بود؟ این که یک دفعه و یک باره این تصمیم گرفته میشه چه جایی از منطق داره ؟
البته نکته اصلی اینه که چرا ایران باید به این حال و روز بیافته که تمام سرمایه علمی و ژنتیکیش رو از دست بده. چرا جوونش را باید از دست بده ؟

به عنوان یک مدرس ایلتس باید خدمت همه داوطلبهای عزیز عرض کنم در وهله اول لطفا روحیه تون را حفظ کنید ، احتمالا دوباره افزایش قیمت خواهیم داشت و آزمونها راه میافته (بازی همیشگی) ولی نکته مهم آمادگی و مطالعه شماست. شما باید اینقدر تمرین کنید که فقط یک بار ، دقت کنید فقط یک بار برای امتحان هزینه کنید .بجای استرس گرفتن و عصبی شدن به تلاشتون ادامه بدهید ، فعلا به تاریخ فکر نکنید.
احتمال زیاد ،قیمت آزمون افزایش پیدا خواهد کرد و اگر هم کلا ازمون لغو بشه در ترکیه یا آذربایجان امتحان خواهید داد ، پس همچنان دو تا گزینه روی میز دارید البته میدونم هزینه ها چقدر کمرشکن هستند . پیشرفت و رشد کلا هزینه بر و سخته.
لطفل لطفا اگر در سطح مناسبی نیستید ، ریسک نکنید و پولتون رو دور نریزید. باید واقعا و حداقل در سطح آپر اینترمیدیت واقعی باشید و اگر نمره بالای شش و نیم لازم دارید باید سطح ادونس یا پیشرفته باشید
پس کاری که الان باید انجام بدهید منابع را مطالعه کنید. از مدرسین خوب که خوشبختانه کم هم نیستند بگیرید. از یوتیوب و کانال های استاندارد تلگرام بهره مند بشید تا ببینیم چی میشه....

خدا به همراهتون هر جا رفتید برید اما تو رو خدا ایران و ایرانی بودن را یادتون نره. دوستتون دارم.

#آزمون #ایلتس در ترکیه#قیمت_آیلتس #مهاجرت_تحصیلی #کانادا #ایلتس
Forwarded from IELTS Strategies/Listening🎧 (IELTS Trainer(Bahar Hajili))
Media is too big
نمونه تست اکچوال (دقت کنید این تست صرفا جهت تمرین بیشتر هست و بعضی جاها و قسمت ها به اندازه تست اصلی استاندارد نیست مثل عدم اسپل کردن اسم پروفسور اما برای تمرین و تکرار میتونه منبع خوبی باشه. این تست هر چهار قسمت را کامل داره و برای تست های 4 گزینه هم منبع خوبیه.
2024/06/29 02:27:19
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