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💢Collocations with Improve

✔️ Improve considerably

If something improves considerably, it improves greatly or very much.

After John's promotion their condition has improved considerably.

✔️ Improve significantly

A significant improve is noticeable

David's writing skills has improved significantly, I can't be more proud of him.

✔️ Improve greatly

The life satisfaction rate has greatly improved after the civilization.

✔️ Improve dramatically

To improve greatly in a short period of time

The dramatical improve in economy, is said to be the main reason of his fame.

✔️ Improve substantially

If something improves substantially, it improves a lot

Treating psychological distress is expected to substantially improve by the creation of new methods.


Bahs va munozaralar uchun
aqlli iboralar

🔸 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
🔸Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
🔸 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
🔸 go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
🔸 I don’t care - Menga ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 I have no idea - Men tushunmayapman
🔸 I mean it! - Men jiddiy gapirdim!
🔸 I wish I knew - Buni bilishni xohlardim!
🔸 It doesn’t matter - Bu muhim emas
🔸 It doesn't make sense - Bunda ma'no yo‘q
🔸 It doesn't prove a thing - Bu hech narsani isbotlamaydi
🔸 It' s none of your business - Bu sizning ishingiz emas
🔸 It's a lie - Bu yolg‘on
🔸 It's all the same to me - Menga farqi yo‘q
🔸 It's beside the point - Buning dahli yo‘q
🔸 It's new to me - Birinchi marta eshitishim
🔸 It's out of place - Bu o‘rinsiz
🔸 It's up to you - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 It's waste of time - Bu vaqtni bekorga sarflash
🔸 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
🔸 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
🔸 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
🔸 no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
🔸 point of view - nuqtai nazar
🔸 pro and con - rozi va norozi
🔸 say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
🔸 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
🔸 speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq
🔸 Stand one's ground - o‘z fikrida qolmoq
🔸 Stand to reason - ma'noga ega bo‘lmoq
🔸 Take a side - bir tomonni (gapni) qo‘llamoq
🔸 Take a stand - muhim o‘rinni egallamoq
🔸 Take into account - diqqatga kirmoq
🔸 That's not the point - Gap bu haqda emas
🔸 That's very well, but - Bu juda yaxshi, lekin...
🔸 to one's face - yuziga (ochiqcha aytish)
🔸 up against - qarshilik qilmoq
🔸 Use your own judgement - O‘zing hal qil
🔸 What are you driving at? - Nimaga sha'ma qilyapsan?
🔸 What are you talking about? - Nima demoqchisiz o‘zi!
🔸 What for? - Nega?
🔸 What of it? - Bundan nima foyda?
🔸 You can take it from me - Menga ishonishing mumkin


I'm sorry😿

🙇My bad
🙇‍♀I apologize
🙇‍♂Pardon me
🙇My apologies
🙇‍♀Please forgive me
🙇‍♂Please, don't be angry
🙇I hope you can forgive me
🙇‍♀Please, accept my apologies

Want more⁉️ Just👇Stay tuned 🥳

📚 @Ingliz_Tili_English_IELTS🖇 📍

⚠️Gaplarni va gap bo‘laklarini bir-biri bilan bog‘lash uchun ishlatiladigan so‘zlarga bog‘lovchilar deyiladi. Teng va ergashtiruvchi bog‘lovchilar mavjud.
🔰Teng bog‘lovchilar gapning uyushuq bo‘laklarini va mustaqil gaplarni bir-biriga bog‘lash uchun ishlatiladi:
🔹I have received a letter
and a telegram.
🔸Men xat va telegramma oldim
🔰Ergashtiruvchi bog‘lovchilar ergash gaplarni bosh gaplarga bog‘laydi:
🔹I can’t do it now because I am very busy.
🔸Men hozir buni qila olmayman
chunki juda bandman.
⚠️Bog‘lovchilar shakliga ko‘ra sodda va qo‘shma bo‘ladi:
💠Sodda bog‘lovchlar
: and va, bilan, but ammo, lekin, if agar, that.
💠Qo‘shma bog‘lovchilar: as well as ham, shuningdek; so that, in order that uchun, maqsadda; as soon as -gach, bilanoq va boshqalar.
💠Ba’zi qo‘shma bog‘lovchilar ikkilangan bo‘ladi, chunki ikki qismdan iborat bo‘ladi: : both … and ham … ham, not only … but also faqat emas … ham, either … or yoki … yo, neither … nor na … na va boshqalar.
💠Ba’zi bog‘lovchilar sifatdoshlar shakliga ega bo‘ladi: provided (providing) shartda, agar … bo‘lsa; seeing bilib, modomiki, hamonki; supposing shunday, aytaylik, faraz qilaylik.

🔰 Join:👉 @Ingliz_Tili_English_IELTS
🏜Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar! 🥇1-qism
@The_IELTS_9 👈🏻kanalida
🪃1. Desire - istak, hoxish
🪃2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
🪃3. Pumpkin - qovoq
🪃4. Experience - tajriba
🪃5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
🪃6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
🪃7. Child - bola
🪃8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
🪃9. Regret - pushaymonlik
🪃10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
🪃11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
🪃12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
🪃13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
🪃14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
🪃15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
🪃16. Reflection - aks, tasir
🪃17. Passion - ehtiros
🪃18. Umbrella - soyabon
🪃19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
🪃20. Banana - banan
🪃21. Animal - jonivor
🪃22. Perfection - mukammalik
🪃23. Mother - ona
🪃24. Important - muhim
🪃25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
🪃26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
🪃27. Butterfly - kapalak
🪃28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
🪃29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
🪃30. Summer - yoz

🎲⭐️"INGLIZ TILI"⭐️dan DTM TEST ⭐️ @ingliz_tilini_organamizku 🔥 kanali uchun maxsus Tuzuvchi: @Timur_Xoshimov” testi
🖊 20 ta savol · 1 daqiqa
Which is correct? pinned Deleted message
🎲⭐️🤩INGLIZ TILIDAN🤩⭐️ DTM TESTI. 🔥@ingliztili_ielts_test 🤩 kanali uchun maxsus Tuzuvchi: @Timur_Xoshimov” testi
🖊 20 ta savol · 1 daqiqa
Ona tili va adabiyot ixlosmandlari uchun kanalimiz: @onatili_quiz_adabiyot
🌐 Look into va look back:

Look into - ko'rib chiqmoq, tadqiq etmoq
📌 to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it

🔹️ Police are looking into the disappearance of two children.
🔸️ Politsiya ikkita bola yo'qolganlig ishini ko'rib chiqmoqda.

Look back - ortga qaramoq, tarixga nazar solmoq
📌 to think about something that happened in the past

🔹️ When I look back on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.
🔸️ Men qachonki shu kunlarni eslasam, juda hafa bo'lar edim.

📎 doim qoʻshimchalar bilan ishlatiladigan fellar.

1. Consist of... - ... dan tashkil topmoq

🟡This book consists of 30 chapters.
(Bu kitob 30ta boʻlimdan tashkil topgan)

2. Comply with - ... ga boʻysunmoq

🟡If you don't want to be fired you must comply with the company's regulations.
(Agar sen ishdan ketmoqchi boʻlmasang, kompaniya qonun qoidalariga boʻysunishing kerak)

3. Depend on - bogʻliq boʻlmoq

🟡The company's success solely depends on you.
(Kompaniya muvaffaqiyati faqatgina senga bogʻliq)

4. Object to - qarshi chiqmoq

🟡My parents objected to my decision to study abroad.
(Mening ota-onam chet elda oʻqishimga qarshi)

Ushbu soʻzlarni yodlab oling!

⚡️Kanalimiz sizga foydali bo'lsa quyidagi manzil orqali do'stlaringizni taklif qiling👇
🔹Uyda yolg’iz filmidan yangi so'zlar:

🔸Home Alone - Uyda Yolg'iz
🔸I’m free – Men ozodman
🔸Little jerk – Kichik landovur
🔸Cool!- Zo’r
🔸Sickening! – Ko’ngilni aynituvchi
🔸Private stuff – Shaxsiy narsalar
🔸Pound me! – Meni kaltakla
🔸Get the hell out of here –Yo’qol bu yerdan (Qo’pol, so’zma so’z tarjimasi “Jahannamga yo’l ol”)
🔸Too bad – Eh, afsus
🔸Eating junk – Yomon ovqat yemoq
🔸Watching rubbish – Ahlatni tomosha qilmoq (Yomon yoki bekorchi narsalarni)
🔸What’s the matter?- Muammo nimada?
🔸Lock up- Yopmoq
🔸Turn off - o’chirmoq

About predlogi
Ingliz tilidagi “about” predlogi “haqida, taxminan, atrofida” deb tarjima qilinadi.

| Tell me all about it.
| Menga bu haqida gapirib bering.

Mazkur predlogni quyidagi holatlarda ishlatish mumkin:
1. Taxminan baholashda:

| It must be about 3 o’clock.
| Hozir soat taxminan 3 bo’lgan bo’lishi kerak.

2. Joy yoki yo’nalish ma’nosini ifodalashda:

| Walk about the square.
| Maydon atrofini aylanib o’ting.

Which is correct? pinned Deleted message
🌐 Look into va look back:

Look into - ko'rib chiqmoq, tadqiq etmoq
📌 to try to find out the truth about a problem, crime etc in order to solve it

🔹️ Police are looking into the disappearance of two children.
🔸️ Politsiya ikkita bola yo'qolganlig ishini ko'rib chiqmoqda.

Look back - ortga qaramoq, tarixga nazar solmoq
📌 to think about something that happened in the past

🔹️ When I look back on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.
🔸️ Men qachonki shu kunlarni eslasam, juda hafa bo'lar edim.

Media is too big
🎲⭐️INGLIZ TILI DTM TEST⭐️ 🔹@Ingliz_Tili_English_IELTS 🔹@englishingliz1 Kanallari uchun maxsus💫 Tuzuvchi: @Timur_Xoshimov” testi
🖊 15 ta savol · 45 soniya
1. Rasmiy ruxsatda ishlatilinadi. You may go out.
2. Tilak bildirishda ishlatilinadi. May you enter the university.
3. It may rain tomorrow. = It might rain tomorrow.
4. May as well/might as well – 2-3 imkoniyatdan ma’qulini tanlashda ishlatilinadi. These days the buses are too expensive. I may as well get a taxi.

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🔘 REPETITOR: @Oysha_Ahmadova

KANALIMIZ: @Ingliz_Tili_English_IELTS
By va With

va with predloglari o’zbek tiliga bilan so’ziga to’gri keladi.

By ko’pincha majhul nisbatda ishlatilib, tomonidan deb tarjima qilinadi va ish-harakatning bajaruvchisini ko’rsatadi.
With esa, aniq nisbatda ham, majhul nisbatda ham ish-harakatni bajarish asbobini, buyumini bildiradi:

▪️The bird was shot by the man – Qush odam tomonidan otilgan
▪️The man shot the bird
with a gun – Odam qushni miltiq bilan otdi

2025/02/17 03:05:16
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