Someone may graduate university at 21 age, but he/she may be unemployed. Someone gets University after several years however he/she maybe become billionaire. Someone may married at 18 age. However they haven't children for many years. Someone may married later. However that person may find nice partner to spend the rest of life. You are not late, everything will be happened on time :)
Don't worry
Don't worry
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This chat for girls
Thanks for meaningful conversation the previous day, sisters))
Shahina, actually you are such talkative ๐
Value everything which is given to you in this life. Time is so special one.
And also, siblings are huge treasure for person. Nothing can replace it when you are gathering with your family members around the table. It's appealing when your little sister embraces you and speak as a little kid's tongue ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
And also, siblings are huge treasure for person. Nothing can replace it when you are gathering with your family members around the table. It's appealing when your little sister embraces you and speak as a little kid's tongue ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
Assalomu alaykum va rahmatullohu va barakutuhu
It's raining in our city right now โบ๏ธ๐ง
It's raining in our city right now โบ๏ธ๐ง
๐ถAccomplish - Bajarish
๐ถAdvantage - Afzallik
๐ถAppropriate - Mos
๐ถAssume - Faraz qilmoq
๐ถChallenge - Qiyinchilik
๐ถCommitment - Majburiyat
๐ถComplex - Murakkab
๐ถConsequently - Natijada
๐ถConsider - O'ylab ko'rmoq
๐ถConvince - Ishontirmoq
๐ถCreate - Yaratmoq
๐ถDecline - Rad etmoq
๐ถDefine - Belgilamoq
๐ถDemonstrate - Ko'rsatmoq
๐ถEncounter - Duch kelmoq
๐ถExpand - Kengaytirmoq
๐ถImpact - Taโsir
๐ถMaintain - Uzoq davom ettirmoq
๐ถRequire - Talab qilmoq
๐ถSignificant - Muhim
๐ถAdvantage - Afzallik
๐ถAppropriate - Mos
๐ถAssume - Faraz qilmoq
๐ถChallenge - Qiyinchilik
๐ถCommitment - Majburiyat
๐ถComplex - Murakkab
๐ถConsequently - Natijada
๐ถConsider - O'ylab ko'rmoq
๐ถConvince - Ishontirmoq
๐ถCreate - Yaratmoq
๐ถDecline - Rad etmoq
๐ถDefine - Belgilamoq
๐ถDemonstrate - Ko'rsatmoq
๐ถEncounter - Duch kelmoq
๐ถExpand - Kengaytirmoq
๐ถImpact - Taโsir
๐ถMaintain - Uzoq davom ettirmoq
๐ถRequire - Talab qilmoq
๐ถSignificant - Muhim
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It seems still, like a summer, even if it is autumn ๐
Erta tongdan telegram kirmay degandim, hozir kirsam bir dunyo tabriklar, xabarlar kutib turgan ekan
Judayam xursand bo'ldim e'tibor uchun ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
Kanaldagi ustozalarni ham bayramlari muborak bo'lsin ๐
Judayam xursand bo'ldim e'tibor uchun ๐ฅฐโค๏ธ
Kanaldagi ustozalarni ham bayramlari muborak bo'lsin ๐