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Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#BitgetSeed 上新啦 ! 🌱

🔹 $IMG @IMGrewards

发现下一个100x➡️Bitget App 主页➡️ Bitget Seed
币安Binance华语 (Twitter)

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#BGB 持币社群春日迎新,持币有礼限时活动!

仅需几步,即可获得 2 #BGB 限时空投🪂

截止时间2025年3月8日 18:00(UTC+8)

币安Binance华语 (Twitter)

🛹周末来 #币安钱包 玩点不一样的

在Astherus Kernel上质押 #BNB,年化高达50%!

📅活动时间: 2025/02/20 00:00:00 - 2025/03/08 23:59:59 (UTC)

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget【合约新币】交易 $KAITO 合约,畅享 30,000 USDT空投!

截止时间2025-02-28 18:00 (UTC+8)

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget ETH 理财宝限时活动

🎉 活动一 新用户专享:ETH 7天定期达 50%APR!
🎉 活动二 限时高息定期理财:ETH 14天定期达10%APR! (全员可享)

💰 随存随取,资金立即到账

🔒 强大的资金安全保障
Bitget 设立风险保护基金及 100% 平台储备金,全面抵御网络安全威胁,确保您的资金安全无忧

🛡️ 资产保护承诺
若您的账户信息泄漏或资产被盗,您可通过 Bitget 保护基金申请索赔,保障您的权益

立即认购! 新手专享: https://www.bitget.com/earning/savings?secondBizLine=SavingsFixed&productId=1277054397477965824&anonymous=1

Bitget中文 (Twitter)

#Bitget 每日早报|朝鲜黑客再盗超50万 $ETH ,中国等五国客户不符FTX赔付资格(2.22)

🔵$BTC 一度逼近十万美金后迅速下挫跌至9.5万一线,市场普跌
🔵FTX 首轮债权人赔付虽已于18日正式启动,但债权人代表 Sunil 于 X 表示,俄罗斯、中国、埃及、尼日利亚、乌克兰五个地区的用户暂时无法参与索赔分配。
🔵Top50 除 $BGB $TIA 外均翻红;新币 $KAITO 表现抢眼,开盘后一度拉升至翻倍
🔵Andre Cronje 力推 Sonic 生态(原 Fantom Layer1)强势破圈,生态内 $SHADOW$S 同期财富效应抢眼,链上 TVL 月增幅超 500%。

CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

Some thoughts on the recent hack(s).

There is a pattern where hackers were able to steal large amounts of crypto from multi-sig “cold storage” solutions, as with ByBit, Phemex, WazirX and potentially others. In the most recent ByBit case, the hackers were able to make the front-end user interface show a legitimate transaction while the actual signing was for a different transaction. I am less familiar with the other cases, but they sound similar based on limited available info.

What’s more scary is that the affected exchanges used different multi-sig solution providers. The hackers, the Lazarus Group, are highly advanced and broad in their abilities to penetrate. It is still unclear whether the hackers were able to penetrate multiple signing devices, or the server side, or both in each of these cases.

Some people questioned my suggestion of halting all withdrawals as a standard security precaution (in a tweet I posted from a shuttle bus to the plane). My intention was to share a practical approach based on my experiences and observations, yet there is no absolute right or wrong in either approach. My guiding principle is always to lean on the safer side. After any security incident, pause everything, make sure we fully understand what happened, how hackers penetrated the systems, which devices were compromised, triple-check all is safe, and then resume operations.

Pausing withdrawals could cause more panic, of course. In 2019, we paused withdrawals for a week after a massive $40 million hack. When we resumed withdrawals (and deposits), we saw more deposits than withdrawals. Not saying this is a better approach. Every situation is different. It’s a judgment call. My tweet was to share what might work and my intention was to show support in a timely manner. I am sure Ben made the best decision based on the info he had.

Ben did a good job maintaining transparent communication and calmness in dealing with a challenging situation. That shows a sharp contrast to other less transparent CEOs, like WazirX, FTX, etc.

The cases mentioned here are all different. FTX was fraud. WazirX, I will refrain from commenting as there is an ongoing lawsuit.

Most importantly, we should never take security for granted. It is important to learn about security yourself so that you can choose the right tools for your needs. For this, I will share an article I wrote a few years ago. It’s a little outdated, but the fundamental concepts still apply. Stay SAFU!
币安Binance华语 (Twitter)

📰每日资讯看 #币安 !2月22日(周六)资讯小报
热搜榜: $BNB $BTC $ETH
🔸Galaxy CEO 呼吁全球领导人对 Lazarus Group 采取行动;
🔸Chainflip 关闭部分前端服务以阻止资金流动;
🔸OpenSea CEO 称 SEC 结束调查是创新者的胜利。
币安Binance华语 (Twitter)

【知识速递】第5️⃣期:一图详解 #币安 第 9 期 HODLer空投 项目 - KAITO


CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

Please not the "send it to me" suggestions. I won't have the capacity to verify individuals. It has to be action to a community.
CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

I donated $100k (150 BNB) from this address. Now the address has received more than $1m back. I will not keep any of coins/tokens for myself. What should I do with it? Add to an LP pool? Airdrop? Donate to a charity? Send to a burn address? Any other ideas?

Serious question. Limiting replies to people I follow to avoid spam. Will unfollow any spammers. 😂
Bitget中文 (Twitter)

为何 #Bitget 在Bybit安全事件发生时第一时间挺身而出 @BybitOfficial🔥

Bitget CEO @GracyBitget 在与 @wublockchain12 的space探讨中详细阐述了背后原因

CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

Dex is so much harder to use... 😂
CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

27 minutes to do a test buy... Still haven't figured out how to add to the liquidity pool. And you have to do this while they are all watching on the blockchain. 😆
CZ 🔶 BNB (Twitter)

Guys, don't take👇 too seriously. Was joking. But yes, it is my first time using an AMM, liquidity pool, etc. You may be shocked. But I never had to use a DEX before. I use CEX. 🤷‍♂️

I wanted to put a few BNB in TST LP, as a test. I seen demos of Pancake before. It looked so simple. I thought how hard could it be? But I forgot my IQ level. 😂 (Look on the bright side, it shows you don't need to be smart to get lucky.)

I didn't follow any video tutorials. I kinda wanted to see what a first experience would be like. As a noob, I have to say the DEX experience can be improved, a lot!

The error messages don't make any sense.
There are probably bots trying to front run my public address (or any large transaction I suspect).
And why can everyone watch what I was doing in real time? 😂

Well, a lot to build.
2025/02/23 02:00:56
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