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2021 Bio Tutor suggest俾大家温書嘅先後次序!🥰
2021 Bio Elective3,4 tips for 同學仔🥰


1. 有得抄資料就抄!!!
2. 有冇背識唔識都好!資料點都有提示,做左先算。
3. 記得做時間管理大師!後面選答都重要!


1. 見到自己最熟既課題有出就做個題!
2. 見到全新題型要淡定!花時間理解一下題目問緊咩。目的?成效?⋯不外乎都係呢d重心,只係換左方式問。
3. 見到熟課題出25分?淡定!審題做好d!花時間起個大綱。
4. 淡定完刀京京,揀第二有信心既!
5. 記得做時間管理大師,𥄫實個鐘,差唔多時間就搵下個女朋友!
1. Resident喺Econ(GDP GNP) 入面係唔關國籍唔關其他嘢 只要住滿12個月 或者intend to住滿12個月 就會當係resident

2. Balance of payment account 一定係收支平衡 因為已經包括外匯儲備
Balance of payment 先至有順差同逆差

3. In perfect competition, every seller is price taker, but DOESNT mean price is stable. It can move violently, everyone in the market has the same price

4. 有fixed cost就一定係short run

5. 所有expansion/integration嘅motive一律可以寫enjoy economics of scale攞一分

6. Bond prices and interest rates are negatively related

7. Listed company must be public limited company, but public limited company may not be listed

8. Partnerships have a wider source of capital than sole proprietorships, but that does not mean they have more capital than sole proprietorships
2025/03/29 03:47:55
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