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Telegram Web
Plus again, how you do such stats Pew Research Center .... WE NEVER GOT ANY REQUEST FROM YOU! ...

Young European more favorable? Do you mean young European are more favorable to import their DVD / Blu-Ray / Books, Sex Toys, Food, HDD / SSD, Proteins, etc. GRATIS from Europe ... because otherwise you need to pay

Well, from this point of view we are pro too! but thinking about all other things for sure NOPE! and free import = no control = illegality! so NOPE again ... this just promote crimes ...

So yes, is a shit to pay tons of CHF to import things ... but ...

Yes, SURE! 🇪🇺 is synonym of peace ... "same laws", same electrical outlets, etc., but ... this could be done even in a different way ...

Currently, the euro (€) is the official currency of 20 out of 27 EU member countries which together constitute the Eurozone, officially called the euro area

No Euro: Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden https://perma.cc/2LB6-UYQT

"strengthened because of economic integration have a favorable view of the EU" can even be done without asking that all EU deal package "need to be respected" ...

and this is still related to free transit of people and goods ... you can do the same with a controlled transit.

4. The European Union https://perma.cc/BZ5N-F7KZ

People broadly view the EU favorably, both in member states and elsewhere https://perma.cc/CW7C-4KNN

The Schengen area is made up of 27 European countries that agreed to create common entry and exit requirements in order to remove the need for internal borders: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland https://perma.cc/HP8Y-PFA6

Temporary Reintroduction of Border Control https://perma.cc/P7C7-BBE7

Voor- en nadelen van de EU https://perma.cc/282T-LJUB
Media is too big


Stop discriminating 🇷🇺!

Russia is not innocent
but this doesn't mean all 🇷🇺 are bad!


Backup by @MigrationTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme
Die Initiative wurde am 30. Juli 1996 mit 106k Unterschriften eingereicht. Am meisten Unterschriften wurden im Kanton Bern, gefolgt
von den Kantonen Waadt, Zürich, Genf, Neuenburg, Freiburg und Luzern gesammelt. Die Initiative kam mit einem Minimalbudget von rund 80'000 Franken zustande ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️; praktisch alle Unterschriften wurden an Ständen auf der Strasse oder an Veranstaltungen gesammelt

Now to this bullshit we are a democracy ... yes, BUT! if you need to waste 80k, tons of hour to express your opinions, is this democracy?! Who is paying such things?! In this case people had 🧠 refusing 🇨🇭 to 🇪🇺! but what if a 💡 initiative get refused by population just because of ignorance?! You waste money and time no one is giving back ...

"If you already know you need to waste money and time" ... people are not doing that, exactly like people don't want to "waste time to check things" or whatever ...!

Die jungen Erwachsenen zwischen 18 und 34 Jahren waren einst die EU-freundlichste Altersgruppe in der Schweiz. In den 90er-Jahren sah noch mehr als die Hälfte der 18- bis 34-Jährigen die Zukunft der Schweiz in der EU. 59.2 Prozent wollten beitreten, 31.8 Prozent lehnten dies ab.

Doch seither hat die EU-Begeisterung bei dieser Altersgruppe dramatisch abgenommen. 2019 wollten gerade noch 6.5 Prozent der jungen Erwachsenen der EU beitreten, 77.9 Prozent sprachen sich für den Alleingang aus. Heute sind die 18- bis 34-Jährigen die EU-skeptischste Altersgruppe https://perma.cc/LNK9-RU4Y

Mit 50,34% sagt das Schweizer Stimmvolk äusserst knapp Ja zur "Masseneinwanderungs-Initiative", welche den freien Personenverkehr mit der Europäischen Union in Frage stellt https://perma.cc/TQE2-XW25

Voorstan- ders van het eu-lidmaatschap noemen vooral economische motieven (Nederland als klein handelsland kan niet zonder de eu) of zeggen dat je ‘samen sterker’ staat op het wereld- toneel. Tegenstanders noemen vooral culturele argumenten (verlies van eigenheid, soeve- reiniteit) en wijzen op de hoge kosten van de eu.
Proponents of EU membership mainly mention economic motives (the Netherlands, as a small trading country, cannot do without the EU) or say that we are 'stronger together' on the world stage. Opponents mainly mention cultural arguments (loss of individuality, sovereignty) and point to the high costs of the eu.

Again, you can keep such economy part EVEN by removing Euro, freedom of movement, etc. ...

The EFTA is an intergovernmental organization set up for the promotion of free trade and economic integration to the benefit of four: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland https://perma.cc/PS28-WVDX

In order to reduce social inequalities, Member States come through a series of social policies that are aimed, in addition of increasing the number of jobs, a serie of social benefits for people at risk, vulnerable or with dependent children.

Without these measures, the inequality rate would be much higher. It is noted that the EU average of social inequalities, before the application of the social measures by the state, is over 50%, the lowest value being recorded by Slovakia. After all social measures have been applied, the inequality rate is falling at European level by more than 20 percentage points.

The GINI indicator, was 30.8% (available for 2018 for the EU28) up from 2010. It is noted that the countries of origin of European millionaires have seen increases in the GINI index, which confirms that as the number of people who have become rich has increased, in the meantime the number of people who have become poorer and inequalities have deepened.

exactly like GDP!

Since joining the European Union, Romania has failed in all these years to raise the living standards of its citizens. Even though the number of those in employment has increased, one-fifth of them remain poor. This shows that the measures taken so far have not been effective or sustainable.
2025/01/07 21:34:27
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