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Verse 1 Reflections

In the opening verse, Allah is establishing His authority and Kingship over all things. When reading this verse, we should remember the greatness of Allah and that He has the power to do anything. No one can question Him in what He does and He is the Most-Just (Al-'Adl) and the Most-Wise (Al-Hakeem).

Kings and presidents of this dunya who hold some form of power are treated with reverence and adulation. Some people show loyalty to kings and presidents so that they could be favoured by them. As for those who are unjust, people obey them out of fear of being punished.

But Allah is the King of all kings. His Kingdom extends over all things and unlike kings whose power expires when they die, Allah is Ever-Living (Al-Hayy). If anyone deserves true reverence and praise, that is Allah.

If kings of this dunya are adored because they distribute gifts and favours to their subjects, let us remember that Allah's treasures are endless and it is He who has blessed us with so much. He deserves our utmost praise.

If kings are feared due to their authority and ability to punish, then it is Allah who we ought to fear the most. Kings of this dunya may be unjust but Allah is the Most-Just so He punishes only those who deserve to be punished.

When we are facing difficulties in life, we should adopt the means in trying to solve our problems but we must remember to ask Allah for His help as He is able to do all things. Allah may be testing us and our du'as may not be answered immediately but we should know that He Knows about our situation and that we will be rewarded for calling out to Him.

The essence of worship is showing our neediness to Allah and to acknowledge that Allah is free from all need is Self-Sufficient (Al-Ghani).

- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
Verse 10

وَقالوا لَو كُنّا نَسمَعُ أَو نَعقِلُ ما كُنّا في أَصحابِ السَّعيرِ

Transliteration: Waqaaloo lau kunnaa nasma'u au na'qilu maa kunnaa fee as-haabis-sa'eer

Translation: And they will lament, “If only we had listened and reasoned, we would not be among the residents of the Blaze!”
Verse 2 Reflections

"He is the One Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving."

This life is a test. When we truly begin to understand this and remember this at every moment in our lives, we will find it easier to deal with our problems and any trials and tribulations we may face. We should have the true realisation that this life is temporary and the real life is that in the hereafter. If we try to have a perfect, trouble-free life we will be dissapointed again and again. We should expect things not to go our way but at the same time ask Allah for comfort and ease.

Allah places all of us in different situations to test how we deal with any given situation. When we are going through a hardship do complain or do we turn to Allah and call out to Him?

When we are blessed with something do we forget Allah or do we remember that it is from Allah and thank Him? How is our akhlaq (character) in good times and does it change when we are going through a rough time?

It's worth noting that Allah didn't say He wants to see which of us does the most deeds but He said He wants to test which of us have the best deeds. This shows that it's not about the quantity of deeds we do but the quality of the deeds. Every deed we do should be done with Ihsaan (excellence). A small deed done with sincerity and only for the sake of Allah is much better than many deeds done with the wrong intention. In fact, a deed done with the intention to show off may be a means of someone incurring a sin.

In the day of judgement our deeds will be weighed and not counted. Again, it's about the quality of our deeds and not quantity. For example, a single utterance of 'SubhanAllah' with full contemplation about the magnificance of Allah and His beautiful creation is likely to be more beloved to Allah than a hundred utterance of the same phrase without much thought and reflection.

We should all try to do small and consistent deeds for the sake of Allah only and hope they are a means of our scales being heavy on the day of judgement.

May Allah allow us all to do those deeds which please Him and allow us to avoid those things which displease Him.

- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
Verse 11

فَاعتَرَفوا بِذَنبِهِم فَسُحقًا لِأَصحابِ السَّعيرِ

Transliteration: Fa'tarafoo bidhanbihim fasuhqalli-as-haabis-sa'eer

Translation: And so they will confess their sins. So away with the residents of the Blaze!
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Verse 12

إِنَّ الَّذينَ يَخشَونَ رَبَّهُم بِالغَيبِ لَهُم مَغفِرَةٌ وَأَجرٌ كَبيرٌ

Transliteration: Innalladheena yakhshawna rabbahum bilghaybi lahum maghfiratun wa ajrun kabeer

Translation: Indeed, those in awe of their Lord without seeing Him will have forgiveness and a mighty reward.
Verse 3-4 Reflections

"He is the One Who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will never see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate. So look again: do you see any flaws? Then look again and again - your sight will return frustrated and weary."

In these verses Allah is demonstrating His Power and Greatness and telling us to look at His creation and how He has perfected it so that we may appreciate His Majesty and authority.

Everything in nature is a sign of His existence - from the water cycle which involves precipitation of water from which clouds are formed and are then are driven to another land so that the water may rain down and allow crops to grow so that animals and human beings can find nourishment, to the complex ecosystems of insects and animals which are all inter-connected.

We don't have to even look far - the human body is designed with so much complexity yet it is fine-tuned at the same time. Just taking a basic lesson in biology should be enough to make us appreciate Al-Khaliq's (The Creator's) Greatness.

Sometimes watching nature documentaries put's me in awe of Allah and appreciate Allah's authority and dominion (Mulk).

In these modern times, many of us are too busy living in concrete jungles, glued to our devices that we seldom look up at the skies and wonder about the creation of Allah. Our busy lives and lifestyles have made us disconnect from nature. So let us all try to spend some time just looking at the sky, the stars, the trees and the animals and contemplate about Allah. Allah is telling us to look in this ayah and this IS dhikr!

We don't have to necessarily recite any adhkar with the lips and a single 'SubhanAllah!' from the heart can be a very powerful means to draw us closer to Allah.

- Ustadh Rafiq ibn Jubair
If you have memorised verses 1-10 please revise them and constantly recite them. Memorising them is half of the effort. The other half is to revise them and solidify them in your memory.

Perhaps get a friend or family member to test you to identify weak areas which you need to fix and then spend extra time on those parts.
2025/03/13 08:21:49
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