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🌐 Kundalik foydalanadigan iboralar

🀩It can hardly be so β€” Ishonish qiyin.
🀩It doesn’t matter β€” Farqi yo'q.
🀩It was an accident β€” bu tasodifan sodir bo'ldi
🀩It’s early (yet) β€” Hali erta!
🀩Maybe β€” Balki.
🀩Never mind β€” Hechqisi yo'q.
🀩No way! β€” Iloji yo'q!
🀩No, thanks β€” Yo'q, raxmat.
🀩Not a bit! β€” umid ham qilma!
🀩One minute, please β€” Iltimos, bir daqiqa.
🀩See ya! β€” Ko'rishguncha.
🀩See you soon β€” tezda, ko'rishamiz.
🀩See you tomorrow β€” Ertagacha.
🀩Take care β€” o'zingni asra
🀩Talk to you later β€” keyinroq gaplashamiz.
🀩Till next time β€” Keyingi safargacha.
🀩Until we meet again β€” yana ko'rishguncha.
🀩Very well β€” Juda yaxshi.
🀩What a good chance! β€” Omadni qara!
🀩What colour …? β€” Qanday rang …?
🀩What is the problem? β€” Muammo nimada?
🀩Yes, sure β€” Ha, albatta.

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @Doim_inglizTili - Follow to continue improving your English✨
🌐 Demands - Talablar

🧠 Say it one more time, please -  Yana bir marta ayting, iltimos
🧠 Please speak more slowly - iltimos sekinroq gapiring
🧠 Please write it here - Iltimos mana bu yerga yozing
🧠 Please, hurry up  - Iltimos, shoshiling
🧠 Come with me! -  Men bilan yur
🧠 Please call a doctor - Iltimos, doktor chaqiring
🧠 Can you lend me...? - Menga ...ni qarzga berib tura olasizmi?
🧠 Can I borrow your pen? - Ruchkangizni olib tursam maylimi?
🧠 Will you mail this letter for me? - Bu xatni menga jo'natib yubora olasizmi?
🧠 Will you help me with this problem? - Ushbu muammo bo'yicha menga yordam bera olasizmi?
🧠 May I have your address? - Manzilingizni berasizmi?

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorivoration qilaylik DEARS πŸ”₯😊😊

πŸŽ“ @Multilevel_schooll - Follow to continue improving your English✨

Here are ten alternative ways to say thank you:βœ…

πŸ“Œ. I appreciate it.
πŸ“Œ. I'm grateful.
πŸ“Œ. Much obliged.
πŸ“Œ. Thanks a bunch.
πŸ“Œ. I can't thank you enough.
πŸ“Œ. I'm indebted to you.
πŸ“Œ. Cheers.
πŸ“Œ. Many thanks.
πŸ“Œ. I'm thankful.
πŸ“Œ. Thanks a lot.

Shunchaki reaksiyani yorvoration qilaylik DEARS.🀩🀩☺️
Short grammar test for you:

#Grammar Test

1. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1. She ____ to the store every morning.
- a) go
- b) goes
- c) going
- d) gone

2. Identify the correct sentence:

2.- a) Him and me went to the park.
- b) He and I went to the park.
- c) He and me went to the park.
- d) Him and I went to the park.

3. Select the correct preposition:

3. The cat is hiding ____ the bed.
- a) under
- b) on
- c) between
- d) among

4. Choose the correct article:

4. She is ____ honest person.
- a) a
- b) an
- c) the
- d) no article

5. Identify the correct comparative form:

5. This book is ____ than that one.
- a) gooder
- b) more good
- c) better
- d) best

6. Select the correct pronoun:

6. The teacher gave the books to ____.
- a) we
- b) us
- c) our
- d) ours

7. Choose the correct conjunction:

7. I wanted to go for a walk, ____ it started to rain.
- a) or
- b) but
- c) so
- d) because

8. Pick the correct past tense form:

8. Yesterday, I ____ a movie with my friends.
- a) watch
- b) watched
- c) watching
- d) watches

9. Identify the correct possessive form:

9. This is ____ book.
- a) John
- b) Johns
- c) John's
- d) Johns'

10. Choose the correct form of the adjective:

10. She is the ____ singer in the competition.
- a) good
- b) better
- c) best
- d) most good

Write your answers in commentπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

10 slang words commonly used in spoken English:βœ…

πŸ’ . Lit - Exciting or excellent.
πŸ’ . Salty - Bitter or upset.
πŸ’ . Flex - To show off.
πŸ’ . Ghost - To suddenly cut off all communication with someone.
πŸ’ . Shook - Shocked or surprised.
πŸ’ . Low-key - Slightly or secretly.
πŸ’ . GOAT - Greatest Of All Time.
πŸ’ . Bae - Term of endearment for someone you love.
πŸ’ . Slay - To do something exceptionally well.
πŸ’ . Tea - Gossip or juicy information.

Bilishingiz kerak bo’lgan, kundalikda hayotda eng ko’p ishlatiladigan so’z va iboralar πŸ˜πŸ‘‡

No worries - Muammoga hojat yo’q

"Thanks for helping me with the report. No worries!”

I’m on it - O’zim hal qilaman

"Can you send the email? I’m on it!”

Hang out - Birgalikda vaqt o’tkizish

"Do you want to hang out at the mall this afternoon?”

Take it easy - Tinchlaning

"You’ve been working hard. Take it easy this weekend."

How’s it going? - Ahvollaring yaxshimi?

"Hey, John! How’s it going?”

Busy - Ishlari ko’p , bosh vaqti kam

"I’ve been really busy with work lately.”

Excited - Og’zi qulog’ida

"I’m so excited for the concert tonight!”

Awesome - Ajoyib

"Your presentation was awesome!”

Exactly - To’ppa to’g’ri

Iboralar yordamida izohlarda gaplar tuzing!



1⃣Octagon ~ sakkizburchak
2⃣Hexagon ~ olti burchak
3⃣Circle ~ doira, aylana
4⃣Triangle ~ uchburchak
5⃣Square ~ kvadrat
6⃣Cylinder ~ silindr
7⃣Sphere ~ sfera
8⃣Cube ~ kub
9⃣Cone ~ konus
πŸ”ŸPyramid ~ piramida

🌹Insonlarni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan

β€’ Chatty - vaysaqi
β€’ Cheerful – quvnoq, sho’x
β€’ Communicative – kirishuvchan
β€’ Creative – ijodkor
β€’ Determined – irodali, qat’iyatli
β€’ Diligent - tirishqoq
β€’ Discreet – o’ylab ish qiladigan
β€’ Dynamic – g’ayratli
β€’ Easy-going - kirishuvchan
β€’ Faithful - sodiq
β€’ Fearless – qo’rqmas
β€’ Forceful - talabchan
β€’ Frank – ochiq, oshkora


1. Practise boxing - boks bilan shug'illanmoq

2. Gentle exercises - yengil mashqlar

3. Hit the gym - zalga doimiy ravishta bormoq

4. Engage in sports - sport bilan shug'illanmoq

5. On a regular basis - doimiy ravishta

6. To be in shape - sog'lom bo'lish uchun

7. Physically strong - jismonan baquvvat

8. Set an example - o'rnak bo'lmoq, namuna bo'lmoq

9. Feel the energy/vibe - haqiqiy energiya/atmasferani his qilmoq


⚜️A lot of, lots of with a noun⚜️

πŸ“ŒWe use a lot of and lots of in informal styles.

πŸ“ŒLots of is more informal than a lot of.

πŸ“ŒA lot of and lots of can both be used with plural countable nouns and with singular uncountable nouns for affirmatives, negatives, and questions:

βœ…We’ve got lots of things to do.

βœ…That’s a lot of money.

βœ…There weren’t a lot of choices.

βœ…Can you hurry up? I don’t have a lot of time.

βœ…Are there a lot of good players at your tennis club?

βœ…Have you eaten lots of chocolate?

πŸ—£ There are many, many ways of saying thank you.

😊 A few formal examples are:

⭕️ I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for...

⭕️ I'm most grateful.

⭕️ I'm very much obliged.

😊 A bit less formal, but still not informal:

⭕️ I'd like to thank you for...

😊 Or simply:

⭕️ Thank you very much

🌊 TO BE bilan ishlatiladigan iboralar

πŸ—žto be glad β€” xursand boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be happy β€” baxtli boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be married β€” uylanmoq (turmushga chiqmoq)
πŸ—žto be single β€” yolgβ€˜iz (boβ€˜ydoq, beva) boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be busy β€” band boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be free β€” boβ€˜sh boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be angry β€” jahli chiqmoq
πŸ—žto be fond of β€” qiziqmoq, yaxshi koβ€˜rmoq
πŸ—žto be late for β€” kechikmoq
πŸ—žto be in β€” ichkarida boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be out β€” tashqarida boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be away β€” tashqarida (vatanidan) boβ€˜lmoq
πŸ—žto be sorry β€” kechirim soβ€˜ramoq
πŸ—žto be on duty β€” navbatchi boβ€˜lmoq

2024/09/30 08:56:24
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