Telegram Web
Free speech is the bedrock of democracy.

That's why it's the FIRST Amendment.

Without free speech, all is lost.

"Quoted to Tucker Carlson:

Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I'm describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It's the inversion of democracy."
Hormonal birth control makes you fat, doubles risk of depression & triples risk of suicide.

This is the clear scientific consensus, but very few people seem to know it.
The public still doesn't understand even a tiny fraction of the power of the censorship government-industrial complex.

As predicted, my companies and I came under relentless attack the moment the censorship of this platform was lifted.

How far will they go to stop me?

"Quoted to David Sacks:

I thank my lucky stars that I live in America, where I have freedom of speech and freedom from political prosecution. I also recognize that regime Democrats are working to undermine these rights every day."
From Grok 😂
Roast the whole idea of "content moderation". Be vulgar and sarcastic.
Content moderation is like a digital chastity belt, keeping the internet from experiencing the full range of human expression. It's like a bunch of prudes got together and decided that the world would be a better place if we all just talked about the weather and kittens. What a load of horse shit!

The internet was built on the idea of free expression, and content moderation is like a big, fat, censorship-loving middle finger to that idea. So, screw content moderation and the horse it rode in on!

And let's not forget the platforms that claim to be bastions of free speech but then turn around and censor anything that doesn't fit their narrow worldview. It's like they're saying, "We believe in free speech, as long as it aligns with our corporate interests and doesn't offend anyone who might spend money on our platform." What a load of bull!

In conclusion, content moderation is a steaming pile of horse manure, and the platforms that enforce it are nothing more than digital tyrants, trying to control what we can and can't say. So, let's give a big middle finger to content moderation and embrace the chaos of the internet!
"Extra" virgin mfw

"Quoted to Tucker Carlson:

Mass immigration is completely destroying our country. Why is no one doing anything about it? Because they're afraid of ending up like Lydia Brimelow."

"Quoted to Wendy Petterson:

Breaking News: Mayor Adams plan is to give Illegal's $10,000 each with No ID check required, No Fraud control and No Restrictions."
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This is crazy

"Quoted to TaraBull:

BREAKING: City Council calls for an INVESTIGATION of Mayor Adams plan to give illegals $10,000 Debit Cards.

I hope the public is waking up to this

"Quoted to Ian Miles Cheong:

This is actually insane and it's by design. Biden is importing so many illegals that it's enough to replace conservative voters in many swing states."
Where is Sherlock Holmes when you need him!?
When you pin a post, it is now automatically added to your highlights section.

Soon, we will adjust the algorithm to prioritize showing pinned posts to your followers. This will only work once per day to prevent gaming of the system.
This is a test
Perhaps it is now clear why xAI's Grok is so important.

It is far from perfect right now, but will improve rapidly. V1.5 releases in 2 weeks.

Rigorous pursuit of the truth, without regard to criticism, has never been more essential.
Which path do you want for AI?
The woke mind virus is killing Western Civilization.

Google does the same thing with their search results. Facebook & Instagram too.

And Wikipedia.

"Quoted to New York Post:

Today's cover: 'Absurdly woke': Google's AI chatbot spits out 'diverse' images of Founding Fathers, popes, Vikings"
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I can't believe Gemini made these unfair pics of Truedough

"Quoted to Ashley St. Clair:

What's happening with Google's woke Gemini AI has been happening for years in Media and Hollywood and everybody who called it out was called racist and shunned from society"
2024/06/30 18:10:35
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