سيشتاقُون إليك عندما يفشلون في إيجاد شخص مثلك 🥀🚶♀.
They will miss you when they fail to find someone like you.
They will miss you when they fail to find someone like you.
حين تكون بحالة سيئة، لا تقرأ شيئاً مؤلماً، لأنك كلما مررت بشيء تعتقد أنه كتب لأجلك أنت 🥀🚶♀.
When you are in a bad state, don't read anything painful, because whenever you go through something you think it was written for you.
When you are in a bad state, don't read anything painful, because whenever you go through something you think it was written for you.
كانوا أذى، وكان الله لطيفًا بي، فأزالهم 🥀🚶♀.
They were hurt, and God was kind to me, so he removed them.
They were hurt, and God was kind to me, so he removed them.
صباح الخير 🌸
للذين يرسمون في مخيلاتهم حياة لا تطابق حياتهم، لآولئك المضيئين دوماً رغم إنطفاء العالم من حولهم 🥀🚶♀
للذين يرسمون في مخيلاتهم حياة لا تطابق حياتهم، لآولئك المضيئين دوماً رغم إنطفاء العالم من حولهم 🥀🚶♀
لا تظلم أي إنسان حتى لا يؤلمك دعاؤه 🥀🚶♀.
Do not oppress any human being so that his prayer does not hurt you.
Do not oppress any human being so that his prayer does not hurt you.