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οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄ β˜…β˜…β˜… οΏ΄BRAGAZEUS πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·

yΓΈow ladies and gentleman, bragazeus is here to be a roleplayer squad, bragazeus issa
squad that prioritizes unlimited solidarity. Bragazeus has a motto that is "let them sneer, keep shooting like lightning"

Bragazeus attends on 08 01 23

join because bragazeus accommodates all roleplayer citizens and there is no gender difference, the most important thing is to uphold a sense of solidarity and brotherhood, regardless of "who you are"
οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ β˜…β˜…β˜… ORIGIN OF BRAGAZEUS πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·

the first squad was formed with the initial name revolution gank on January 8 2023 and then changed to bragazeus with the aim of making it better, of course with a new theme.

Bragazeus comes with a concept or theme the god Zeus is the god of the sky in ancient Greek mythology. Often referred to as the Father, as the god of thunder and 'cloud gatherer', Zeus controls the weather such as sending thunder, lightning, rain, and thunder.

Bragazeus has a motto that is "let them sneer, keep shooting like lightning" which means that don't think about what people who hate you say, stay focused on what you want.

Bragazeus will certainly be better than before, and accommodate roleplayer citizens to become a unit of solidarity and become a big family that upholds brotherhood
οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ β˜…β˜…β˜… οΏ΄ATTENTION ⚠️⚠️
οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄οΏ΄οΏ΄ οΏ΄ οΏ΄ OTHER SOURCES OF

Official channel : @OFCBRAGAZEUS
Shitpost channel : @SHITPOSTBRAGAZEUS
Archive channel : @RSPBGRZ

we include above is the official bot channel and contact, apart from that, its not a channel or something that belong to us. but when it comes to bragazeus and our terms, we will follow up again.

( Roleplayer, 4 Juli 2023 )

Nomor : -
Lampiran : 01.
Perihal : Bubar

Kepada Yth. Seluruh warga rpw/breΔ“us

Selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam, dan salam lintas agama untuk kita semua, kami selaku FOI dari @OFCBRAGAZEUS membuat surat ini yang bertujuan untuk memutuskan bragazeus resmi bubar pada 4 Juni 2023 tentunya dengan pertimbangan yang sangat berat dan matang, dikarenakan para team yang sudah tidak kondusif dan beberapa masalah lainnya yang tidak bisa kami sebutkan dengan rinci/jelas. Demikian surat ini kami buat, sebelumnya terimakasih banyak atas perhatiannya dan Terimakasih kepada seluruh keluarga besar bragazeus yang sudah menjadikan Bragazeus sebagai rumah walaupun hanya sementara.

N. Semua tentang @OFCBRAGAZEUS, masih kami lock dan kami harap dengan pasti tidak ada plagiarisme ataupun hal lain, dan apabila dikemudian hari terdapat Bragazeus lain, yang tentunya itu bukan oknum kami/terdapat plagiarisme. jikalau itu kami, maka akan ada informasi lebih lanjut lagi mengenai hal itu . Kami mohon tidak ada hal itu yang terjadi, karena bragazeus tetap/always kami lock seluruhnya.

Saya harap dengan adanya surat ini, kalian dapat mengerti dan memahami kami, akhir kata kami ucapkan, Terimakasih and see you again, breΔ“us. We love you so much 🀍
2024/12/30 13:41:57
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