مفردات أساسية :
🤍Heart قلب
- The heart pumps blood throughout the body.
القلب يضخ الدم في جميع أنحاء الجسم.
🤍Lungs رئتين
- The lungs allow us to breathe by exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
الرئتين تسمح لنا بالتنفس من خلال تبادل الأكسجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون.
🤍Brain دماغ
- The brain is the control center for the nervous system.
الدماغ هو مركز التحكم للجهاز العصبي ٠
🤍Liver كبد
- The liver processes nutrients and detoxifies harmful substances.
الكبد يعالج العناصر الغذائية ويزيل المواد الضارة.
🤍Kidneys كليتين
- The kidneys filter waste from the blood and produce urine.
الكليتين تقومان بترشيح النفايات من الدم وإنتاج البول.
🤍Heart قلب
- The heart pumps blood throughout the body.
القلب يضخ الدم في جميع أنحاء الجسم.
🤍Lungs رئتين
- The lungs allow us to breathe by exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
الرئتين تسمح لنا بالتنفس من خلال تبادل الأكسجين وثاني أكسيد الكربون.
🤍Brain دماغ
- The brain is the control center for the nervous system.
الدماغ هو مركز التحكم للجهاز العصبي ٠
🤍Liver كبد
- The liver processes nutrients and detoxifies harmful substances.
الكبد يعالج العناصر الغذائية ويزيل المواد الضارة.
🤍Kidneys كليتين
- The kidneys filter waste from the blood and produce urine.
الكليتين تقومان بترشيح النفايات من الدم وإنتاج البول.
1- I have a pain 🤕
لدي ألم
2- I have cough 🤧
لدي كحة
3- I feel shortness of breath 😔
حاس بكتمة
4- Do you have fever ? 🥵
هل عندك حرارة ؟
5- Do you have asthma ? 😷
هل عندك ربو ؟
6- ECG ❤️
تخطيط القلب
7- X-ray 📸
8- Cath 🫀
9- We have a lot of patients 🤱🏻
لدينا الكثير من المرضى
10- Just go to the emergency 🚨
توجه إلى الطوارئ
11- Where is the dental clinic ? 🦷
وين عيادة الأسنان ؟
12- We booked an appointment 📆
قمنا بحجز موعد
13- You need to go to the pharmacy 💊
لازم تمر الصيدلية
14- How many times
should I take my pills ? 💊
كم مرة لازم آخذ حبوبي ؟
15- Take a swab 🦠
خذ مسحة
لدي ألم
2- I have cough 🤧
لدي كحة
3- I feel shortness of breath 😔
حاس بكتمة
4- Do you have fever ? 🥵
هل عندك حرارة ؟
5- Do you have asthma ? 😷
هل عندك ربو ؟
6- ECG ❤️
تخطيط القلب
7- X-ray 📸
8- Cath 🫀
9- We have a lot of patients 🤱🏻
لدينا الكثير من المرضى
10- Just go to the emergency 🚨
توجه إلى الطوارئ
11- Where is the dental clinic ? 🦷
وين عيادة الأسنان ؟
12- We booked an appointment 📆
قمنا بحجز موعد
13- You need to go to the pharmacy 💊
لازم تمر الصيدلية
14- How many times
should I take my pills ? 💊
كم مرة لازم آخذ حبوبي ؟
15- Take a swab 🦠
خذ مسحة
Other ways to say "I'm ready"
🦨🔻I am prepared.
🦨🔻I am all set.
🦨🔻I am good to go.
🦨🔻I am fully prepared.
🦨🔻I am eager and prepared.
🦨🔻I am set to start.
🦨🔻I am geared up.
🦨🔻I am primed and .
🦨🔻I am in a state of readiness.
🦨🔻I am raring to go.
Good evening
🦨🔻I am prepared.
🦨🔻I am all set.
🦨🔻I am good to go.
🦨🔻I am fully prepared.
🦨🔻I am eager and prepared.
🦨🔻I am set to start.
🦨🔻I am geared up.
🦨🔻I am primed and .
🦨🔻I am in a state of readiness.
🦨🔻I am raring to go.
Good evening
Forwarded from 🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧
Forwarded from 🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧
قناة ماشاءالله👆 تبارك تنشر بشكل يومي وأشياء مفيدة جدا 👏🏽
🌼Good evening 🌼
The Kindness of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)
Once, in the city of Medina, there lived a man named Abdullah. He was known for his harsh demeanor and often treated others poorly. One day, he decided to visit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to express his grievances about life.
As Abdullah approached the Prophet’s house, he noticed a group of children playing nearby. They were laughing and having fun. Abdullah, feeling annoyed by their joy, shouted at them to be quiet. The children stopped and looked at him with fear.
When the Prophet (PBUH) saw this, he called Abdullah over and said, “Why do you disturb their happiness? Children are a blessing from Allah. They bring joy to our hearts.”
Abdullah was taken aback by the Prophet’s gentle words. Instead of scolding him, the Prophet showed kindness and compassion. This made Abdullah reflect on his own behavior.
From that day on, Abdullah decided to change his ways. He started treating people with kindness and respect, just like the Prophet (PBUH) had shown him. He even began to play with the children, sharing in their joy.
Through this simple act of kindness, Abdullah learned that a little compassion can change not only others’ lives but also one’s own heart. And so, he became known in Medina not for his harshness but for his kindness, inspired by the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Moral: Kindness has the power to transform hearts and lives.
The Kindness of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)
Once, in the city of Medina, there lived a man named Abdullah. He was known for his harsh demeanor and often treated others poorly. One day, he decided to visit the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to express his grievances about life.
As Abdullah approached the Prophet’s house, he noticed a group of children playing nearby. They were laughing and having fun. Abdullah, feeling annoyed by their joy, shouted at them to be quiet. The children stopped and looked at him with fear.
When the Prophet (PBUH) saw this, he called Abdullah over and said, “Why do you disturb their happiness? Children are a blessing from Allah. They bring joy to our hearts.”
Abdullah was taken aback by the Prophet’s gentle words. Instead of scolding him, the Prophet showed kindness and compassion. This made Abdullah reflect on his own behavior.
From that day on, Abdullah decided to change his ways. He started treating people with kindness and respect, just like the Prophet (PBUH) had shown him. He even began to play with the children, sharing in their joy.
Through this simple act of kindness, Abdullah learned that a little compassion can change not only others’ lives but also one’s own heart. And so, he became known in Medina not for his harshness but for his kindness, inspired by the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Moral: Kindness has the power to transform hearts and lives.
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القناة الاروع في عالم التيليجرام
ليست مجرد قناة
انها عالم من👌🏽 الرقي والاخلاق
قناة فن التعامل مع الناس قناة كل الناس
للاشتراك اضـغــط هنـا
ليست مجرد قناة
انها عالم من👌🏽 الرقي والاخلاق
قناة فن التعامل مع الناس قناة كل الناس
للاشتراك اضـغــط هنـا
فن التعامل مع الناس
✋🏽تجسيد لمعنى
كونـوا دعـاه الى الله وانتم صامتون
اعني بأخلاقكم..
فإذا أردت أن تُعطي مِثالاً حسناً عن دينك ، فعامل الناس برحمة وإنسانية وحُب، فَـ مائة محاضرة دينية لا تؤثر في شخص، كما يؤثر تعاملك معه بأخلاق حسنه .
كونـوا دعـاه الى الله وانتم صامتون
اعني بأخلاقكم..
فإذا أردت أن تُعطي مِثالاً حسناً عن دينك ، فعامل الناس برحمة وإنسانية وحُب، فَـ مائة محاضرة دينية لا تؤثر في شخص، كما يؤثر تعاملك معه بأخلاق حسنه .
💠 Walk
💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other
💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction
💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way
💢 Pace to walk first in one direction and then in another many times, especially because you are nervous
💢 March to walk quickly with firm regular steps- used especially about soldiers or someone who is angry
💢 Wade to walk through deep water
💢 Stomp to walk putting your feet down very hard, especially because you are angry
💠 Walk
💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other
💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction
💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way
💢 Pace to walk first in one direction and then in another many times, especially because you are nervous
💢 March to walk quickly with firm regular steps- used especially about soldiers or someone who is angry
💢 Wade to walk through deep water
💢 Stomp to walk putting your feet down very hard, especially because you are angry
📚📚One Big Channel㋡
#Thesaurus 💠 Walk 💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other 💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction 💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way 💢 Pace to walk first in one direction…
💠 To walk quietly
💢 Tiptoe to walk quietly and carefully on your toes because you do not want to make a noise
💢 Creep to walk quickly and slowly because you do not want anyone to see or hear you
💢 Sneak to walk quietly so that no-one notices you, especially because you are doing something you should not do
💢 Pad to walk quietly without wearing shoes – also used about cats and dogs walking quietly
💢 Tiptoe to walk quietly and carefully on your toes because you do not want to make a noise
💢 Creep to walk quickly and slowly because you do not want anyone to see or hear you
💢 Sneak to walk quietly so that no-one notices you, especially because you are doing something you should not do
💢 Pad to walk quietly without wearing shoes – also used about cats and dogs walking quietly
📚📚One Big Channel㋡
#Thesaurus 💠 Walk 💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other 💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction 💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way 💢 Pace to walk first in one direction…
💠 To walk slowly
💢 Trudge to walk in a slow tired way because it is difficult to continue walking, or you do not want to go somewhere
💢 Plod to walk slowly in a tired way – often used about a horse, donkey etc
💢 Shuffle to walk very slowly and noisily without lifting your feet off the ground
💢 Trudge to walk in a slow tired way because it is difficult to continue walking, or you do not want to go somewhere
💢 Plod to walk slowly in a tired way – often used about a horse, donkey etc
💢 Shuffle to walk very slowly and noisily without lifting your feet off the ground
📚📚One Big Channel㋡
#Thesaurus 💠 Walk 💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other 💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction 💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way 💢 Pace to walk first in one direction…
💠 To walk with difficulty
💢 Limp to walk with difficulty because one leg hurts, so that you put most of your weight on the other leg
💢 Stagger to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over, especially because you are drunk or have been injured
💢 Hobble to walk with difficulty in a slow and unsteady way because your legs or feet hurt or have been injured
💢 Limp to walk with difficulty because one leg hurts, so that you put most of your weight on the other leg
💢 Stagger to walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over, especially because you are drunk or have been injured
💢 Hobble to walk with difficulty in a slow and unsteady way because your legs or feet hurt or have been injured
📚📚One Big Channel㋡
#Thesaurus 💠 Walk 💢 Walk to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other 💢 Wander to walk without any clear purpose or direction 💢 Stride to walk with long steps in a determined, confident, or angry way 💢 Pace to walk first in one direction…
💠 To walk for pleasure
💢 Talk a walk also go for a walk to walk somewhere for pleasure
💢 Stroll also go for a stroll to walk in a relaxed way, especially for pleasure
💢 Hike also go hiking to walk a long way in the mountains or countryside as an activity you enjoy
💢 Trek also go trekking to go for a walk lasting several days or weeks in a faraway place, carrying your clothes with you
💢 Talk a walk also go for a walk to walk somewhere for pleasure
💢 Stroll also go for a stroll to walk in a relaxed way, especially for pleasure
💢 Hike also go hiking to walk a long way in the mountains or countryside as an activity you enjoy
💢 Trek also go trekking to go for a walk lasting several days or weeks in a faraway place, carrying your clothes with you
Useful English phrasal verbs
Take after - Resemble
He has taken after his father.
Turn down - Reject
He turned down my offer.
Bring up - Mention
He brought up the issue of reservation in Parliament.
Calm down - Relax
There is nothing to worry. Carm down.
Cut in - Interrupt
Don't cut in when I speak.
Go on - Continue
He went on speaking for hours.
Break down - Malfunction
My car broke down on the way.
Call off - Cancel
The match was called off.
Take after - Resemble
He has taken after his father.
Turn down - Reject
He turned down my offer.
Bring up - Mention
He brought up the issue of reservation in Parliament.
Calm down - Relax
There is nothing to worry. Carm down.
Cut in - Interrupt
Don't cut in when I speak.
Go on - Continue
He went on speaking for hours.
Break down - Malfunction
My car broke down on the way.
Call off - Cancel
The match was called off.
📡 لستة التطوير للقنوات الإنجليزية والعربية الثقافية والتعليمية تُرحب بكم:
• • اليوم الثلاثاء 🌄
• • • • 31 ديسمبر 2024 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً
⇦ لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
👁🗨 @En70001bot
✋🏽اخترنا لكم :
🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖
• • اليوم الثلاثاء 🌄
• • • • 31 ديسمبر 2024 🪙
يتم الحذف عند الساعة 12:00 صباحاً
⇦ لإضافة قناتك
فقط تواصل معنا للتأكيد .....👇🏾
👁🗨 @En70001bot
✋🏽اخترنا لكم :
🎐تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية بسهولة🗣
🫂 ⚘فن التعامل مع الناسᵜᴥᵜᴥᵜᴥ🤝
💬مجموعة لتطوير اللغة الإنجليزية😳
••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• 📚📖
🔊تطوير مهارة التحدثEn🎧
تهدف هذه القناة إلى تحسين طلاقتك في تحدث اللغة الإنجليزية. تابعنا واستمتع برحلة التعلم!
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@Listen_Closelybot ....
This channel aims to enhance your English speaking fluency. Follow us and enjoy the learning journey!
بوت التواصل والاستفسار
@Listen_Closelybot ....