🚨 #FreeSpeech has been one of the pillars of our Constitutional Republic. Free Speech was fine when only the elite had the 📢. Since the internet gave voice to millions, now it’s become a problem. See how that works?
After 230+ years of success, the arrogant ruling class sees #FreedomOfSpeech as a “threat to #democracy,” & call for #ContentModeration, which is nothing more than another word for censorship.
What are they so afraid of? 🔥
After 230+ years of success, the arrogant ruling class sees #FreedomOfSpeech as a “threat to #democracy,” & call for #ContentModeration, which is nothing more than another word for censorship.
What are they so afraid of? 🔥
The P.A.S. Report
What Are They Afraid of? Content Moderation is Code for Speech Controls
As Elon Musk attempts to purchase Twitter, there are some who believe free speech is a threat to the Republic and we need content moderation.
🗣 #Gettr CEO Jason Miller discusses #Censorship and Political #FreeSpeech. He also talks about the 2022 #Political landscape and the upcoming midterm #elections.
The P.A.S. Report
Gettr CEO Jason Miller Discusses Big Tech Censorship
Gettr CEO Jason Miller returns to The P.A.S. Report Podcast to discuss big tech censorship and the 2022 political landscape.
For those who are concerned about billionaire #ElonMusk buying #Twitter, you should be much more concerned that billionaire Zuckerberg spent $400m funding election operations to influence the 2020 elections. Just sayin’
🚨 President Reagan said #Government is not the solution. It’s the problem. From #IllegalImmigration & #BorderCrisis to #inflation & #StudentLoans. The failures of government are numerous & obvious. 🔥
The P.A.S. Report
Government is Not the Solution to Problems, Government is the Problem
As Ronald Reagan said, “Government is not the solution to our problem, Government is the problem.” The failures of the government are obvious
🗣 Cheryl Chumley explains the dangerous growth of #government power under the guise of public health & safety, w/complete disregard for the #Constitution. More frightening is the people’s willingness to grant bureaucrats this power.
The P.A.S. Report
Cheryl Chumley on Lockdown, the Socialist Plan to Take Your Freedom
Cheryl Chumley, the author of LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Your Freedom, returns to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
🚨 The building blocks of the #Biden administrations #MinistryOfTruth was revealed a year ago when they released the #NationalStrategy & is nothing more than an effort to control #FreedomOfSpeech & Thought. #Orwell 1984 isn’t coming, it’s here. 🎧 🔥
The P.A.S. Report
The Ministry of Truth, CRT and DEI All Tie Into the National Strategy
Professor Giordano explains how this new Ministry of Truth amounts to nothing more than an extraordinary effort to control freedom of speech.
Comedian Michael Loftus discusses how the #woke mob has no sense of humor & wants everyone to be as miserable as they are. He also talks about the threat of the #MinistryOfTruth, especially to comedy.
The P.A.S. Report
Comedian Michael Loftus
Comedian Michael Loftus, the host of That Show Tonight and The Loftus Party, joins The P.A.S. Report Podcast .
🚨 #Biden labels nearly half the country of belonging to an #extremist organization. It’s not a coincidence that the words #extremists / #extremism are used 27 times in the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
I warned a year ago how this document could be exploited & used to target #political opposition.
Since then:
•#DOJ School Board Memo targeting parents
•#ThreatTag parents who voice concern
•the creation of a “specialized” domestic terrorism unit
•Now the #President labels political opposition as extremists
I warned a year ago how this document could be exploited & used to target #political opposition.
Since then:
•#DOJ School Board Memo targeting parents
•#ThreatTag parents who voice concern
•the creation of a “specialized” domestic terrorism unit
•Now the #President labels political opposition as extremists
The P.A.S. Report
Are You a Radical Extremist? President Biden Thinks You Are
Are you a radical extremist? Well according to President Biden nearly half the country is now part of an extremist organization.
My thoughts on a recurring theme in #Biden administration in today’s #NYPost. The #BabyFormula crisis is just the latest example.
New York Post
Formula crisis typical of Biden — denial and lack of urgency
The baby formula crisis is the perfect example of how detached the Biden administration is from the American people it was elected to represent.
🗣 Always enjoy the conversation w/Mr. Call Screener & host of This is #America podcast, Rich Valdes. We talk #Biden #inflation, the difficult decisions families are making & #UltraMaga.
The P.A.S. Report
This is America with Rich Valdes
Rich Valdes, the host of This is America with Rich Valdes, joins The P.A.S. Report Podcast to discuss President Biden's continued failures.
Many within #government seem to have forgotten “parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children.”
Do you know what your parental rights & responsibilities?
Do you know what your parental rights & responsibilities?
The P.A.S. Report
What Are Your Parental Rights?
What are your parental rights when it comes to your child’s education? The failures of today’s American education system are deep.
An examination of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act & how it can be weaponized & used to target #Political opponents. With over 50 terrorism-related laws already on the books, we don’t need to increase the surveillance state apparatus with a new one, especially given the clear abuses w/the power already granted.
The P.A.S. Report
Domestic Terrorism Law Targets Political Opponents
Now that the House passed the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, it’s time for Professor Giordano to revisit the new domestic terrorism law.
Excellent conversation w/ Jonathan Isaac about #WhyIStand. He talks about overcoming #Fear & #Anxiety through #Faith & #Courage, & why he decided to stand for our #anthem rather than take a knee for the #BLM organization.
The P.A.S. Report
Jonathan Isaac Talks About Anxiety, Courage, and Faith
Jonathan Isaac, the author of Why I Stand, joins The P.A.S. Report Podcast to discuss the importance of faith and courage.
In #America, many oversimplify complex issues to push a #political agenda, including #MassShootings. There are 3 aspects to these incidents- the individual, the society / culture, & the gun. The problem is complex & we can’t legislate our way out of this. The #left rehashes failed ideas of the past for the sole purpose of eliminating the #2ndAmendment.
The P.A.S. Report
3 Aspects of Mass Shootings- The Individual, The Culture, and The Gun
Professor Giordano explains 3 aspects of mass shootings- the individual, the culture, and the gun- and explains possible solutions.
Laptop from Hell author & NY Post columnist Miranda Devine talks about #HunterBiden ‘sugar brother’ paying his $20k/mo. waterfront rental property & 30 lawyers for Delaware probe. Also talk #Sussman verdict & toxic masculinity.
The P.A.S. Report
Miranda Devine Talks Hunter Biden, Sussman Verdict & Toxic Masculinity
Miranda Devine Talks Hunter Biden, Sussman Verdict and Toxic Masculinity, as she returns to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
#PresidentBiden & #Democrats go all in w/his #BuildBackBroke agenda. Rather than tackle the issues crushing the #American people, his admin continues to push radical gender theory targeting low income school lunch programs & normalize substance abuse. 🔥
The P.A.S. Report
Build Back Broke and January 6th Commission Goes Primetime
President Biden continues to refuse to reverse course as Build Back Broke appears to be the goal of this administration.
As #woke ideology has infected the public education system, Bethany Mandel Heroes of Liberty explains the importance of promoting core #American philosophies and values to children.
The P.A.S. Report
Bethany Mandel Talks Heroes of Liberty and Public Education
Bethany Mandel, Heroes of Liberty, joins The P.A.S. Report Podcast to discuss the woke ideology that has infected the public education system
The #Biden administration continues to operate in The Twilight Zone on the current #Economic realities as #Americans struggle financially & have to make difficult financial decisions. #President Biden distracts, deflects & takes no responsibility for his failed policies.
Leaders Lead…but we don’t have leaders. We have ideologues who want to “fundamentally transform the country” by destroying it. 🔥
Leaders Lead…but we don’t have leaders. We have ideologues who want to “fundamentally transform the country” by destroying it. 🔥
The P.A.S. Report
Distractions Won’t Take the Attention off President Biden’s Failures
President Biden’s failures continue, and the American people are paying the price. As our economic struggles continue to worsen...
Theocratic fascist & women’s studies scholar The #DailyWire #MattWalsh talks #GenderTheory #Groomers and warns about how pervasive this issue is.
The P.A.S. Report
Matt Walsh on What is a Woman? - The P.A.S. Report
Theocratic fascist and women studies expert Matt Walsh discusses What is a Woman on The P.A.S. Report Podcast.