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It is not surprising that a great many promoters of "Indo-European" syncretic perennialism have been unusually quiet as of late.

Their idea that our ancient faiths need elements or parts of foreign religions to function or have traditional-grounding / legitimacy was always preposterous. Such a fusion would produce a Frankenstein-faith that never existed historically, insulting the Gods and Ancestors.

This is the same rationale we are seeing with the current H1B debate in the states, "in order to have a functioning nation/business you need to integrate foreigners." Or, "in order to have a functioning pagan faith you need to syncretize with foreign faiths."

Folkishness is not hatred for everything else, it is prioritizing your own, just as every single living being does.

Hopefully this debate about H1B shows the proponents of syncretic perennialism the error of their ways. That faiths and people are distinct from one another, and that's okay. That our revival can move past the last vestages of universalism
It is devotion that fuels action:

Devotion to your career makes you a better worker.

Devotion to your significant other makes you a better spouse.

Devotion to your children makes you a better parent.

So too does devotion to your ancestors, Gods and Goddesses makes you better in more ways than one can know. It was devotion and love for our Gods that built and sustained civilizations for many thousands of years. That same devotion that will give rise to beauty and culture, the likes of which haven't been seen in living memory.

Let us have more devotion to that which we love, and we will be unstoppable
Pagan Revivalism is about being true to yourself. Once one embarks upon the path, one will have purpose, meaning and joy for life flow in their being like never before.

The only regret one has, is why they didn't do it sooner
Pagan Revivalism isn't a dream, it's inevitable
On dark snowy nights we gather. It is here that the warmth and light of the Gods shines brightest. It is where the torch of ancient faith is brought out into the world once more.

Go forth and give light and warmth to your family, friends and folk. Doing so pleases the Gods, your ancestors and theirs. Our revival is at hand
Revivalism 125

Pius Paganism

What is it to be pious? This concept in Pagan faiths has been debated, but a little etymology can help us out.

Pious in English is, "marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship." No doubt this can be the case, considering the grand temples & sacrifices held in antiquity. But let us go deeper.

The English pious comes from the Latin pius the singular masculine to the neuter, pium. In Latin, pius means "to be dutiful or conscientious."

To be dutiful is, "filled with or motivated by a sense of duty" or "proceeding from or expressive of a sense of duty."
To be conscientious is, "meticulous, careful" or the other definition, "governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience i.e. scrupulous." To be scrupulous is, "having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper."

Thus to be Pius to the Gods can be said, "to mindfully follow your duty, by following the dictates of the Gods, like following a general's orders."
Join us for a debate a year in the making. Paganism vs Platonism

All are welcome to listen and participate in the Q&A.
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Something cool, beautiful and mysterious about our world:

One of the strangest sights you can see even from space is the Malaspina Glacier in Alaska. Not only is it the world's largest active glacier, but it is also home to a major gravitational anomaly found from GRACE satellites. These unique properties in combination give the landscape a warped and glitched appearance.

Perhaps there is powerful spiritual energies at play as well? Thought you all might like this
Live stream finished (4 hours)
Paganism v Platonism
Pagan Revivalism
This is the full debate and Q&A between Paganism and Platonism.

I want to thank @stbr99 for representing the platonic side in this debate and being cordial. I want to thank the many folk who came to listen and ask questions. It was an excellent discussion and hopefully the beginning of many more.

May this be the beginning of further debates which will strengthen our revival.

Gods love you
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2025/01/04 11:07:34
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