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Forwarded from Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
Change starts with Nationalism.
To get active with your local candidate contact us at info@nationalparty.ie
Forwarded from Óige Náisiúnach
Bloody Sunday 104 Year Anniversary

21 November 1920:
3 children,
1 woman,
10 men shot dead.

Dublin Stabbings 1 Year Anniversary

23 November 2023:
3 children,
1 woman stabbed.

We remember the dead, and will continue to campaign for the living so that anti-Irish traitors on this island can not continue claiming victims.
Forwarded from Yan Mac Oireachtaigh
Media is too big
The fight isn't over yet get involved with us and lets get nationalists elected together.

Vote Yan Mac Oireachtaigh #1 in Dublin South West.

Forwarded from Keith Woods
Media is too big
🇮🇪 You know immigration is bad when even the immigrants are complaining about it

Immigrant asks Irish Minister of Justice Helen McEntee why so many immigrants are coming in the midst of a housing crisis

Her answer: we need more immigrants to build houses for all the immigrants

X 🔗
Media is too big
The hero Dublin West needs!

Vote Patrick Quinlan No. 1 in Dublin West this Friday, put him in to get them out!

Forwarded from Óige Náisiúnach
For an Irish Ireland, join the National Party.
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"Ireland Belongs To The Irish, Padraig Pearse said that - it was true then, and it's true today."

Vote Peter Madden Number 1 in Tipperary North!
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Thank you to all the campaign teams across the country for helping out with all the campaigns for @NationalPartyIE candidates and also for @NatAllianceIE.

The government is pretending to solve the worlds "humanitarian crises" but actually creating a humanitarian crises here at home.

We need to house the Irish!
At last nights meeting of Fingal County Council, I proposed a motion to compel Fingal County Council to release the figures relating to the number of foreign nationals currently on the local authority's social housing waiting list.

A similar question asked by a Cllr from Fine Gael in 2011, when answered, found that 51% of the individuals on the housing list at the time were foreign nationals.
A figure that has likely only risen after 14 more years of sustained mass immigration.

Last nights motion was seconded by Aontú Cllr Gerard Sheehan, who stated that he was against the motion but wanted the issue discussed.

The Labour Party Mayor reprimanded Aontú for "working with the far-right", Cllr Ellen Troy jumped in to throw Cllr Sheehan under the bus and declared that Cllr Sheehan's support of the motion being floored "wasn't Aontú", as you will see in the video that will follow.

After pushing for a vote on my motion, the motion was defeated 28-1, with both Aontú Cllrs joining the government and leftist parties to prevent updated stats on numbers of foreign nationals on the housing list being released.

The actions of Ellen Troy in Fingal County Council last night, as well as her willingness to throw her own party colleague under the bus when he dared to allow open discussion of the effects of mass immigration into Ireland, shows definitively that Troy and Aontú leadership are more than happy to be joined at the hip with the Irish regime.

The 28-1 vote result should tell you all you need to know about who the real opposition in Ireland is.

Join the National Party.
They will gaslight you and tell you that we never had it better, that we are one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

While in reality, it really seems that we are a society in decline and resembling a 3rd world country more and more each passing year.

Our infrastructure, our health service, homelessness, crime rates, and people's general happiness all signs of deterioration.

We deserve better as a people and as a Nation.

Join the National Party
Forwarded from John McLoughlin NP
Yesterday, I had the great privilege of being slandered and assaulted by the so-called ‘tolerant’ left while handing out NP leaflets. It seems their definition of tolerance includes secret photos, online meltdowns, and violent outbursts.

It is a privilege to be hated by your enemies; it means you stand for something that challenges them. Let them hate us, as long as they fear us. After all, rage is easy when you have no arguments, and failure comes naturally when tantrums are your only strategy. I’ll keep calm, continue on, and leave them to their outbursts, because nothing bothers them more than a man who refuses to lower himself to their level.
Ireland, December 2024.

Israelis are expelling themselves, and you're black pilling?

Our sincerest condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives or were badly injured in the latest terrorist attack against ordinary German civilians at the Christmas Market in Magdeburg yesterday.

While Christmas has always been a joyous time for Christian families to come together in their communities to celebrate the birth of Christ, families will now be burying their children, spouses and parents.

Christmas for these people is now forever a time of sorrow, where the survivors mourn the tragic loss of their loved ones, sacrificed by their government on the altar of multiculturalism.

Magdeburg has now become the latest victim of this cult.

We in the National Party unreservedly condemn this barbaric violence, the blame for which ultimately lies with the traitorous politicians responsible for allowing it to happen through their reckless open borders policies.

Germany's many immigration related problems are being happily emulated by our 'Irish' government, who already have multiple dead or maimed Irish women and children to show for it.

This state of affairs is unacceptable, and cannot continue.

Emerging circumstances surrounding the Magdeburg attacker are proving that mass immigration of people from foreign cultures has disastrous consequences for the host country, no matter the religion.

Fundamentally, this is not a solely religious issue - the problem is multiculturalism of any kind, mass immigration of any kind.

Any person or organisation serious about preventing further attacks and deaths must address multiculturalism and mass immigration, or else we invite the same scale of destruction being unleashed on our own Irish cities.

A total replacement of political leadership, not only in Ireland but across Europe is required - a nationalist Europe, committed to remigration, is needed.

For too many, this is a matter of life or death.

Pray for Magdeburg.
2025/01/01 05:57:03
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