Today is the Census Day, remember to... Participate in the Census! Write in Hongkonger!Make our Identity Known!
今日係人口普查日,仲未填嘅你哋,唔好唔記得喺人口普查問卷上面填 "Hongkonger" 做你哋嘅身分認同啦!
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今日係人口普查日,仲未填嘅你哋,唔好唔記得喺人口普查問卷上面填 "Hongkonger" 做你哋嘅身分認同啦!
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Today is the Census Day, remember to... Participate in the Census! Write in Hongkonger!Make our Identity Known!
今日係人口普查日,仲未填嘅你哋,唔好唔記得喺人口普查問卷上面填 "Hongkonger" 做你哋嘅身分認同啦!
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今日係人口普查日,仲未填嘅你哋,唔好唔記得喺人口普查問卷上面填 "Hongkonger" 做你哋嘅身分認同啦!
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If you still haven't completed your Census, its still not too late! Participate in the Census, Write in Hongkonger, Make your identity known!
Special thanks to:
• Stand with HK (SWHK)
• Ray Wong
• Frances Hui
• Hong Kong Watch (HKW)
• Simon Cheng and
• Baggio Leung
for your participation and support.
If you still haven't completed your Census, its still not too late! Participate in the Census, Write in Hongkonger, Make your identity known!
Special thanks to:
• Stand with HK (SWHK)
• Ray Wong
• Frances Hui
• Hong Kong Watch (HKW)
• Simon Cheng and
• Baggio Leung
for your participation and support.
近月英國疫情受控,防疫措施逐漸解除,我們樂見香港人組織開始籌備集會和其他公開活動,但同時顧慮這些公眾活動,將會如同以前一樣,遭「小粉紅」和中國學生學者聯合會(下稱CSSA)前來騷擾與會人士。與香港事務相關的集會,從來只是宣揚一個清晰訊息:實施《國安法》根本為了制裁反對中國共產黨的異見者,現時香港的法治形同虛設,人權被嚴重剝削。這「不方便的真相」觸動「小粉紅」和CSSA的神經,他們騷擾為香港發聲的人,絕不是冰山一角的事,因此我們去年 10 月推動一個收集遭騷擾案例的項目,邀請身受其害者分享故事,並藉此將聲音傳到英國政府,促請官方注意,及保護言論自由和人身安全。
近月英國疫情受控,防疫措施逐漸解除,我們樂見香港人組織開始籌備集會和其他公開活動,但同時顧慮這些公眾活動,將會如同以前一樣,遭「小粉紅」和中國學生學者聯合會(下稱CSSA)前來騷擾與會人士。與香港事務相關的集會,從來只是宣揚一個清晰訊息:實施《國安法》根本為了制裁反對中國共產黨的異見者,現時香港的法治形同虛設,人權被嚴重剝削。這「不方便的真相」觸動「小粉紅」和CSSA的神經,他們騷擾為香港發聲的人,絕不是冰山一角的事,因此我們去年 10 月推動一個收集遭騷擾案例的項目,邀請身受其害者分享故事,並藉此將聲音傳到英國政府,促請官方注意,及保護言論自由和人身安全。
香港思源 Power to Hongkongers
捲土重來-誠徵遭小粉紅騷擾案例 近月英國疫情受控,防疫措施逐漸解除,我們樂見香港人組織開始籌備集會和其他公開活動,但同時顧慮這些公眾活動,將會如同以前一樣,遭「小粉紅」和中國學生學者聯合會(下稱CSSA)前來騷擾與會人士。與香港事務相關的集會,從來只是宣揚一個清晰訊息:實施《國安法》根本為了制裁反對中國共產黨的異見者,現時香港的法治形同虛設,人權被嚴重剝削。這「不方便的真相」觸動「小粉紅」和CSSA的神經,他們騷擾為香港發聲的人,絕不是冰山一角的事,因此我們去年 10 月推動一個收集遭騷擾案例的項目,…
An update on the recruitment of harassment cases for Hong Kong advocacy
As the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly under control, while we are glad to see various Hong Kong advocacy groups already planning on rallies and events in the upcoming months, we are also deeply worried they would once again become targeted by pro-CCP counter-protestors and the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), who harassed and threatened our fellow Hongkongers simply for voicing out the inconvenient truth: that Hong Kong’s rule of law is practically non-existent, Hongkonger’s human rights are severely exploited, and the National Security Law is nothing but an excuse to persecute all who dissents against the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda. Noticing these harassments were more than “individual cases'', we launched a project last October to collect the victim’s accounts, so that we could compile a report to urge the UK government into protecting its residents and their freedom of speech.
Therefore, believing it is important and meaningful to continue documenting cases that may occur in the upcoming events, we are extending our project. So starting from the 8th May 2021, if any of you have experienced harassment in the UK for any Hong Kong advocacy activities since June 2019, we encourage you to sign up to our project and document your experience, regardless of its severity. Please be assured that your identity will remain anonymous and all the information we collected for this project will be destroyed within one month after the report’s publication.
Here is the link to our project’s Telegram channel, you will receive further instructions upon joining:
As the COVID-19 pandemic is slowly under control, while we are glad to see various Hong Kong advocacy groups already planning on rallies and events in the upcoming months, we are also deeply worried they would once again become targeted by pro-CCP counter-protestors and the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), who harassed and threatened our fellow Hongkongers simply for voicing out the inconvenient truth: that Hong Kong’s rule of law is practically non-existent, Hongkonger’s human rights are severely exploited, and the National Security Law is nothing but an excuse to persecute all who dissents against the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda. Noticing these harassments were more than “individual cases'', we launched a project last October to collect the victim’s accounts, so that we could compile a report to urge the UK government into protecting its residents and their freedom of speech.
Therefore, believing it is important and meaningful to continue documenting cases that may occur in the upcoming events, we are extending our project. So starting from the 8th May 2021, if any of you have experienced harassment in the UK for any Hong Kong advocacy activities since June 2019, we encourage you to sign up to our project and document your experience, regardless of its severity. Please be assured that your identity will remain anonymous and all the information we collected for this project will be destroyed within one month after the report’s publication.
Here is the link to our project’s Telegram channel, you will receive further instructions upon joining:
【Home Office protest: fight oppression globally - welcome refugees!】
Date: 29th July, 2021
Time: 1900
Venue: UK Home Office, Marsham St, London SW1P 4DF
The Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK has initiated this protest - as campaigners against persecution abroad, we believe that this government’s anti-refugee policies are a lethal betrayal of people who are fleeing that persecution and seeking safety here. We invite other international solidarity campaigns, and migrants’ rights campaigns, to join us and co-host the protest - please contact us if you want to support and get involved!
是次示威由英國維吾爾團結運動(Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK)發起。作為抵抗海外迫害的團體,我們認為政府的新法背叛了所有到英國尋求庇護的人。我們邀請其他國際團結運動、移民權益運動加入和共同主持是次示威。如欲支持和參與,請聯絡我們!
Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK @uyghursolidarityuk
Power to Hong Kongers
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees
Labour Movement Solidarity with Hong Kong (UK) @labsolidarityhk
Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Another Europe is Possible
【Home Office protest: fight oppression globally - welcome refugees!】
Date: 29th July, 2021
Time: 1900
Venue: UK Home Office, Marsham St, London SW1P 4DF
The Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK has initiated this protest - as campaigners against persecution abroad, we believe that this government’s anti-refugee policies are a lethal betrayal of people who are fleeing that persecution and seeking safety here. We invite other international solidarity campaigns, and migrants’ rights campaigns, to join us and co-host the protest - please contact us if you want to support and get involved!
是次示威由英國維吾爾團結運動(Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK)發起。作為抵抗海外迫害的團體,我們認為政府的新法背叛了所有到英國尋求庇護的人。我們邀請其他國際團結運動、移民權益運動加入和共同主持是次示威。如欲支持和參與,請聯絡我們!
Uyghur Solidarity Campaign UK @uyghursolidarityuk
Power to Hong Kongers
International Federation of Iraqi Refugees
Labour Movement Solidarity with Hong Kong (UK) @labsolidarityhk
Labour Campaign for Free Movement
Another Europe is Possible
一眾港人組織聯同西藏和東突厥組織將會於14/09 (禮拜二) 於 Royal Mint Court (即中國領事館未來地址)舉行集會,呼籲當地議會Tower Hamlets把附近街道名稱改為Hong Kong Square, Tibet Hill, Uyghur Court etc以反對中共對當地族群的長期打壓。透過與其他被中共打壓的族群聯繫,團結抗共,我們的聲音將更聲勢浩大,在國際線上更有影響力!
日期:14/09 星期二
地點:Royal Mint Court, London, EC3N 4QN
另,Students4HK亦在協助海外學生手足和所在地方的港人組織互相聯繫,希望在10/1於全球聯手舉辦Students for Hong Kong Action Day,如有興趣可到此帖了解更多:
日期:14/09 星期二
地點:Royal Mint Court, London, EC3N 4QN
另,Students4HK亦在協助海外學生手足和所在地方的港人組織互相聯繫,希望在10/1於全球聯手舉辦Students for Hong Kong Action Day,如有興趣可到此帖了解更多:
10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally
In response to the severe crackdown in East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet, a number of UK communities and NGOs are collaborating to cohost the 10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally, fighting for democracy and civil liberties.
1 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Static Rally & Marching:
Piccadilly Circus towards the Chinese Embassy in London
- Atlas
- - Free Tibet
- Global Alliance for Tibet and - Persecuted Minorities
- - Hong Kong Aid
- Hong Kong Liberty
- - Power to Hongkongers
- Tibetans in Britain
- - World Uyghur Congress
十月一日 反抗中共極權統治 - 倫敦聯合遊行
香港人作為其中一個被中共極權壓迫的族群,我們深信只要一日有任何族群仍然受到壓迫, 其他族群亦得不到真正的民主、自由、人權。我們希望團結所有被壓迫的族群,所以將會聯同世界維吾爾大會、藏人團體等多個海外組織於十月一日舉辦遊行, 攜手反抗極權。詳情如下:
遊行路線:由Piccadilly Circus為起點,途經Oxford Circus,最後在中國駐英國大使館門外集會。
In response to the severe crackdown in East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet, a number of UK communities and NGOs are collaborating to cohost the 10.01 Resist the CCP Day - Joint London Rally, fighting for democracy and civil liberties.
1 Oct 2021 (Fri)
Static Rally & Marching:
Piccadilly Circus towards the Chinese Embassy in London
- Atlas
- - Free Tibet
- Global Alliance for Tibet and - Persecuted Minorities
- - Hong Kong Aid
- Hong Kong Liberty
- - Power to Hongkongers
- Tibetans in Britain
- - World Uyghur Congress
十月一日 反抗中共極權統治 - 倫敦聯合遊行
香港人作為其中一個被中共極權壓迫的族群,我們深信只要一日有任何族群仍然受到壓迫, 其他族群亦得不到真正的民主、自由、人權。我們希望團結所有被壓迫的族群,所以將會聯同世界維吾爾大會、藏人團體等多個海外組織於十月一日舉辦遊行, 攜手反抗極權。詳情如下:
遊行路線:由Piccadilly Circus為起點,途經Oxford Circus,最後在中國駐英國大使館門外集會。
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國安法下政治打壓產生再次離港移民潮 ; 無數香港人近年移民到英國.
香港思源邀請三位本地工會以及勞權專家介紹英國勞工法. 此系列勞工法工作坊對所有人免費開放.
報名截止於 2022 年 1 月 21 號
香港思源邀請三位本地工會以及勞權專家介紹英國勞工法. 此系列勞工法工作坊對所有人免費開放.
報名截止於 2022 年 1 月 21 號
The ongoing political repression in Hong Kong has resulted in a wave of immigration to the United Kingdom.
It is important for Hongkongers who have immigranted to the UK to build a new life here to know about the workers' rights guaranteed to them by law.
Power to Hongkongers has invited local union leaders and labour law experts to speak at a series of workshops about UK labour law, open to all free of charge.
Attend online or in-person!
Sign up here:
Sign up deadline is 21th January 2022.
It is important for Hongkongers who have immigranted to the UK to build a new life here to know about the workers' rights guaranteed to them by law.
Power to Hongkongers has invited local union leaders and labour law experts to speak at a series of workshops about UK labour law, open to all free of charge.
Attend online or in-person!
Sign up here:
Sign up deadline is 21th January 2022.