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keep shining โœจ & love you gorgeus . ๐Ÿ’‹
don't forget you're human . it's okay to have a meltdown . just don't unpack and live there . cry it out . then refocus on where you're headed .
Forwarded from yuta ๐Ÿฆ‡
แ‹จแŠฅแˆญแ‹ณแ‰ณ แŒฅแˆช

แ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ต แˆ˜แˆˆแ‰ถ แˆแ‰ตแŠฉ แ‹ญแ‰ แˆ‹แˆˆ แŠฅแ‹ตแˆœแ‹ 21 แˆฒแˆ†แŠ•
แ‹จแŠ แ‹ฒแˆต แŠ แ‰ แ‰ฃ แˆณแ‹ญแŠ•แˆต แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ดแŠญแŠ–แˆŽแŒ‚ แ‹ฉแŠ’แ‰จแˆญแˆฒแ‰ฒ แˆฒแ‰ชแˆ แŠขแŠ•แŒ‚แŠแˆชแŠ•แŒ แˆแˆˆแ‰ฐแŠ› แŠ แˆ˜แ‰ต แ‰ฐแˆ›แˆช แˆฒแˆ†แŠ• แ‹ญแˆ… แ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ต แ‰ แ‰ฃแˆ…แˆชแ‹ แˆ˜แˆแŠซแˆ แŠฅแŠ“ แ‰ แ‰ตแˆ…แˆแˆญแ‰ฑ แŠจแŠ แŠ•แ‹ฐแŠ› แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แŠ แˆแŠ• แŠฅแˆตแŠซแˆˆแ‰ แ‰ต แ‹ตแˆจแˆต แ‰ฐแˆธแˆ‹แˆš แŠฅแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แ‰ฐแˆ›แˆช แŠแ‰ แˆจ แ‰ฃแ‹ฐแˆจแ‰ แ‰ต แ‹จแŒญแŠ•แ‰…แˆ‹แ‰ต แˆ…แˆ˜แˆ แ‰ตแˆแˆ…แˆญแ‰ฑแŠ• แˆ›แ‰‹แˆจแŒฅ แŒแ‹ต แˆ†แŠ–แ‰ แ‰ณแˆ แ‰ แˆ˜แŒ€แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซ แˆ…แˆ˜แˆ™ แˆฒแŒ€แˆแˆจแ‹ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆญแˆณแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆแ แŠจแˆšแŒˆแ‰ฃแ‹ แ‰ แˆ‹แ‹ญ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰ฐแŠ›แ‰ต แˆฒแˆ†แŠ• แ‹ญแˆ… แ‹ฐแŒแˆž แ‹จแˆ˜แŒ€แˆ˜แˆชแ‹ซ แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แ‹ฒแ•แˆฌแˆฝแŠ• แ‰ฐแ‰ฅแˆŽ แˆ…แŠญแˆแŠ“ แˆฒแŠจแ‰ณแ‰ฐแˆ แˆ…แˆ˜แˆ™ แ‰ แŠจแแ‰ฐแŠ› แ‹ฐแˆจแŒƒ แŠฅแ‹จแ€แŠ“ แ‰ แˆ˜แˆแŒฃแ‰ฑ แ‹จแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹ฌ แˆ…แŠญแˆแŠ“ แŠฅแ‹จแ‰ฐแ‹ฐแˆจแŒˆ แ‹จแ‰ฒแ‰ช
แˆ›แŠ“แŒƒแ‹ญแ‰ต แ‰ แˆฝแ‰ณ แŠแ‹ แ‰ แˆ›แˆˆแ‰ต แˆ˜แ‹ตแˆƒแŠ’แ‰ต แˆฒแ‹ˆแˆตแ‹ต แ‰ แŒญแˆซแˆฝ แŠฅแ‹จแ‰ฃแˆฐแ‰ แ‰ต แŠ แŒแˆฎแ‰น แˆ˜แŠ•แ‰€แˆณแ‰€แˆต แŠ แˆแ‰ปแˆ‰แˆ แŠฅแˆซแˆฑแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰†แŒฃแŒ แˆญ แŠ แˆแ‰ปแˆˆแˆ แŠจแ‰ฐแˆˆแ‹ซแ‹จ แˆแˆญแˆ˜แˆซ แ‰ฆแŠƒแˆ‹ แ‹จแŒญแŠ•แ‰…แˆ‹แ‰ต แŠขแŒข แˆ˜แˆ†แŠ‘ แ‰ฐแˆจแŒ‹แŒแŒฆ แŒญแŠ•แ‰…แˆ‹แ‰ฑ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹ แˆแˆณแˆฝ แ‰ แ‰ตแŠญแŠญแˆ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ณแ‹ญแ‹˜แ‹‹แ‹ˆแˆญ แˆตแˆˆ แ‹˜แŒ‹แ‹‰ แˆ˜แŠ•แ‰€แˆณแ‰€แˆต แŠฅแŠ“ แŠฅแˆซแˆฑแŠ• แˆ˜แ‰†แŒฃแŒ แˆญ แŠ แˆแ‰ปแˆˆแˆ แŠฅแŠ“ แŠขแ‰ตแ‹ฎแ‹บแ‹ซ แ‰ แˆˆแ‹‰ แŠฎแˆชแ‹ซ แˆ†แˆตแ’แ‰ณแˆ แˆแˆณแˆนแŠ• แˆˆแŒŠแ‹œแ‹ แ‰ แˆŒแˆ‹ แ‰ แŠฉแˆ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ซแŒˆแŠ แˆแˆˆแ‰ต แŒŠแ‹œ แˆฐแˆญแŒ€แˆช แ‰ฐแˆฐแˆญแ‰ถ แŠแ‰ แˆญ แŠแŒˆแˆญ แŒแŠ• แŠฅแˆ„ แˆ˜แแ‰ตแˆ„ แ‹˜แˆ‹แ‰‚ แˆตแˆ‹แˆแˆ†แŠ แ‰ แŠ แˆตแ‰ธแŠณแ‹ญ แ‹ˆแ‹ฐ แ‹‰แŒญ แˆ„แ‹ถ แˆ…แŠญแˆแŠ“ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแ‹ซแ‹ฐแˆญแŒ แ‹จแŒฅแ‰แˆญ แŠ แŠ•แ‰ แˆณ แŠฅแˆตแ”แˆปแˆ‹แ‹ญแ‹แ‹ต แˆ†แˆตแ’แ‰ณแˆ แ‰ฆแˆญแ‹ต แ‹ˆแˆตแŠ–แ‹‹แˆ แ‰คแ‰ฐแˆฐแ‰ฆแ‰น แ‹ญแˆ…แŠ•แŠ• แ‹จแˆ…แŠญแˆแŠ“ แ‹ˆแŒช แˆ˜แˆธแˆแŠ• แˆตแˆ‹แˆแ‰ปแˆ‰ แŠฅแ‰ฃแŠซแ‰ฝแˆ แ‰ฐแ‰ฃแ‰ฅแˆจแŠ• แ‹จแ‹šแˆ…แŠ• แŒจแ‰…แˆ‹ แ‹ˆแŒฃแ‰ต แˆ…แ‹ญแ‹ˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ•แ‰ณแ‹ฐแŒ แˆˆแ‹šแˆ… แˆ…แŠญแˆแŠ“ แ‹ˆแŒช แ‹จแ‰ฐแŒ แ‹จแ‰แ‰ต 1.6 แˆšแˆŠแ‹จแŠ• แŠแ‹
แŠฅแ‰ตแ‹ฎแ‹ฝแ‹ซ แˆ‹แˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆ แ‰€แŒฅแ‰ณ แ‰ แ‹ˆแˆ‹แŒ†แ‰น แŠ แŠซแ‹แŠ•แ‰ต แˆ›แˆตแŒˆแ‰ฃแ‰ต แ‰ตแ‰ฝแˆ‹แˆ‹แ‰ฝแˆ

1000271873607 แ‹จแˆบ แŠฅแˆธแ‰ฑ (CBE)
1000021377329 แˆแ‰ตแŠฉ แ‰ แ‰€แˆˆ (CBE)

a rude tounge comes with a kind heart , but they will notice the tounge and never the heart

Spread love everywhere you go . Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier .

Have a wonderful day my loveโ€™s ๐Ÿค

Don't be afraid to throw everything away and start from zero. life is a constant cycle of beginnings and endings.

Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

Forwarded from Elu Market
โ‡๏ธ 2.2L Sport Water Bottle With Straw
๐Ÿ’ฏHigh Quality

๐Ÿ‘‰แˆตแ–แˆญแ‰ต แˆฒแˆฐแˆฉ แ‹ˆแ‹ญแˆ แ‰ แˆตแˆซ แ‰ฆแ‰ณแ‹Ž แˆˆแ‹แˆ€ แˆ˜แŒ แŒซแŠแ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแŒˆแˆˆแŒแˆ แŒ แŠ•แŠซแˆซ แ‹จแˆตแ–แˆญแ‰ต แŠฎแ‹ณ

โœจ๏ธStay hydrated during even the longest workouts with our 2.2L gym water bottle

โœจ๏ธDurable and leak-proof design made from high-quality BPA-free plastic

โœจ๏ธEasy to carry with a convenient handle and wrist strap

โœจ๏ธWide-mouth opening for easy filling and cleaning

โœจ๏ธPerfect for the gym, hiking, sports, and other outdoor activities

๐Ÿ‘‰Motivational design-gives you motivation, reminds you to stay hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day

๐Ÿ’ฆ แ‹‹แŒ‹แฆ โœ… 1,500 แ‰ฅแˆญ

Forwarded from Elu Market
โ‡๏ธ Rechargeable Smart Posture Corrector

Posture Support Brace    
๐Ÿ‘‰Great for Men & Women

โœ”๏ธแ‹จแŒ€แˆญแ‰ฃ แˆ˜แŒ‰แ‰ แŒฅ แ‰ฝแŒแˆญแŠ• แ‹จแˆšแ‰€แˆญแ
โœ”๏ธแ‹จแŒ€แˆญแ‰ฃ แ‹ฒแˆตแŠญ แˆ˜แŠ•แˆธแˆซแ‰ฐแ‰ต แˆ˜แ‰…แˆจแˆแŠ“ แˆ›แ‹ณแŠ•
โœ”๏ธแ‰ แŠฅแ‹ตแˆœ แˆ˜แŒแ‹แ‰ต แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แŒก แ‹จแŒ€แˆญแ‰ฃ แ‰ฝแŒแˆฎแ‰ฝ แ‹จแˆšแŠจแˆ‹แŠจแˆแŠ“ แ‹จแˆšแ‰€แˆจแ
โœ”๏ธแ‰€แŒฅแ‹ซแˆ แŠฅแŠ“ แˆ›แˆซแŠช แ‰แˆ˜แŠ“ แ‹จแˆšแ‹ซแˆ‹แ‰ฅแˆต
โœ”๏ธแ‹จแŒ€แˆญแ‰ฃ แฃ แ‹จแŠ แŠ•แŒˆแ‰ต แŠฅแŠ“ แ‹จแ‹ˆแŒˆแ‰ฅ แŒซแŠ“ แ‰ แˆ˜แ‰€แŠแˆต แˆˆแˆ…แˆ˜แˆแ‹Ž แˆ˜แˆแ‰ตแˆ” แˆ˜แˆตแŒ แ‰ต
โœ”๏ธแ‰ แŠ แŒญแˆญ แŒŠแ‹œ แ‹แˆตแŒฅ แŠจแ‰ตแŠจแˆปแ‹Ž แ‰€แŠ“ แ‰ฅแˆˆแ‹ แŠฅแŠ•แ‹ฒแˆ„แ‹ฑ แ‹จแˆšแˆจแ‹ณ แ‹แŒคแ‰ณแˆ› แ‹จแˆ†แŠแฃ แˆˆแŠฅแŠ•แ‰…แˆตแ‰ƒแˆด แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แ‰ฝแฃ แˆˆแˆ›แŠ•แŠ›แ‹แˆ แ‹จแŠฅแ‹ตแˆœ แŠญแˆแˆ แ‹จแˆšแˆ†แŠ•
โœ”๏ธแ‰ แˆตแˆซ แ‹ˆแ‰…แ‰ต แŠจแˆ›แŠ•แŠ›แ‹แˆ แˆแ‰ฅแˆต แˆตแˆญ แˆˆแˆ›แ‹ตแˆจแŒ แ‹จแˆšแˆ˜แ‰ฝ
๐Ÿ‘‰ แ‹จแˆซแˆฑ แˆชแˆ›แ‹ญแŠ•แ‹ฐแˆญ/ แŠ แˆตแ‰ณแ‹‹แˆฝ  Vibration แ‹ซแˆˆแ‹‰


          ๐Ÿ’ฆ แ‹‹แŒ‹แฆ โœ… 900

Forwarded from Dagm
โšก๏ธAre you a highschool or a freshman college student ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป ?

โšก๏ธ Have you fully made up your mind on what you're going to be studying in college ๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿ“™?

โšก๏ธDo you want to know if studying medicine โš• is the correct path for you; to live the successful and fulfilling life you are dreaming of?

โšก๏ธ Do you want to know how medical school life is like?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Then come on down to this event organized by EMSA Lorcan in collaboration with Lorcan Medical College and Blue Health Ethiopia.

โšก๏ธ We will be guiding you to have a look about the medical school journey through our on stage programs while having fun from our off stage programs


๐Ÿ’ซThe event will be containing

1. On-stage experience sharing programs : From fellow medical students, respectable lecturers and reputable medical doctors

2. Off-stage activities : an exhibition, lots of fun games ๐Ÿ•น ๐Ÿ“, volunteers recruitment for local NGOs, blood donation ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿฉธ, awareness creation program about certain medical conditions, campus tour etc

3. Fast foods, snacks and drinks ๐Ÿ” ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿฅค

Click this link ๐Ÿ‘‰ here๐Ÿ‘ˆ to register if you are planning to come .

๐Ÿ‘‰High school (science) students are highly encouraged to join this program.

๐Ÿ—“ Date: Saturday, September 23,2023

โฐ Time : 2:30 - 9:30 LT

๐Ÿ“ Location : Lorcan Medical College ,located around CMC square just behind Tsehay real estate.

EMSA Lorcan | More than a student !
Forwarded from EMSA- Lorcan
โšก๏ธTwo days to go ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

โœจBringing you Dr. Sofonias Ermias and Dr. Binyamin Tefera , we are very excited for our Saturday's event.

โœจIt will give enough information and knowledge for youngsters which will help them make an informed decision about joining Medicine.

๐Ÿ’ซDr. Biniyam Tefera is a highly decorated Oncologist and Director of Bridge the gap, an NGO. His tremendous experience as a clinician and his dedication towards extracurricular activities makes him one of the best people to share his experience and share a word of wisdom.

๐Ÿ’ซDr. Sofonias Ermias is a general practioner and social media educator. As he is widely known to the public by giving medical advices on social media, he is forsure the best person to explain about the journey.

โœจ Please ๐Ÿ‘‰click ๐Ÿ‘ˆhere to register

We will also have fun games, volunteers recruiting NGOs, foods and snacks.

Mark your calendars !!!

๐Ÿ—“  Saturday, Sept 23, 2023

๐Ÿ“ Lorcan Medical College, CMC Square just behind Tsehay real estate

EMSA Lorcan | More than a student!

We believe parents who want to hire tutors or students who seek tutoring should get an easy and convenient access to find top quality tutors.

Call us for every grades and college students

โบโบโžก๏ธJoin Our Telegram Channel

2024/12/19 09:02:50
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