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📝 Top of the noon to all of Role Base dwellers; Rollies! Since we're gonna operating this base as soon as possible and presumably some of you still baffled how this base will work, so we're opening our first question and answer right now.
Drop any questions below and we will answer it piecemeal!

👤 masih gak ngerti, rolebase sama rpfess n kawannya tuh sistem nya gimana deh? kek cabang2an gt

👤 Muse 2D bisa cari temen disini? Atau yang lain kayak West, Thailand or something else..?

👤 mau nanya nihhh, di base ini kalau pm pake chara west gitu ga bisa??

👤 hi kasih alasan coba kenapa aku sebagai aktivis rp harus berbakti di base ini?? but seriously konsep kalian unikk banget

👤 Unique value base menfess ini apa kak kalau boleh dishare?

👤 kenapa sfs prohibited yaa? ;""

👤 tujuan untuk dibentuknya rolebase apaa?

👤 Alasan bikin rolebase apaa?

👤 kira-kira basenya bakalan jadi base menfess atau base promote yaa?

👤 Sistem base nya kayak Apa ya? Beda dari yang lain kah?

👤 sistem dan bedanya dari base yang lain apa ni?

👤 Bedanya sama rpfess sama rpmfs dimana yaa? Atau ini versi gabungnya aja?

👤 ini base menfess atau base promote

👤 Ini sistem menfessnya gimanaa kaaak?

👤 Ini base sama kayak umumnya cuman adminnya role-playing juga ya? Jadi ga beda dunia?

👤 apa yang beda dari base ini dibanding yang lain?

👤 Apa yang buat base ini lebih menarik dari base lainnya, anw kenapa namanya rolebase?

👤 PERTAMA INI BASE UCU ANEUTT SUKAA ❤️❤️ ah iya, apakaah nanti bakalan ada event event jugaa??

👤 What’s most special about you guys?

👤 Sistem adminnya menarik banget

👤 Rulesnya jangan pm dgn wording yang sama beberapa kali, ada max atau batas waktu untuk kirim promote yang sama lagi gak?

👤 beda nya base ini sama base yg lain apa? terus isi nya nanti buat menfess in apaaa????? O____O

👤 Menurut kalian yang bikin Role Base spesial tuhh apaa??

👤 kenapa base ini di buat? pasti ada pertimbangannya dong, what's that, tell us, thank you!

👥 31 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (JAEHYUK)
👤 Kapan open nihh, ada GA ngga KWKWKW perayaan pembukaan sub unit gituu, anyway # gimana?

We will be operating as soon as everything is ready. For now, we do not use any hashtags while we are operating. We will be on duty as soon as everything is ready. Wait for us, Rollies.
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (HANNI)
👤 PERTAMA INI BASE UCU ANEUTT SUKAA ❤️❤️ ah iya, apakaah nanti bakalan ada event event jugaa??

For events, at this time we have not yet crossed our minds what kind of event will be held in the future. Maybe next time, we can hold talks to make a joint event?
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (HANNI)
👤 tujuan untuk dibentuknya rolebase apaa?
👤 Alasan bikin rolebase apaa?

Well, there is no other reason that we can say other than we want to expand the scope for fellow roleplayers looking for relationships. With ROLEBASE, we hope that we can help all our fellow roleplayers, especially Rollies, to build relationships more broadly.
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (CHAEHYUN)
👤 Ini base sama kayak umumnya cuman adminnya role-playing juga ya? Jadi ga beda dunia?

Well, we can't answer this question. We will keep our identity a secret but you can interact with us via bots, don't hesitate, Rollies. 🤍
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (XIAOTING)
👤 Muse 2D bisa cari temen disini? Atau yang lain kayak West, Thailand or something else..?
👤 mau nanya nihhh, di base ini kalau pm pake chara west gitu ga bisa??

We do not limit who can submit bio here. All muses, whoever it is, are free to post their bio here. The most important thing is that the museum is allowed to be used for roleplayer activities and not to be misused.
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (CHAEHYUN)
👤 kenapa sfs prohibited yaa? ;""

We didn't accept the SFS thingy because we avoided spam. And the main purpose of this base is to expand friendship relations, not to find subscribers.
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (JAEHYUK)
👤 Rulesnya jangan pm dgn wording yang sama beberapa kali, ada max atau batas waktu untuk kirim promote yang sama lagi gak?

You can re-read the rules that we have made here https://www.tgoop.com/rolebase/141. The second or third point, we explain that you can only submit once every admin is open.
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (JAEHYUK)
👤 hi kasih alasan coba kenapa aku sebagai aktivis rp harus berbakti di base ini?? but seriously konsep kalian unikk banget

Because you are an aktivis rp so you have to serve here to expand the scope of your friendship???
Forwarded from ROLEBASE’S. (JAEHYUK)
👤 yang bikin spesial dari base ini apaaaa? spill dong!!
👤 Menurut kalian yang bikin Role Base spesial tuhh apaa??
👤 What’s most special about you guys?
👤 Apa yang buat base ini lebih menarik dari base lainnya, anw kenapa namanya rolebase?
👤 apa yang beda dari base ini dibanding yang lain?
👤 tujuan untuk dibentuknya rolebase apaa?
👤 Alasan bikin rolebase apaa?
👤 kira-kira basenya bakalan jadi base menfess atau base promote yaa?
👤 Sistem base nya kayak Apa ya? Beda dari yang lain kah?
👤 sistem dan bedanya dari base yang lain apa ni?
👤 MAUU NANYA, jawab in bahasa yaa kak, so sebenarnya ini base apa sih? kan kalau rpmfs menfess, rpfess bio, kalau kalian?
👤 Bedanya sama rpfess sama rpmfs dimana yaa? Atau ini versi gabungnya aja?
👤 Unique value base menfess ini apa kak kalau boleh dishare?
👤 masih gak ngerti, rolebase sama rpfess n kawannya tuh sistem nya gimana deh? kek cabang2an gt

The most asked questions, quite a lot but we will try to discuss one by one. We only build the base without highlighting the unique side and we don't feel like we have our own uniqueness, we are the same as other bases. We also don't think about whether we have a special side. Or maybe Rollies who can see the 'special side' of our base?

For the name, we got the idea from the word 'role' and it's still related to ROLEPLAY. And coincidentally this is a place for all fellow roleplayers and ROLEBASE is formed.

Literally, ROLEBASE is used to send bio just like RpFess. But we don't use an anonymous system, so you guys use ID/username later. We don't use the comments column either, you can directly send a friendship invitation or whatever it is without having to go through an intermediary. For the differences between the three base, ROLEBASE are different in terms of the operational system and how the admin system runs. ROLEBASE is different from RpFess and RpMfs. Maybe this has answered your curiosity, Rollies?
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"Chained bio" refers to when your bio is aligned with your friends'. Therefore, you can ask us to send your bio, along with those of your friends or family, through this bot, @Robasebot. Don't forget to use the form that we've provided!
Kalau masih ada yang belum paham, pokoknya chained bio itu kalau kamu mau bionya beriringan sama temen-temen kamu.
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Greetings, admin! I kindly request your assistance in aligning our bios. Below is the list of usernames of myself and companions eager to participate in the chained bio:
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Berikut adalah daftar emoji yang terkait dengan agama, keyakinan, dan simbol-simbol keagamaan atau SARA (Suku, Agama, Ras, dan Antargolongan):

Simbol Agama:
Bintang Daud (Yudaisme)
Salib (Kristen)
Salib Ortodoks
Bulan Sabit dan Bintang (Islam)
🕉 Om (Hindu)
🔯 Bintang Enam (mistis, sering dikaitkan dengan okultisme)
🛐 Tempat Ibadah
Roda Dharma (Buddhisme)
Atom (Atheisme/sains)
Yin Yang (Filsafat Tiongkok, Taoisme)
🔱 Trisula (Hinduisme)
🕎 Menorah (Yudaisme)
Torii (Gerbang Kuil Shinto)

Simbol Tempat Ibadah:
🕋 - Ka'bah (Islam)
🕌 - Masjid (Islam)
🕍 - Sinagoga (Yudaisme)
- Gereja (Kristen)
💒 - Gereja Pernikahan
🛕 - Kuil Hindu
- Torii Kuil (Shinto)

Simbol Benda Keagamaan:
📿 Tasbih (Islam, Hindu, Buddha)
📜 Kitab Suci (umum untuk berbagai agama)
🔔 Lonceng (digunakan dalam ritual keagamaan)
🔮 Bola Kristal (simbol mistik/spiritual)
🧿 Nazar (Simbol pelindung dari mata jahat, digunakan dalam beberapa tradisi)
🪬 Hamsa (Secara historis digunakan oleh orang Yahudi dan Muslim untuk menangkal kekuatan jahat "Mata Jahat")
2025/02/15 14:05:08
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