Telegram Web
Buy Sapphire foods at 1550-1570
SL 1300
Target 1700-1800-1900

One can look at devyani intl also
Bnf fut at 46661 looks good for long setup
SL 400 points
Target 2000 points

View for 3 months
Buy laurus labs at 370-380
Add on dips till 340 levels
SL 280
Target 600
State bank of India SBIN Good buy @680-720 Cmp 723 Can add on dips SL 580 Target 800-900 Don’t buy in one go, wait for dips to add. One dip has come today
720 levels to 748 today🀩

It could have fallen also to 700 or even 680 where we would have bought more but it didn’t
Near supprt zones Cmp 340 Adding some qty here
380 from 340
10% up in a day❀️
My average around 350 now
Added at 420/380/340
Happy Holi everyone πŸ–οΈπŸŽ¨β€οΈ
If you want to be a great trader... if you want to be rich and successful and you're not, it's because of one or all of the following:
1. You are not 100% unconditionally committed to your goals and have not made them your #1 priority.
2. You are not fully 100% coachable; you don't shut the fuck up and just listen to those who are massively more successful than you. Why? Because your ego won't allow you to admit you suck!
3. You don't take 100% responsibility for your results... instead, you blame, complain and make excuses. Again, the ego.
4. You are unwilling to go outside your comfort zone and go beyond what is convenient.
5. You're a skeptic.
6. You're lazy and unwilling to work your ass off. As a result, you are inconsistent in taking action.
7. You see failures as reasons to get discouraged, doubt your abilities and give up.
9. You don't truly believe in the power of choice. You feel like a victim or someone who is not in control.

Nifty Apr 4 22500 CE
Cmp 60
Watch only
Target 120-200 levels
SL 25

Risk of 35 points for reward of 60-100 points
2024/06/29 00:16:24
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