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The reclamation of the western steppe from the Asiatic Hordes was a long and costly process that required the blood, sweat and life long dedication of millions of our people over centuries.

The area of Southern Ukraine, the homeland of the Ancient Europeans, from the 5th century became the site of mass settlement by invading Asiatic horse tribes.

The process of reclamation began truly with the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, as well as the Lithuanian invasions into the Golden Horde which took place at the same time. A century later Russians finally freed themselves fully from the Mongol yoke with the Great Stand on the Urga River, while tens of thousands of freedom seeking Ukrainians escaping from Lithuanian serfdom fled to the east, ready to fight Tatars, Nogais and other Asiatic savages for their lives and freedom. In this way the Cossacks were born, and in 1552 their Hetmanate was officially established. The Cossacks existed in an almost constant state of war with the Crimean Tatars (and their Ottoman allies), who launched constant attacks and slave raids, until Crimea was totally pacified in the late 18th century.

Less then 2 decades later in 1568 Russia reached the borders of the Crimean Khaganate and the Nogai Horde and began a series of 12 Russo-Turkish wars between the 16th and 19th centuries.

In 1593 Poland also joined in the effort, engaging in the Moldavian Magnate Wars to attempt to free Romania from Ottoman occupation. This would lead to an almost permanent state of war with the Turks & Crimean Tatars until 1613. After this Poland would fight 5 more wars in the 17th century against the Turks & the Tatars.

The reconquest gained significant pace in the 18th century. 2 Serbian frontier districts, Nova Srbija and Slavosrbija, were created in the mid 18th century as more land was gained from the Turks by the Russian army and the Zaporyzhian Sich. Settlers from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania also arrived in significant numbers. In 1868-74 the last major confrontation was fought, shown in the image above, when Russian Army and the Zaporozhian Cossacks finally defeated the Tatars/Turks and drove them out of Northern Europe for good. In 1783 Crimea was officially annexed, the Crimean slave trade was ended and the process of clearing out Crimea and resettling it with Slavs finally began.

In a cruel mockery of the combined struggle of the whole Slavic people, Putin seeks to undo in a few decades what we bled for centuries to achieve. Ukrainians in the region, the descendants of the Zaporozhian Sich and of Balkan volunteers who fought to clear the Tatars from Europe, are to be driven out and replaced with Islamic migration from Central Asia and the Caucasus. The local Russians who Putin is supposedly there to protect will not get a say in this transformation, like everywhere else in Russia it will be imposed on them and illegal to criticise.
The document above, from 1920, is a an execution order from the Polish 4th army for a list of people found guilty of supporting the Red Army during the Polish-Soviet War.

Every name on the list is Jewish.
The Jewish character of communism was something well known at the time in Poland, after all 6/9 leaders of the SKPL, the predecessor to the Polish communist party, were Jewish, and when the Polish communist party was formed in 1918, 3/4 of its leaders were Jewish.

It is for this reason that Polish Army took actions against Jews from 1918-20, as the Jewish population was constantly involved in sabotaging the Polish War effort. The foreign press spun these as pogroms, causing certain voices in the west to call for an embargo on Poland (you can imagine who these certain voices more concerned about Polish antisemitism than the USSR were).

Woodrow Wilson sent Henry Morgenthau (Jew) to Poland on July 13 1919, conveniently 10 days after the start of Denikins Moscow offensive against the Bolsheviks which started July 3. After this Morgenthau published his report accusing the Polish army of anti semitic attacks on the Jewish Population. The Morgenthau Report was later discredited by a more thorough report by Edgar Jadwin & Homer Johnson, which showed that the Polish actions were justified. But this was after the fact, and the always pro-Jewish Anglo-American press had already chosen their narrative.

It was under these justifications that Britain and America made threats to Poland not to advance east in 1919, which would have lead to the success of Denikins Moscow offensive (at the same time that Judenitch’s Petrograd offensive against the soviets was successful until being sabotaged by the British). The British and Americans instead constantly attempted to force Poland to accept the Curzon line and to normalise relations with the Soviets. Piłsudski actually supported this anyway as he also preferred the Communists to the Whites behind closed doors, but the western pressure made his inaction more justifiable in Poland.

A better leader, perhaps Dmowski, could have ignored the Western Pressure and threats (of allowing Germany to reoccupy Wielkopolska & Upper Silesia) as the French were still firmly on the Polish side and had sent Ferdinand Foch to facilitate a Polish lead anti Soviet coalition. But unfortunately this isn’t the way things turned out.

However, even Piłsudski’s Kiev offensive in 1920, which had no possibility of overthrowing the Soviets but could have freed Ukraine, was portrayed in the West as a Polish aggression (despite being supported by the Ukrainian government and army) and was met only with more pressure on Poland to negotiate.

Finally in 1921, the Western allies lead by Britain pressured Poland, against the wishes of Piłsudski, into signing the peace of Riga, a treaty which even many at the time realised would probably doom Poland to certain partition in the future between Germany and the Soviets.
Slovjanska informacja
The Jewish character of communism was something well known at the time in Poland, after all 6/9 leaders of the SKPL, the predecessor to the Polish communist party, were Jewish, and when the Polish communist party was formed in 1918, 3/4 of its leaders were…
Leading figures of the SKPL:

Rosa Luxembourg 🇮🇱

Felix Dzerzhinsky 🇵🇱 (szlachcik)

Leo Jogiches 🇮🇱

Julian Marchlewski 🇵🇱🇩🇪(szlachcik)

Adolf Warski 🇮🇱

Karol Sobelsohn 🇮🇱

Leon Unszlicht 🇮🇱

Kazimierz Cichowski 🇵🇱 (szlachcik)

Jacob Furstenberg 🇮🇱

Founding leaders of the Polish Communist Party:

Maksymilian Horwitz 🇮🇱

Paweł Lewinson 🇮🇱

Adolf Warski 🇮🇱

Maria Koszutska 🇵🇱
Another classic from the Indian Scammer Right.

Fox News is worried that young people are “asking for unreasonable compensation” from employers.

Perhaps more H1B Indians should be brought until these ungrateful youths learn their place and accept 2 year unpaid internships.
Slovjanska informacja
The Putin regime would never restrict the flow of the over a million non white Islamic migrants per year into Russia for racial or cultural reasons. But if Russia does another intervention against Sunnis in Syria, and this time they are also on the side of…
Alternatively, considering the tone of Russian media, the possibility that the Russian government could offer mass asylum to almost 3 million Syrian Alawites seems to be something increasingly possible.

Alawites would make the perfect immigrants for the Putin regime because they are brown, secular, and would be totally loyal to Putinism and Eurasianism. Since they are also relatively educated and operated the Syrian state bureaucracy they could probably also be used to further replace Russians in the state bureaucracy.

Such a migration wave would be a catastrophe for Slavic Russians and would further entrench the Putin regimes control, which already depends on the presence of a large Churka population for regime security against Slavic Nationalists
Recently, Keith Woods has caused a stir among the nationalist right with a series of articles criticising traditional beliefs held in nationalist circles. First he praised Elon Musk and other members of the Indian Scammer Right.

Ok, he is not the only person to fall into this trap, though he is wrong

Then he criticised the far right’s focus on WW2/Hitlerism, specifically in response to Joel Davis and the Australian NSN.

Ok, again there is an argument for this. But why didn’t he bring this up before he was getting retweets from Musk?

Then we get to the reason I made this post, the image above. He claims only 1/15 members of the first Bolshevik government were Jewish. This is a lie. He cites the composition of SOVNARKOM, a lower body responsible for day to day administrative tasks, which later became the governing body of the RFSSR. The 15 peoples commissars of SOVNARKOM were subordinate to the Central Committee, an easily accessible fact which Keith surely knows.

So why is Keith Woods intentionally lying?
In 2011 , Aleksey Konstantinovich Levykin, director of the Moscow State Historical Museum, published a letter from Lenin’s sister to Stalin, calling on Stalin to publish the fact that her grandfather (and Lenin’s grandfather) was a Jew “to help combat antisemitism.” Stalin of course refused, realising it would have the opposite effect. As such, for a century, until 2011, stating the fact that Lenin was part Jewish was viewed as some kind of anti semitic conspiracy theory.

This is a common problem in Russia. Even today, Sergei Lavrov (Kalantaryan) is listed as an ethnic Russian on the Russian government website, and it required independent research to establish the now accepted fact that his father is an Armenian.

We must wonder with the case of Lenin, how many other Jewish/Noviop communists in the Bolshevik government were listed as Russian? We know it is the case for the Jew Nikolay Krestinsky, for example. But how many others? This is how we have such varied estimates of the Jewish share of the first Soviet Government, though even just using the most limited estimates and counting only confirmed Jews, it is clear that Jews outnumbered Slavs.

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Zmago Jelinčič, leader of Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka, says Slovenians should be the master of their own lands. He asks “are we really such cattle” as to allow a negro to become the mayor of Piran? (Piran is a costal town in Slovenia)
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Polish policeman warns that you should accompany drunk women to the toilet in bars for their safety.

He gives an example of what can happen otherwise, a case where a 36 year old Kyrghiz migrants went into female toilets in a Polish bar and raped a drunk Belarusian girl.

Wouldn’t it be better to deal with the situation by not having Kyrghiz migrants in Poland from the beginning?
Forwarded from Eurointel (СС)
Why is the response every time Putin does something bad “but the West did that too.”

Isn’t Russia supposed to be better than the West? We never get positive attributes of Putinism (there aren’t any), all we ever hear is “he’s better than Yeltsin” and “well it’s worse in the west.”

What kind of metric is this? Imagine a US politician in the Cold War was running the country into the ground and his only excuse was “well it’s better than in the USSR.” Do you think people would accept such a justification?
Slovjanska informacja
A week ago we asked you for a name to describe the Putin regime, the same way we have ZOG for the US. Which one do you prefer?

1. NKVD - Noviop Communist Owned State

2. CHORKA - Red Occupation Regime of Communist Apparatchiks

3. PIDOR - Putinist-Internationaliat Deslavicising occupation regime
The peak of Indian Scammer Rightism is constantly calling leftists cucked and unmasculine, while simping for other men who surround themselves with harems of your women.

And this is obviously not an isolated incident, I don’t need to list all the times it happens (Tate etc.)
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Mentzen says that “ideally” he would scrap 800+, a programme introduced by PiS to increase Polish birth rates. Meanwhile, Mentzen has shown no opposition to legal mass migration from Asia.

Why is Bosak supporting this libertarian clown? The membership of Ruch Narodowy should be asking Bosak this and asking their local RN representatives. Every politician should be made to answer for this, so we have a clear list for the future of who supports brown immigration to Poland and who doesn’t.
2025/03/29 11:33:37
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