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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 22-03-2022

1. ACCESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुलभ): approachable
Synonyms: available easy-going
Antonyms: unapproachable
Example Sentence:
He is more accessible than most tycoons.

2. INTELLECTUAL (ADJECTIVE): (बौद्धिक): mental
Synonyms: cerebral, cognitive
Antonyms: physical
Example Sentence:
Children need intellectual stimulation.

3. REPUDIATION (NOUN): (अस्वीकृति): rejection
Synonyms: renunciation, abandonment
Antonyms: confirmation, ratification
Example Sentence:
The breach is not so serious as to amount to a repudiation of the whole contract.

4. NUTRITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (पौष्टिक): nourishing
Synonyms: nutritive, wholesome
Antonyms: unwholesome
Example Sentence:
Home-cooked burgers make a nutritious meal.

5. SCOURGE (NOUN): (अभिशाप): affliction
Synonyms: bane, curse
Antonyms: blessing
Example Sentence:
India is facing the scourge of mass unemployment.

6. MERCILESS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्मम): ruthless
Synonyms: remorseless, pitiless
Antonyms: merciful
Example Sentence:
His murder merciless attack with a blunt instrument.

7. ADVENT (NOUN): (आगमन): arrival
Synonyms: appearance, emergence
Antonyms: departure
Example Sentence:
The advent of email has simultaneously brought our society closer together and farther apart.

8. UNERRING (ADJECTIVE): (अचूक): unfailing
Synonyms: infallible unswerving
Antonyms: fallible
Example Sentence:
His sense of direction is unerring.

9. SEIZE (VERB): (पकड़ना): grab
Synonyms: grasp, snatch
Antonyms: let go of
Example Sentence:
She jumped up and seized his arm.

10. FRAIL (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्बल): infirm
Synonyms: weak, weakened
Antonyms: strong
Example Sentence:
He gave the frail woman a hug.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 23-03-2022

1. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (ज़ोर देना): emphasize
Synonyms: highlight, underline
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:
His company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.

2. CONVOLUTED (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): complicated
Synonyms: complex, involved
Antonyms: simple
Example Sentence:
The film is let down by a convoluted plot in which nothing really happens.

3. DEBILITATE (VERB): (दुर्बल करना): weakening
Synonyms: enfeebling, enervating
Antonyms: restorative
Example Sentence:
He was severely debilitated by a stomach upset.

4. TREACHEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (खतरनाक): dangerous
Synonyms: hazardous, perilous
Antonyms: safe
Example Sentence:
A holidaymaker was swept away by treacherous currents.

5. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
The goal is to augment social interactions during collaborative learning.

6. ABDICATE (VERB): (सत्ता त्यागना): resign
Synonyms: retire, quit
Antonyms: accept
Example Sentence:
In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.

7. EXPEL (VERB): (निष्कासित करना): bar
Synonyms: throw out, ban
Antonyms: admit
Example Sentence:
She was expelled from school.

8.REMARKABLE (ADJECTIVE): (असाधारण): extraordinary
Synonyms: exceptional amazing
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:
Meeting him again was a remarkable coincidence.

9. UNDOUBTEDLY (ADVERB): (निस्संदेह): doubtless
Synonyms: doubtlessly, no doubt
Antonyms: possibly
Example Sentence:
They are undoubtedly guilty.

10.DORMANT (ADJECTIVE): (निष्क्रिय): asleep
Synonyms: sleeping, slumbering
Antonyms: awake, inactive
Example Sentence:
That dormant urge to write fiction has re-emerged.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 24-03-2022

1. RECURRENT (ADJECTIVE): (पुनरावृत्त): repeated
Synonyms: recurring, repetitive
Antonyms: isolated
Example Sentence:
She had a recurrent dream about falling.

2.SCATHING (ADJECTIVE): (हानि पहुंचाने वाला): devastating
Synonyms: withering, blistering
Antonyms: mild
Example Sentence:
She launched a scathing attack on the PM.

3. REMORSE (NOUN): (पछतावा): contrition
Synonyms: repentance, penitence
Antonyms: indifference
Example Sentence:
They all were filled with remorse and shame.

4. NOVEL (ADJECTIVE): (नया): new
Synonyms: original unusual
Antonyms: old
Example Sentence:
He hit on a novel idea to solve his financial problems.

5. ABROGATE (VERB): (अभिनिषेध करना): repudiate
Synonyms: revoke, repeal
Antonyms: institute
Example Sentence:
It has been proposed to temporarily abrogate the right to strike.

6. INDUCE (VERB): (मनाना): persuade
Synonyms: convince, get
Antonyms: dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced many workers to stay away.

7.GROSS (ADJECTIVE) (ज़ाहिर): flagrant
Synonyms: blatant, glaring
Antonyms: minor
Example Sentence:
They faced gross human rights abuses.

8. BIAS (NOUN): (पक्षपात): prejudice
Synonyms: partiality, partisanship
Antonyms: objectivity
Example Sentence:
There was evidence of bias against foreign applicants.

9.DISCREPANCY (NOUN): (विसंगति): inconsistency
Synonyms: difference disparity
Antonyms: similarity, consistency
Example Sentence:
There is a discrepancy between your account and his.

10.CONCUR (VERB) (सहमत होना): agree
Synonyms: accord, go along
Antonyms: disagree
Example Sentence:
The authors concurred with the majority.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 26-03-2022

1.ALLIED (ADJECTIVE): (संबंधी): associated
Synonyms: related, connected
Antonyms: unrelated
Example Sentence:
Members of the medical and allied professions were gathered.

2.DEPLOY (VERB): (तैनात करना): position
Synonyms: station, post
Antonyms: concentrate
Example Sentence:
Forces were deployed at strategic locations.

3.ENTANGLE (VERB): (शामिल करना): involve
Synonyms: implicate, embroil
Antonyms: steer clear of
Example Sentence:
They were suspicious of becoming entangled in a civil war.

4.DISASSEMBLE (VERB): (विघटित करना): dismantle
Synonyms: take apart, pull apart
Antonyms: assemble, put together
Example Sentence:
The piston can be disassembled for transport.

5.EVASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (टालने वाला): prevaricating
Synonyms: elusive, ambiguous
Antonyms: frank
Example Sentence:
She was evasive about her phone number.

6.VIGOUR (NOUN): (शक्ति): robustness
Synonyms: hardiness, strength
Antonyms: weakness
Example Sentence:
They set about the new task with vigour.

7.INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (छिटपुट): sporadic
Synonyms: irregular, fitful
Antonyms: continuous
Example Sentence:
Intermittent rains are very annoying.

8.NOTEWORTHY (ADJECTIVE): (स्मरणीय): notable
Synonyms: interesting, significant
Antonyms: unexceptional, boring
Example Sentence:
The policy has some noteworthy features.

9.ENFORCE (VERB): (लागू करना): compulsory
Synonyms: obligatory, mandatory
Antonyms: voluntary
Example Sentence:
There is no outside agency to enforce cooperation between the players.

10.PERIL(NOUN): (खतरा): danger
Synonyms: jeopardy risk
Antonyms: safety
Example Sentence:
You could well place us both in peril.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 28-03-2022

1.UNLIKELY (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): improbable
Synonyms: not likely, doubtful
Antonyms: likely
Example Sentence:
He gave an unlikely explanation for his deed.

2.TARNISH (VERB): (मैला करना): sully
Synonyms: besmirch, blacken
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:
His regime had not been tarnished by human rights abuses.

3.CONTEMPT (NOUN): (अनादर): disrespect
Synonyms: disregard, slighting
Antonyms: respect
Example Sentence:
This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority.

4.DESPOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (तानाशाही): autocratic
Synonyms: dictatorial, totalitarian
Antonyms: democratic
Example Sentence:
Obeying no law, despotic authority was arbitrary, and its animating spirit was fear.

5.REPRESSION (NOUN): (दमन): suppression
Synonyms: quelling, quashing
Antonyms: freedom
Example Sentence:
Students sparked off events that ended in brutal repression.

6.THRIFTY (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकी): provident
Synonyms: prudent, canny
Antonyms: profligate
Example Sentence:
He had been brought up to be thrifty

7.UPHOLD (VERB): (पुष्टि करना): confirm
Synonyms: endorse, sustain
Antonyms: overturn
Example Sentence:
The court upheld his claim for damages.

8.MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): spiteful
Synonyms: malevolent, hostile
Antonyms: benevolent
Example Sentence:
He was found guilty of malicious damage.

9.CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (निंदात्मक): censorious
Synonyms: condemnatory, condemning
Antonyms: complimentary
Example Sentence:
I was very critical of the previous regime.

10. ABOMINATION (NOUN): (घृणा): detestation
Synonyms: loathing, hatred
Antonyms: liking
Example Sentence:
The law faces abomination if it runs against the public interest.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 29-03-2022

1.DISPERSE (VERB): (बिखेर देना): scatter
Synonyms: disseminate distribute
Antonyms: gather
Example Sentence:
Storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes.

2.OPAQUE (ADJECTIVE): (गैर-पारदर्शी): non-transparent
Synonyms: cloudy, filmy
Antonyms: transparent
Example Sentence:
All the bottles were filled with a pale opaque liquid.

3.CALAMITY (NOUN): (आपदा): disaster
Synonyms: catastrophe, tragedy
Antonyms: godsend
Example Sentence:
Emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity.

4.MENACE (VERB): (ख़तरे में डालना): threaten
Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
Antonyms: friendly, auspicious
Example Sentence:
Africa's elephants are still menaced by poaching.

5.TORMENT (NOUN): (व्यथा): agony
Synonyms: suffering, torture
Antonyms: pleasure
Example Sentence:
Their deaths have left both families in torment.

6.DETRIMENT (NOUN): (क्षति): harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit, good
Example Sentence:
He sits up very late to the detriment of his health.

7.OBFUSCATE (VERB): (अस्पष्ट करना): obscure
Synonyms: confuse, blur
Antonyms: clarify
Example Sentence:
She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue

8. FACTION (NOUN): (कलह): infighting
Synonyms: dissension, dissent
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:
The council is increasingly split by faction.

9.UTTERLY (ADVERB): (पूर्णता से): completely
Synonyms: totally, absolutely
Antonyms: partly
Example Sentence:
He looked utterly ridiculous.

10.CLAMOUR (NOUN): (कोलाहल): din
Synonyms: racket, uproar
Antonyms: silence
Example Sentence:
The questions rose to a clamour.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 30-03-2022

1.UNDERSCORE (VERB): (बल देना): highlight
Synonyms: underline, emphasize
Antonyms: understate
Example Sentence:
The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.

2.TRANSIENT (ADJECTIVE): (क्षणिक): transitory
Synonyms: temporary, short-lived
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:
There is a transient population of thousands of visitors during the year.

3.UNLEASH (VERB): (मुक्त करना): release
Synonyms: free, loose
Antonyms: restrain
Example Sentence:
They dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them.

4.ILLICIT (ADJECTIVE): (अवैध): illegal
Synonyms: unlawful, illegitimate
Antonyms: licit
Example Sentence:
The junkie had a liking for the more illicit things in life.

5.PREDILECTION (NOUN): (अनुराग): liking
Synonyms: fondness, preference
Antonyms: dislike
Example Sentence:
My predilection for Asian food is very strong.

6.SEVER (VERB): (क्रम तोड़ना): break off
Synonyms: discontinue, suspend
Antonyms: maintain
Example Sentence:
The notice itself may be sufficient to sever the joint tenancy.

7.INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (अनिवार्य): binding
Synonyms: obligatory, mandatory
Antonyms: optional
Example Sentence:
The government realized that it was incumbent on them to act.

8.RANCOUR (NOUN): (नफरत): spite
Synonyms: bitterness, hate
Antonyms: amicability
Example Sentence:
He spoke without rancor.

9.OVERWHELMING (ADJECTIVE): (भारी): profuse
Synonyms: enormous, immense
Antonyms: small
Example Sentence:
His party won overwhelming support.

10. DISTINCT (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): discrete
Synonyms: separate individual
Antonyms: indistinct
Example Sentence:
The gallery is divided into five distinct spaces.
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 31-03-2022

1. FUNDAMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (मूलभूत): basic
Synonyms: foundational, rudimentary
Antonyms: secondary
Example Sentence:
He worked hard for the protection of fundamental human rights.

2.PALTRY (ADJECTIVE): (बेकार): worthless
Synonyms: petty, trivial
Antonyms: important
Example Sentence:
Naval glory struck him as paltry.

3.SUSTAIN (VERB): (आराम पहुंचाना): comfort
Synonyms: help, assist
Antonyms: torment
Example Sentence:
A particular thought had sustained him throughout the years.

4.DISASTROUS (ADJECTIVE): (प्रलयंकर): catastrophic
Synonyms: calamitous, cataclysmic
Antonyms: fortunate
Example Sentence:
A disastrous fire swept through the museum.

5. BOLSTER (VERB): (मजबूत बनाना): strengthen
Synonyms: support, reinforce
Antonyms: undermine
Example Sentence:
The fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence.

6.COMPASSIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (करुणामय): pitying
Synonyms: sympathetic, empathetic
Antonyms: indifferent
Example Sentence:
I allowed him to go home on compassionate grounds.

7.DETER (VERB): (रोकना): prevent
Synonyms: stop, put a stop to
Antonyms: encourage
Example Sentence:
Strategists think not only about how to deter war, but about how war might occur.

8.STERN (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर): serious
Synonyms: unsmiling, frowning
Antonyms: genial
Example Sentence:
A smile transformed his stern face.

9.SHUN (VERB): (बचना): avoid
Synonyms: evade, eschew
Antonyms: accept
Example Sentence:
She shunned fashionable society.

10.HOSTILE (ADJECTIVE): (विपक्षी): opposed
Synonyms: averse, antagonistic
Antonyms: in favour of
Example Sentence:
People are very hostile to the idea.
2024/10/03 00:27:32
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