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A two day experience sharing and solidarity forum on women in peace process and policy advocacy concluded

A two day #experience sharing and #solidarity forum on #women in peace process and #policy advocacy organized by #TIMRAN in collaboration with #GIZ- Civil Peace Service (CPS) held from February 26-27, 2025 @skylight hotel, Addis Ababa concluded.

In the first day of the event Betelhem Alem, TIMRAN senior program officer, welcomed the participants and briefly introduced the agendas and the aim of the workshop within the two day event.

On her opening remark TIMRAN Executive Directress, Eyerusalem Solomon, said TIMRAN established five years ago to advance #women’s participation in politics and public decision-making in Ethiopia regardless of their political opinion or party affiliation. She noted that TIMRAN contributed to the #national peace building process through different #women peace initiatives including work for #meaningful representation of women in the #Ethiopian National Dialogue process, #advocate the cause, #monitor the process and able to achieve #30% quota for women in the process. Besides, she strives to women meaningful representation in the #transitional justice process. Lastly, she asked the participants to actively participate and share their experiences on #women peace advocacy strategy development.

The event facilitator and consultant, Selamawit Menkir provided insights into key peace process concepts, including #dialogue, #negotiation, #mediation, and #reconciliation to achieve lasting peace. She emphasized the critical need for women’s meaningful participation in all levels of peace processes in both formal negotiations with government and international actors and informal peacebuilding efforts led by CSOs, religious leaders, and women’s groups. She also highlighted that multi-stakeholder engagement and trust-building are key to sustainable peace. And emphasized the need for #national peace processes, strategies and documents to be #trauma-informed, #conflict-sensitive, and #human rights based principled. She highlighted the importance of creating safe spaces for women and #building their capacity to actively and meaningfully participate in peace processes.

The event brought together #women ambassadors, #parliamentarians, #government office representatives, #media practitioners, #CSOs leaders, #women federation and association heads, Gender advocates as well as #child parliamentarians. Participants actively engaged in the experience-sharing workshop and contributed valuable insights toward developing an #Advocacy strategy document aimed at enhancing women's participation in high-level peace processes, including peace talks, mediation, negotiations, and arbitration at the national level.

On her closing remark, GIZ-CPS International Peace Advisor, Marsha Linnartz, said the experience sharing and solidarity forum on women in peace process and policy advocacy provided a valuable platform to build #networks, foster #collaboration, and strengthen #solidarity. She emphasized that such initiatives are essential for advancing women’s meaningful representation in peace processes and ensuring their meaningful participation in decision-making.

We must ensure equal rights, power, and opportunities for women, to guarantee that they are not left behind!
#TIMRAN@5 #elida_ethiopia #acdd_channel #UKinEthiopia
የነገውን ትውልድ በተለይም ሴቶችንና ልጃገረዶችን ማብቃት ፍትሐዊ ማኅበረሰብ ለማፍራት ወሳኝ እርምጃ ነው!
Empowerment of the next generation, particularly young women and adolescent girls is vital to achieve a just society!
ተባብረን ሴቶች ድምፃቸው የሚሰማበትን፣ ሕልማቸው እውን የሚሆንበትንና አቅም ችሎታዎቻቸው ሁሉ ወደ ተግባር የሚለወጡበትን መንገዶች መፍጠር እንችላለን!
Together, we can create pathways for women’s voices to be heard, their dreams to be realized, and their potential to be fully unleashed!
የሥርዓተ ጾታ እኩልነት ከምኞት ባሻገር ለሁሉም እኩል የሚሆንባትን ዓለም ለመፍጠር በጋራ እንቁም!
Let us stand united in creating a world where gender equality is not an aspiration but a reality for all!
TIMRAN organized a two-days training on Gender in Transitional Justice
TIMRAN, in collaboration with the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), organized a two-days training on Gender in Transitional Justice, held from March 6-7, 2025, in Addis Ababa.
Nearly 20 women from diverse backgrounds—including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, academics, media professionals, gender and human rights advocates, and development and policy experts—participated in the training. The session aimed to challenge the narrative that women are not capable of leading in the transitional justice process.
TIMRAN's ongoing efforts will focus on advocating for the selection of women to take leadership roles in Ethiopia's Transitional Justice bodies, ensuring a more inclusive and equitable process.
#WomenInLeadership #TransitionalJustice #GenderEquality #TIMRAN@5 #CFLI #Ethiopia
Women in politics: 2025
The “Women in politics: 2025” map, created by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women, presents new data for women in executive positions and national parliaments as of 1 January 2025. These data illustrate men’s overrepresentation in decision-making worldwide, thereby slowing down the achievement of equality between women and men in politics.
Women serve as Heads of State and/or Government in only 25 countries and make up 27.2 per cent of Members of Parliament. Globally, less than one in four cabinet ministers is a woman (22.9 per cent). The 2025 map shows that, while women lead important human rights, gender equality, and social protection policy portfolios, men dominate policy areas like foreign affairs, financial and fiscal affairs, home affairs, and defense. ( #TIMRAN@5
2025/03/12 06:29:56
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