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opreq kaya gini
kirim ke @bieeafbot #EPEXERGASíA :>
chr :
nn :
id :
kirim ke @bieeafbot #EPEXERGASíA :>
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hlo brok, first w arrbie ini pertama kalinya w ngonten di tsa krna w admn edit yg gbt trs ngonten aowkaoako, okeh jadi kali ini w bakal ngajarin kalian / sebutan kece nya 'editing class'
nah w bakal ngajarin bikin icons kaya di atas, gatau namanya apaan yg penting icons👽👽
nah w bakal ngajarin bikin icons kaya di atas, gatau namanya apaan yg penting icons👽👽
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01. apk yg gue pake ibispaint, pilih yg kotak trs ke tanda kuas pilih yang gambarnya 'FX'
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02. nah nanti bakal muncul kaya gini, pilih opsi yang 'draw' pilih yang 'gradasi konsetris' abistu atur aja kaya gini, warna nya bisa di ganti lo mau nya gimana
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03. tambahin foto, pencet tanda kamera, btw sunoo nya ganteng akwkoak ok kembali ke topik, kalo udah tambahin efek lagi dan pilih opsi 'gaya' dan ke 'bersinar(luar)' setingan nya liat aja
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04. tambahin material nanti gue kasi di terakhir, sama kaya tadi pencet tanda kamera lalu layer nya di pindahin, tambahin layer lagi taro paling atas, pilih brush 'berlian cerah' scoll aja nanti pasti ketemu, abistu di anuin trs tambahin text gue pake font 'Soooafresh'
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05. layer tadi tambahin efek 'bersinar' setingan nya liat aja, tambahi layer again, pake brush 'hati kelip' n warna item
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06. ituin lope nya tadi ke pinggir pinggir, kalo udah pencet titik tiga abistu pilih opsi 'hapus putih' kalo udah pencet alpha lock ganti warna nya jadi putih/terserah lo mau warna apa, turunin opasitas nya jadi 54% n TADA JADI
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ㅤ • • ───── ✦✶✦ ───── • •
𝐌assive 𝐒alutations 𝐓elelings! Now,
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐀 looking for new team.
before becoming part of us, please read the
general rules and look at the rules below, tap
each division to find out.
ㅤ • • ───── ✦✶✦ ───── • •
ㅤ • • ───── ✦✶✦ ───── • •
𝐌assive 𝐒alutations 𝐓elelings! Now,
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐀 looking for new team.
before becoming part of us, please read the
general rules and look at the rules below, tap
each division to find out.
ㅤ • • ───── ✦✶✦ ───── • •
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ 𝐓 𝐑 𝐈 𝐒 𝐔 𝐋 𝐀
ㅤ ─━─━─━ ⍦ ─━─━─━
ℳassive 𝐒alutations
𝐓elelings ! we are TRIDENT
for new members.
obey the rules below and
join with us.
⍦. subs our channel
⍦. talkactive issa+++.
⍦. only boys.
⍦. share this format to 7 lpm
for reference ( @listlpm )
⍦. put "
⍦. dating between fellow
members in the group is
strictly prohibited.
done all? contact our bot @trisulaofficialbot with the format below
Regards, all team Trisula.
ㅤ ─━─━─━ ⍦ ─━─━─━
ℳassive 𝐒alutations
𝐓elelings ! we are TRIDENT
for new members.
obey the rules below and
join with us.
⍦. subs our channel
⍦. talkactive issa+++.
⍦. only boys.
⍦. share this format to 7 lpm
for reference ( @listlpm )
⍦. put "
" on your dn. ⍦. dating between fellow
members in the group is
strictly prohibited.
done all? contact our bot @trisulaofficialbot with the format below
'@. ready to take spear and ready become a warrior of trident '
Regards, all team Trisula.
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Excuse me, your order icons has been approved by The King. please take the goods at @galeribeee
just for personal use [ #EPEXERGASíA ]
just for personal use [ #EPEXERGASíA ]
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Media is too big
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ 𝐓 𝐑 𝐈 𝐒 𝐔 𝐋 𝐀
ㅤ ─━─━─━ ⍦ ─━─━─━
ℳassive 𝐒alutations
𝐓elelings ! we are TRIDENT
for new members.
obey the rules below and
join with us.
⍦. subs our channel
⍦. talkactive issa+++.
⍦. only boys.
⍦. share this format to 7 lpm
for reference ( @listlpm )
⍦. put dn "
⍦. dating between fellow
members in the group is
strictly prohibited.
done all? contact our bot @trisulaofficialbot with the format below
ㅤ ─━─━─━ ⍦ ─━─━─━
ℳassive 𝐒alutations
𝐓elelings ! we are TRIDENT
for new members.
obey the rules below and
join with us.
⍦. subs our channel
⍦. talkactive issa+++.
⍦. only boys.
⍦. share this format to 7 lpm
for reference ( @listlpm )
⍦. put dn "
" in your bio. ⍦. dating between fellow
members in the group is
strictly prohibited.
done all? contact our bot @trisulaofficialbot with the format below
'@. ready to take spear and ready become a warrior of trident '